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Signs Of Love

Lasagna and Cookie Dough(Chapter 1)(Raydio's POV)

I sat in the back of the ASL class, it was a blow off, just needing an easy ‘A’. Mrs. Chancellor was trying to get the kids out of their comfort zone. “It’s like using your hands while actually speaking a language! C’mon, it’s English in a different form!”

“Yeah, it makes me want to almost kill myself.” One kid, who I didn’t know the name of said. I cringed, locking my jaw in place. It’s not like I could actually say anything to him.

Mrs. Chancellor looked at my expression and sent him out. He had a wide smirk on his face, getting what he wanted. I turned my face away from the class. I could feel her eyes bore into me, she felt sorry. It’s not what I wanted.

Since it was the first day of school, the students were crazier than ever. I stepped onto the bus and took the first seat next to the door. I started writing in a journal I’d bought to document my existence here on planet Earth.

“What? Is this like your diary or something?” The boy spat in my face and laughed as he ripped the pages and threw the debris at him. It was the same kid from ASL. Don’t cry, I told myself, it was the journal I’d had since I’d been in the hospital.

He walked to the back of the bus and had forgotten the entire thing, everyone else snickered. I shrunk in my seat, not being able to wait till I was in the comfort of the new house my mom and I’d rented.

I slammed the door when I entered. Idiots! All of them! I trudged into the kitchen where my mom was cooking dinner. “I’m making Lasagna, you’re favorite!” She smiled warmly, while taking me in her arms, knowing today hadn’t been good. “Oh my baby, you want to tell me about it?”

‘No,’ I signed. There were six seats at this table and decided to sit on the counter, smelling the aroma coming from the oven.

“Well, you’re going to have to tell me something about today!” She went to the freezer and took out the ice cream. “Cookie Dough?” I pulled out two spoons from the drawer next to me. “Nothing like ice cream that can make a bad day great, as I always say!” It was also the underlying cause of her being 30 pounds overweight.

The lasagna would be out soon so we only took a couple bites then put it away. ‘Thanks, Mom.’ I signed. ‘Did Dad leave because of me?’ She widened her eyes.

“Honey, no! Don’t even think like that! He was going through middle aged crises and…he left me. It had nothing to do with you!” In the back of my mind, I knew it wasn’t true though. The timing was too convenient, for me not to be the reason. “Let’s not talk about that, we’re celebrating your first day of school! You still need to say something about it!”

I loved my mom, she was always chipper, but sometimes she needed to butt out. ‘A kid was thrown out of class,’ there were no words to speak of coming from my mouth. I missed the days where I could scream from the top of my lungs and still have the breath to scream some more…now I couldn’t even talk. I didn’t feel human. Silence was all that could be heard from my side of the table. I was a mute. Nothing could change it.
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