Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 10 "Stealing is a crime. People get punished for crimes." "Only if they get cau

As Bella blabbed on about something I didn't really care about, I walked off to art. 

"Sissy, you're here ten minutes early!" Ms. Denton observed and adjusted her smock. I smiled to myself because she had actually called me Sissy. 

"Oh, I didn't realize it," I lied, "maybe I can find Edward in the hall real quick cause I need to talk to him." I ran out of the room and pulled out my iPhone and put in the earbuds. Breathe Carolina with Blackout was on. I danced down the back hall and sang along loudly. A guy came around the corner. I immediately put my phone away and put on a poker face. He was sort of cute. 

"Hey, you're that new Cullen girl, aren't you? I've heard lots about you," he said and grinned. I smiled and began to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. 

"That's me. What do you want, I have to get to art."

"I'm Blake Fenner. You've never heard of me?" he raised his eyebrows.  I shook my head. 

"Well that's to bad because I'm much obligationed to meet you," he said and winked. I rolled my eyes. 

"You're much obliged." I corrected. 

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. No need to throw around the insults here." He said. And he wasn't even kidding. He thought "obliged" was an insult. 

"Look, I have better things to do than-" I was cut off. 

"Go to Lauren's party with me?" he offered and smiled again. 

"Okay. Pick me up at my house at 7:00 on Friday." I answered and turned around. 

"Wait, Sissy!" I swiveled back around. 

"What?" I grouched. 

"I don't even have your phone number," he pointed out and I took his phone and programmed my number right in. 

"See you Friday night," I said as I skipped back to the art room. Another cute guy walked in just as I did. 

"Hi. I'm Sissy. Who are you?" I asked. 

"I'm Brayden Parks. Are you new or something?" He asked and blushed slightly. 

"Something like that... Hey, are you going to Lauren's party Friday?" I wondered out loud and he nodded. 

"Yeah, but I don't have a date... Probably just going with some friends unless... You might want to..." he trailed off and smiled hopefully. 

"I'm going with Blake Fenner. Sorry." Brayden's eyes nearly popped out of his head. 

"He's Lauren's boyfriend!" he exclaimed and warned me about Lauren. 

"Please. I am the queen of cat fights. It's not my fault Blake likes me better." I shrugged and got out my sketch pad. He chuckled. 

"I'm sorry I'm late, Ms. Denton. I lost track of time..." some girl walked in. I stopped listening to her and looked her over several times. She had pale skin (no competition with mine, however), long layered black hair and a lot of black eyeliner on. She sat in the desk next to mine and didn't notice me because she was busy digging things out of her bag. Just then, Emmett walked in the room. 

"EMMETT!" I yelled and ran up to hug him. He laughed and picked me up. The girl sure noticed me then. Everyone in the class stared. I waved and smiled sarcastically. Everyone looked away awkwardly and uncomfortably. Ms. Denton grinned. 

"Sissy, I thought you might like to sit next to your brother. But if you'd like to have Cali as a neighbor, that would be fine, too." I agreed to stay where I was so she wouldn't have to move the whole world around. The girl, Cali, smiled and said hi. 

"I'm Bella Swan's cousin."

"I'm Bella Swan's boyfriend's sister." We laughed and talked quietly throughout class. 

"Cali," I called as the bell rang, "will you be my best friend?" 

"Yeah. Are you going to Lauren's party?" she asked and I nodded, but refrained from telling about Blake. I said bye to Brayden and headed off to fourth period gym. 

Bella was in my class. I came in a little late because I was new so I assumed it to be acceptable. 

"I'm sorry, I got a little lost," I called as I walked into the gym. Bella rolled her eyes. Every head turned toward me. Mike got hit in the head with a volleyball. I laughed. 

"It's fine. Did you bring athletic clothes?" Coach Clapp asked. 

"Yes ma'am. I'll go change." I came back in Sofee shorts and a black tank top. Mike got hit in the head with a volleyball once again. I laughed harder and joined Bella on the court. 

"I'm horrible at this, so just don't pass or dribble or whatever to me," she whispered. 

"I'll cover you, Bella. Chill." And I did. I flew across the court and served and spiked perfectly and gracefully. There wasn't even a need for Bella.  People were amazed by my speed and agility. I didn't even break a sweat. Not that I could've. The coach called me after. 

"You have to try out for the team. That was amazing," she smiled and patted me on the back. 

"Can I be on the cheer squad as well?" I asked and pretended to wipe sweat off my forehead. She nodded. 

"Do you have a back handspring?" I did two in a row before she could finish that sentence. 

