Watching From Afar

To Come Out Or Not To Come Out

Franks P.O.V
“Wh-what do you mean?” I asked Mikey.
“You look at my brother just like he does. So either you keep seeing someone else when you look at him or you’re gay or bi. Which is it?”
I looked at Mikey with a shocked expression. Sure since Gerard wasn’t here I could lie to Mikey saying that I was just seeing someone else when I looked at Gerard, but did I want to? I mean Mikeys my friend. I could tell him. What’s the worst that could happen? I tell him and he be disgusted by me and stop being my friend, that’s what could happen.
I swallowed hard. “Uh…umm…”
“You’re gay.” He said with a face of understanding. So far so good. He doesn’t seem disgusted by me yet.
“And you like Gerard?”
He looked over at the comics that we had discarded with a sudden interest. I could tell him that I practically stalk his brother, but would he understand? I just told him that I’m in love with his brother. Would he be freaked out if he found out that I stalked his brother? He seemed okay with the fact that I was gay. But really having a best friend that’s a stalked? I think that crosses the line in anyone’s book.
“Hey, I think that’s Gerard.” I said seeing Gerard walking away from where we were standing.
“Do you think he heard what we were talking about?” Mikey asked looking worried.
“I don’t think so, but I wasn’t paying attention he could have.”
“Oh no, if he did that will just kill him. He couldn’t have heard us! If he did that’s, oh god.” Mikey said as he started to get really worried.
“Calm down Mikes. He probably didn’t hear us. Don’t worry about it.”
“Frank, I think he did hear us.”
All I could think about was that I was happy that he had been too far away to hear about me having a crush on him. He might have heard us talk about him being gay but I didn’t tell Mikey that he was so no harm there. I hoped for Mikey though that he hadn’t heard us.
“Let’s just go to him. See if he got what he wanted so we can finish this day.” Mikey said sighing and starting to walk toward where his brother had headed.

Gerard’s P.O.V
After hearing Mikey’s conversation with Frank I walked back to where Jake was waiting and told him I would just text Mikey and asked because I couldn’t find him. Small lie, yeah but I didn’t want to walk up to hear any more of Mikeys worries about me playing football and being gay. At least I knew that Frank had my back.
We had finished the day like we had planned but after the conversation I really wasn’t in the mood to hang out with them. So I was in a bad mood the rest of the day.
Mikey and I got home after dropping Frank off and as soon as we got inside the house Mikey pinned me against the wall.
“What the hell is your problem today? You were fine in the car this morning but then you were in a mood the rest of the day. What crawled up your ass and died?”
“Nothing crawled up my ass and died Mikey. I just didn’t feel like being in town anymore.” I said getting defensive as I got out of Mikeys grasp.
“Yeah, I doubt that. What the fuck happened in the comic store?”
“I got the comics we wanted, what else?”
“I don’t know Gerard but I don’t see why you were all of a sudden in a mood.”
“I was bored. Is there a problem with boredom Mikey?”
He looked like he was going to say something and then his face softened. I don’t know what had gone through his head but it made him feel bad.
“What did you think of?” I asked with a suspicious look.
“Nothing. I’m going to bed.” He said and started walking toward his room.
I grabbed his arm. “No Mikey, what did you think of?”
He sighed. “Nothing Gee. Just forget it.”
“No Mikey.” I ran my hand through my hair. “I heard you and Frank talking in the comic store.”
Mikeys eyes widened. “How much did you hear?”
“Just the part about me playing football and possibly being gay.”
“Oh Gee. I didn’t mean it, it’s just that…”
“No Mikey I get it. And you’re right.”
“I’m right about what?” he said looking confused.
“You’re right that I’m gay.”