Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 9 "Yes, Mr. Hoffman."

"Good morning, class, we have a new student," the teacher at the front of the room said and I entered. Gasps and whispers erupted.

"Class, class! Please, be respectful to December and let her introduce herself!" he scolded. I grinned flawlessly at the classroom full of wide eyes. They were waiting for an "introduction". Maybe where I'm from, what I like to do, about my family. I gave a sarcastic smile.

"It's Sissy," was instead, what I gave and he looked slightly flustered and a tad frightened as my stare into his eyes burned him and held strong.

"Well, then, December, I'm Mr. Hoffman. Please take a seat next to Jessica in the back of the room."

"It's. Sissy." I said once again, shook his hand very tightly and took a seat next to Jessica, whose face was struck with awe.

"Careful, you might start to catch some bugs," I noted and pushed her chin up to close her mouth. She flushed completely red and looked the other way. I snickered.

"I was just kidding. I'm Sissy. Sissy Cullen." She gasped once again.

"December, since you're in such a talkative mood, why don't you tell us the answer to number six?" he grinned, thinking he had caught me off guard.

Without missing a beat, I answered, "Six is negative 173.8956. And the reason why you can't solve for 'x' is because it doesn't have the third number in the equation." The gasps and whispers resumed. Once again, Mr. Hoffman looked troubled.

"Would you care to show me your paper so I can see how you got that answer?"

"Paper?" I looked cluelessly into his eyes.

"Yes, your work, perhaps in a notebook?"

"I didn't do any work."

"Well did you use a calculator?"

"No, sir."

He searched my blank face inquisitively. "How did you do it? That was a hard problem. We're in an AP class. It isn't possible for you to have done that without work."

"Well I did." he stared at me with a look of wonder on his face. He shrugged and moved on. After class he asked me to stay longer. I was instructed to stand at the front of the room in front of the chalkboard.

"What's the square root of 8906543.16?" As if he had asked me two plus two, I answered with "2,984.383212658857." He checked with a calculator. Of couse I was right. Without being dismissed, I left the room to go to second period, which was AP college Biology. It was my only college class, but in the grand scheme of things, I had gone to college once. It was very different.

"Hello, Sissy. We're having a test today, would you like to wait until the next one so you have time to catch up and study?" Mrs. Pollock offered and smiled. I stared into her gaze.

"Actually, I'd like to take it. The test, I mean."

This did not come without a fight. Of course I knew whatever was on that test. I took it and got all of it right. She was amazed and scribbled a letter to someone about me.

"Sissy, how is your day going?" Edward asked me on our way to lunch.

"Amazing," I replied and ditched him to sit at a table with Jessica just to see her reaction. She flipped, and the Cullens stared at me all through lunch. As soon as I sat down, a guy named Mike turned to me and says, "Whoa! Who is she?"

"I'm Sissy Cullen."

"Why is a Cullen sitting at our table?" a girl named Angela whispered to Jessica very quietly, so that a human could not hear it at all.

"I don't know," I responded and watched as Angela and Jessica's faced were terror struck.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to be-"

"It's fine. You know, you're very pretty, Angela. I like your glasses."


I gazed around the cafeteria in boredom. Their small talk was annoying me, and I ignored most of the questions pointed toward me. I had gotten invited to Angela's birthday, Lauren's house party, to go teach Mike how to build a computer, and to help Ben with his Calculus homework. Jessica also wanted me to sleep over at her house on Saturday. I accepted to all of it and put it in my calendar.

"Popular, aren't you?" Edward remarked and I grabbed his hand to hold, just to embarrass him. He pulled away and scowled. Just then, Bella ran up to us and crashed into me.

"Edward!" she whisper shouted. I was scared out of my mind.
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I love feedback! Love it love it love it! And I'm still taking characters, so send them in. The two APPROVED ones I have so far are Cali and Logan. Love me some feedback, comments, and crap ;). 