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Signs Of Love

Anger Can Get The Best Of You When Nothing Is Said.(Chapter 10)(Raydio's POV)

The weekend came fast and I relished in it. My mom had to work on Saturday but not Sunday. Saturday mostly consisted of reading and video games, some texting to my grandparents, who’d had to learn after the accident. But Sunday was the greatest.

In the morning, Mom and I had breakfast at her favorite pancake shop, we went to watch a movie that had recently came to theatres, and we had an early dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant.

Night came all too quickly as we finished our ice creams from a creamery that was famous around town. Mom looked tired and I knew I was too. When we went home we both took showers and went to bed. I fell asleep watching the Ninja Turtles.

On Monday, I was actually quite anxious to get to school but then I remembered what my school life had turned into, nothing but fear. I tried to find it in myself to push away the dead from the living.

Aaron was on the bus, but so were the piercing eyes that wanted me to burn. Again, I sat in the front near the driver. Aaron moved from the back near one of his friends towards me.

“Hey, so I didn’t quite catch your name…” I pulled out a slip of paper and grabbed the pencil that was in my pocket, and jotted down my name. He grabbed it. “Raydio? Cool. So now I know your name.” I nodded. The school soon came into view. “Well, I’ll see you in ASL then, Raydio.” After we left the bus, we went our separate ways. I was glad that the blue eyes finally dissipated. There were no words from him today.

English was hell. We had to read aloud the story, each student had to, when it was my turn everybody looked at me. The teacher was informed of my condition and then informed the students. “Class, Raydio can’t speak, so he won’t be reading the part.” The class grumbled, clearly underestimating the fact that maybe I did want to read aloud. I sulked in my chair as the next in line started. I’d just read it at home.

ASL started and Aaron sat next to me. He could sense that something wasn’t okay with me. “You’re not going to puke again, are you?”

I let out a silent laugh, but it just made me angry. I wanted to at least be able to make a sound! One sound! But I couldn’t even muster up a whimper. I punched the desk in frustration and glared at the startled classroom.

“Raydio, do you need to leave the room?” The teacher wondered, trying to be polite unlike the day with Aaron. I knew it was because I was disabled. Shit, I could probably receive disability checks and have the handicap sign in my front view window in my mom’s car. I sighed, letting her know I was fine. She started class.

Aaron stared at me for the rest of class. He didn’t know how to respond to me after what I’d just done. I threw him the peace sign with a slight smile. He nodded. Pulling out my math, I studied the problems, not being able to remember anything from the week before. I was so behind in math, even though I was supposed to already be graduating this year.

Giving up, I laid my head down and tried to rest. What could the teacher teach me that I didn’t already know?
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hope ya like!