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Signs Of Love

Emotional Battlescars(Raydio's POV)(Chapter 8)

Aaron walked in like the face of the devil. He wasn’t on the bus today, so it was more calm than the last time. His eyes flashed towards me like a killer’s and I instinctively guarded myself and scooted back a little.

The ASL teacher asked if he was okay, he said he was fine, but she decided to let him cool down in the back of class and take a nap. Taking out a piece of paper, I wrote:

You okay?

I threw it towards him and it landed at his feet. He glared around at the entire class room, then his eyes landed on me, I threw the peace sign to warn him it wasn’t just a ball of paper, that it was a note. He picked it up, looking tired and clinging to the ounce of humanity left in his body.

Class had started, but I wasn’t paying attention. I knew American Sign already, clearly. He jotted down a few words and then passed it back. I caught it in my hands.

Not really…bunch of stupid shit.

I nodded towards him, soon class was over and we went our separate ways. God was on my side that day, since the haunting eyes didn’t come, but when I entered the bus the ice chill ran down my spine. Aaron was already there, fuming. I guess his day was not the best. Again, I sat in the front, curling my legs up to my chest and tried to breath regular.

A notebook held the instructions to my homework and some worksheets. I tried to concentrate on the problems but then the voice came back.


I shut my eyes, only when I was reminded of my bus stop by the driver shaking me, did I open them. “You okay, kid?” He asked. I nodded and exited the bus, hurrying to the house at the end of the street.

Only when I locked the doors I finally found solice. Mom was already home too. “Hey, Ray, come help me with this.” She had our shriveled family picture leaning on the wall with a hammer and a nail in hand. Shriveled only because the two people in it were her and I. No father or siblings to fill the gap, just us, acting happy, like it had been most of our lives.

In reality, the picture was huge and I hadn’t realized my mom was so strong, I guess the year with me in the hospital made her dependent on herself. She centered the nail and whacked away. When she was done, I raised the frame and rested it on the nail, thinking maybe we should get three Command strips to make sure it was secure.

I was proud of our little family, making it this far with no man in mom’s life but me, but it made me sad too, my father had left my mom so broken…that she couldn’t get over it. I resented the father that gave me life, for leaving me as an infant, but most of all giving my mom dreams just to destroy them.

We looked at the photo for a while, reminding each other of our hardships and the good times. My mom gave me a hug that I hadn’t received from her in a long time. “I’m sorry,” a tear came to her eye and I wiped it away with my finger.

There was an unspoken sense of security that laid upon us, I broke the hug and made my way to my backpack. ‘Homework,’ I signed.

“I love you, son.” She murmured after me.

‘Love you, too.’
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hope you like!