Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 8 "Oops..."

How could I have let that happen to me? I scowled and brushed a comb severely through my hair. That darn mutt! He tricked me into thinking I loved him. Or something like that. After all, my gift was affection... No, I'm sure it was his fault. The idiocy of some people! He knew I would come there and turned on the "charm". How could he have done that to me?

I'm supposed to be alert and on my toes, and he completely took that away. I'm supposed to be amazing, snappy, and quick, but he took those, too. Stupid werewolves with their dumb manipulative powers. That was my job! I went to apologize to Edward as soon as possible. He forgave me and we carried on.

"Rosalie, do you want to go out tonight? Just me, you, and maybe Alice?" I was falsely hopeful.

"Of course. I would like that. Where would we go?"

"I was thinking shopping and a movie, but we'll have to ask Alic-" I was cut off by a streak of navy and black that stood 5"2' and was squealing like a five year old.

"You mean it? Okay so we're going to go to the mall over by...." she continued to tell me step by step directions even though I repeatedly told her she was driving. I headed up to my room to get dressed.

I picked out a slouchy oversized tee with the word "Secrets" on it in big, tall letters, and under that I wore an aqua tank top. I paired it with dark skinny jeans and Ugg boots. My hair was up in a ballerina bun, but I loosened it. Alice was wearing a fabulous outfit with lots of layers and cute accessories, and Rose was, well, shining in a white jacket, a grey tanktop, and white skinny jeans.

"Shotgun!" I exclaimed, hopping into the front seat of the yellow sports car. Rose just shrugged and took the backseat all to herself. The whole way, she was tapping away on her cell phone, probably to Emmett. My phone never buzzed. None of the Cullens even had my phone number. I programmed all of theirs into mine before I even got here. The census doesn't just have your name and age, you know.

On the way there, Alice talked the whole time, and I kept my mouth shut for once and listened. Alice was actually pretty funny and interesting. I laughed here and there, and nodded in approval or compassion occasionally. Finally we were in the parking lot and I could relax my eyebrow muscles.

We went and saw Paranormal Activity 2. In the middle, I went to the bathroom to "powder my nose" and ended up walking around, exploring. I ran into Seth. Oh lord.

"Genevieve! Wait!" he called as I was running away. Apparently he didn't get hints.

"Can't. Gotta go. See you around, kid," I dismissed and he grabbed my arm.

"Come on, just say hi to the guys, please, Genevieve!" he begged and I looked into his eyes and wanted so badly to go with him. But I cut off my emotions, shook my head, and said sorry. I then turned and walked back into the theater and sat next to Alice, who was giggling at something that was happening in the movie. The girl's boyfriend was over and they were messing with an Ouiji board.

In about an hour, the best part came and Katie returned to kill her sister and her brother in law right after she killed Micah. The death of her brother in law was so silly. She had just snapped his neck like nothing happened. I found that extremely funny andhad to contain my sobs of laughter.

After the movie, we walked to the mall. I picked out several things. A short, dark purple dress, sparkly very high heels, an Eiffel tower necklace, a flowered backpack, funky tights and boots, a couple slouchy tees, a few pairs of Miss Mes, an Abercrombie coat, and we went into a very nice store where Rosalie insisted on buying me seven inch purple stilettos. They would go perfectly with the dress and make me look taller, she said.

I also bought a silver ring with a hunk of sapphire placed and sculpted delicately on top at Tiffany's for Bella. Edward said I would meet her tomorrow before school. Apparently they took the last week off because they were going to a "funeral". Nice to know they compared my arrival to a funeral. I grimaced but got in the car and we drove home.

I picked out my outfit for the first day of school as soon as I got home. Alice had also bought me a few things she decided to keep a surprise. A long, grey sweater with a gothic ballerina's ankles and pointe shoes on it in pink and black, and a pale pink tutu skirt. I would wear both of them with black heels. I spent the night getting my classwork for the last week done so I wouldn't have to do it later. It was very easy, since I'd been through high school about twenty times. The morning came and I braided my hair in a side braid to where it was long enough to reach my waist, put light pink eyeshadow on, black eyeliner, mascara, and pale pink lipstick. I looked amazingly perfect, but traded my heels for black Converse instead. I grabbed my vintage looking backpack I bought the day before and packed some stuff in there.

I ran down the stairs. Edward instructed me to get in his car. I did, and we rode to Bella's house. I was so excited the whole way, and danced up to her front door and rang the bell. A man, I'm assuming her father, opened the door.

"Well, who the heck are you?" he questioned.

"I'm Sissy Cullen, Edward's little sister. We're here to take Bella to school. It's nice to meet you, sir. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Aren't you a little to young to be going to Forks High?"

"Oh, I skipped a couple years. I wasn't getting the education I needed." He stared me over and finally Bella came down the stairs. She was beautiful, and she smelled amazing. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw me. She covered it up by saying bye to Charlie and stepping on the front porch. She ran as quickly as possible into the front seat of the Volvo and began freaking out and explaining to Edward. He chuckled, and I hopped in the car.

"Edward, you know her?" She peeked back at me with wonder and curiosity.

"Of course he does. I'm his adopted sister, December. But please, call me Sissy. I have something for you." I pulled the Tiffany's ring out of my backpack and handed it to her.

"What is this?" she opened the box. "Oh, no, I could never accept this. Here. You wear it," she tried to shove the ring back at me. I smiled.

"Keep it. It's a gift from me, and if you can't accept it, then you can never accept me."

She took the ring and placed it on her right hand. I grinned proudly.
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Hey! Promised you guys another chapter soon. The last one was kinda off, but I'm liking this one.