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Signs Of Love

A Extended Form of Laryngitis(Chapter 3)(Raydio's POV)

Zombie. Was all I could think of when I looked in the mirror in the morning. Mom was already at work, so I had the house to myself before school started. Nothing really caught my attention as I got ready and finally made my way to the bus stop. As the bus neared the cold bit my skin, but wait…it was August, still in dead heat.

The bus was already quite full with kids, I was going to try and take a seat in the middle, figuring it’s a new day, start out fresh. Ice blue eyes stopped me. They were dead, but so alive with hate and anger. I stopped in my tracks and stayed up in the front. ‘He’s not real, he’s not real!’ I thought to myself.

A tear slid down my face in fear. Nobody else could see him. There was a freeze in the air though, and my hair stood on end. The school neared and I took a slight breath. I’m fine. I kept telling myself over and over. I touched my throat softly, remembering that night. It would torment me until I died.

The rest of the day was fairly normal, unlike the circumstances on the bus. It was lunchtime and I decided to create a routine where nobody was staring at me being alone. I chose alone myself.

Nobody would understand sign in this school anyways, unless were awesome at ASL, and so far, zip had a real understanding of the language.

The was a book I’d been meaning to read for a while now, it had created a lot of attention for itself and turned into a movie, Twilight. It was narrated by a 17 year old girl, so I wasn’t able to grasp it fully, I was a man. But, the author clearly had talent that was unfathomable. It did grip me and soon I was on the 6th chapter.

I felt a small chill again, I jerked my head up but no one was near. ‘It could have been just a…just the air conditioning!’ But, I knew it hadn’t been from a sudden pump in the cooling system.

Still couldn’t describe the solidity of my body at that moment. I was afraid to look behind me, knowing that something would be there.

“Your fault…your fault…” I couldn’t breathe as the raspy, drained voice spoke. Suddenly, the bell rang. I already felt sick as could be. Oh God, I should have never came to school.

I made my way to ASL as bile raised to my throat. “Hey, are you okay?” That kid from yesterday asked, genuinely concerned. He walked over to me, “Do you need to go to the nurse?” The trash can couldn’t have been closer, only 2 feet away. I sunk to my knees, vomiting in the trash. “Woah!” He exclaimed, stepping out of the way, but he didn’t leave my side.

In one swift movement I was falling out of my seat, puking and cracking my head on the concrete tile, passing out. The day couldn’t have gone any better.


When I woke, green eyes were staring into me and I jumped. “Woah, hey dude, it’s cool! Sorry, scared you there.” He was holding a cold compress to my head, looking at me. “Can I get you anything?”

I signed for some water. I had to get the flavor of vomit from my mouth. He gave me a look of confusion.

“Dude, we’re not in ASL, we’re in the nurses’ office. You can just tell me.”

“Water!” I tried to yell. It’s like a sore throat or laryngitis, you feel like there is a voice waiting to be exposed…but…it never…comes out. It was silent. I hit the wall in anger in back of me. Moisture formed in my eyes over the word I wasn’t able to say.

His eyes opened wide as he leaned in to my ear, “You can’t talk, can you?”
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hope you like it!