Status: Working on. Have school.

Love Me Like on the Song on Radio

Bridget Maire Purdy

Today was Jayk's and I's 4 year anniversary. He said that I'd need to be cute all day then wear the dress he bought me yesterday. I woke up next to my man I turned around and saw Jayk smileing at me.

"Well hello my beautiful lady."
"Hello to you my sexy lover." He smiled and kissed me.
"Are you gunna get ready for our GREAT day."
"Yes hunnybear I'll get up and get ready fr our GREAT day."

I got up and got in the shower and got ready. Jayk got in the shower after me and it took him FOREVER to do his hair. After we were both ready he took me out to his car and put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Jayk where on earth are you takeing me?"
"You'll just have to wait and see." I know he was smirking I could hear it the way he was talking.

The car finaly stopped and I heard Jayk's door open and he got out and then I felt my door being open. I stept out of the car holding Jayk's hand and he took the blindfold off and showed me amuesments park. There was no one eles there.

"Did you rent this out for us?"
"Yes untill like 3 or 4."

I smiled and kissed him. The first ride we went to was the yo-yo. After awhile he wanted to play games so he could win me a stuffed animal. He won me 4 different stuffed animals.

He won me 2 zebra's, 1 panda bear, and a blue teady bear. We were done going on rides and playing games. He brought me back to the girl's and I's house.

"Be ready at 8. K. Wear the dress I bought you k.'
"Yes hunnybear I will. I love you."
"I love you 2 baby."

I looked at my phone and it said 6. I got ready and after my shower and stared on my hair. Next I got going on my make-up, then put on my dress and shoes, looked at my phone and it said One New Message and the time was 7:55. I read the text and it was from Jayk it said

"I hope your ready cause I'm coming to get you Beautiful Lady <3."

I was sitting on the couch waiting for him to come.(The girls were out with the boys.) I heard a knock at the door and I got up an answered it. It was Jayk I gave him a big hug and a kiss. We walked to his car and he put a blindfold on me AGAIN.

"Jayk is this really needed?"
"Yes my lady you can't see where we are going."

We started driveing and he was playing my favirote cd. It was the cd I made him back when he would ever go on tour alot (now they don't go on tours alot but they still do ALOT). It was a bunch of songs that I liked and that he liked and that remided me of him and ones he told me reminded him of me and our songs and songs I tought were going describeing Jayk and I.

"Jayk I love this cd. How do you still have this."
"I just do . We're almost there."

The car comes to a stop. Jayk gets out and opens my door. I hold onto him so that I won't fall.He stops us and tells me to take off the blindfold.

"OMG Jayk this a AMAZING."
"Well it's gotta be amazing for an amazing girl :D."

He brought me over to the table where he had a pretty lights and our dinner. We were talking and eating I was telling him how amazing this was and its was amazing. Next thing I hear is Jayk's and I's song.

"May I have this dance my lady?"
"Yes my kinda sir."

We were dancing to our song when all of a sudden it stop right in the chorus.

"Why'd the music stop Jayk?"
"Because sweetie I wanna talk to you."

Oh no he's gunna dump me. AFTER 4 YEARS. omfg. I noticed he was down on one knee I was in tears now knowing what was happening.

"Bridget Maire Lagge, Will you Marry Me?"

We drove home and I was so happy I probly couldn't get the smile off my face if I tried. My name sounds good as Bridget Maire Purdy. We got to the guys house (the girls were there now). Jayk and I came in and I screamed and EVERYONE looked at me like I was weird.


After that the girls all looked at my ring and told me is was beautiful and all the guys all man hugged Jayk. I went to bed with Jayk and thinking that I'm gunna marry Jayk.
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hope you like it. hope to get more readers and stuff like that