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Signs Of Love

Zen again...(Aaron's POV)

Okay, so, I was going to have to get used to signing. I did not understand a single thing that the kid said. I felt kind of guilty about it too. I mean, if you’re worried about someone, shouldn’t you be able to communicate with them?

I sighed, walking away and heading to my house. Oh well. Maybe I would get another chance tomorrow. I went and picked up Charlie, deciding another walk with my dog would do me good. “Come on.” I said, putting him on his leash and taking him out. “We need our exercise.”

But before I reached the end of the sidewalk I was intercepted by Rachel.

“Hi there.” She greeted, waving at me.

“Um…hi.” I said back, feeling Charlie jerk me forward to go and sniff her.

“Hey there Charles.” She cooed, and his tail wagged.

“Is there a reason you’re here?” I asked, curious. “I mean, you weren’t exactly happy with me last time.”

“I wasn’t. And I’m still not. But, I heard about what you did through the grape vine. So, I thought that maybe I would start talking to you again.”

“Okay.” I replied with a smile. It was good having my friend back.

“So, do you and Charles here wanna walk with me? I was heading out for ice cream.”

“Sure.” I responded, and we headed out. Today I felt almost zen. And it was a good feeling.

I should have known that yesterday was too peaceful for me. Other than visiting the kids house, nothing really happened. And then today came. It was an absolute mess. First some jerk decided to pounce on me for money, (which I guess I deserved) and made me late for the bus. So, I ended up running to school. By the time I got there my shirt was sticking to my chest, and I was getting a lot of grief about being late in the office. I didn’t tell them what happened. So, I ended up with a lunch detention. People stared at me as I walked down the hall. Maybe it was due to my roughed up condition, or maybe it was due to gossip. Who knows? But, when I did make it to my first class, I realized that I had an issue. I was angry again. I felt like I would burst. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I waited for the bell to ring and then skipped out on my next class, sitting in the bathroom.

Okay, I thought to myself, you can do this. Just get through the day.

I walked out of the stall and looked at my face in the mirror. It was not the face of a happy person. Instead, it was the face of a miserable one.
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Hehe, yay for no school today! :D Though, I did sleep a lot. Communicate almost ended up as kidnap...that would have been so bad.