"Then yes, you can." She laughed and I headed off to the locker room to change. I ripped off my tank and all the girls turned to me, probably to see how perfect my stomach was, and how many ab crunches they would have to do to get it that way. All of them looked away, scowling. I smiled arrogantly and changed back. 


I strolled off to Senior World History with Jasper and Rosalie.

"Rosalie. Jasper," I murmured nonchalantly. 

"Sissy," they said simultaneously. 

"Why didn't you sit with us at lunch?" Rosalie asked. 

"I wanted to freak out the muggles," I replied. Jasper chuckled, but Rosalie looked confused. 

"It's from Harry Potter," I explained and began humming random Adele songs.  

We got to history just as the bell rang and the teacher motioned us in. 

"December. Not a very good way to introduce yourself, coming to class LATE." Mr. Shelfer nagged. 

"First of all, my name is Sissy. Second of all, I wasn't late. The bell and I walked in together." A few brave people giggled, but I kept a straight face. 

"Attitude isn't very good either. And your mother gave you the name December, so I am going to call you that. There's nothing wrong with that name." He droned on and I sort of zoned out. 

"My mom got shot on my thirteenth birthday," I said and grimaced. The teacher turned red. I continued to glare at him. 

"And I did too, but only in the arm. I lost so much blood that I was in a coma for a little and when I woke up I didn't remember my name. Since my father went to jail after he abandoned my mother, no one was able to access it and I chose December for my name. My new family, the Cullens, have graced me with the nickname of Sissy, and with all due respect, sir, I demand to be called that." I began to 'choke up' at the end and he was as red as a tomato. I took a seat. Class began. 

I had sixth and seventh off since I already completed my high school credits in ELA and as my second elective I chose free so I could just leave two hours early. I strolled to the parking lot and picked up my car that Carlisle must have dropped off during school with the spare key, Edward wouldn't have been happy if I took the Volvo. I almost drove all the way home, but I took a detour and passed the Quileute property and got curious. I stopped the car and got out. I looked around pretty suspiciously and started towards the Black house. I'll admit it, I had a thing for Jacob. As I was about to knock, I was swooped away by a smell I didn't recognize. 

"State your name and business!" the voice demanded and I got up, in spite of the other demands to stay down. It was Seth. He began laughing. 

"Hey, Seth. What's up?" His eyes lit up like a wildfire and he hugged me. I was not prepared for it so my arms were awkwardly placed almost behind me. I laughed. 

"You're... warm," I observed and he nodded. 

"Wolf power," he explained and continued, "but you're freezing cold!"

"It's a leech thing... By the way, what are you doing outside of school this early?"

"School ends for us at 2:30. The Quileute schools do it that way because we're almost like a private school. But you go to public school, so why are you out?" I explained my free period and how I already completed English. 

"So that means you have two whole hours to hang out with us!" He exclaimed and hugged me again. I pushed him off playfully and he just sort of smiled and stood there. 

"Who's 'us'?" I asked and he just sort of... I don't really know how to explain the change... But he was a wolf. I knew that they were wolves, this was just sort of different. He motioned me to somewhere and I ran with him. He lead me into a kind of clearing and there was the pack, all wolves. I grinned. The heads turned to me and they all ran off, including Seth. This made me a little mad. 

"I didn't come so you could do that," I muttered and sat down in the grass. Suddenly they all came back, in human form. None of them seemed very fond of shirts. But I wasn't about to complain. Jacob came running at full speed toward me, and I flashed to the left so he missed. I stood there smugly until he scooped me up from behind and threw me over his shoulder. I went stiff and stayed exactly still. 

"Jacob Black, if you don't put me down this instant..." I threatened and he followed directions. 

"That was not very pleasant at all," I said bitterly, "considering you were actually enjoying that the whole time." He looked disappointed and humiliated until I touched his shoulder, looked into his eyes and said, "I was just kidding. That was fun," in a very emotionless, haunting, yet charming way. He felt uncomfortable, I could tell. Jane taught me how to do that. I then smiled my charismatic smile and he relaxed. 

"Stupid bloodsuckers and their mind tricks," he explained to the pack and then took me into the house. The rest of the pack looked confused, and stayed  where they were. 

"I'm taking Sissy in to talk to Billy. They seem to be good friends."

"Yeah, last time we had a conversation about our economic succession compared to that of China. Really interesting you know-" Jacob gripped my arm and yanked me away. The rest looked away, uninterested now. 

I rubbed my arm. "What was that for?" I exclaimed once we got into the house and he had shut the door. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer to him. 

"Where's Billy? I wasn't joking about that conversation." I looked at the clock. One hour and thirty minutes until the Cullens got out of school. 

"Billy? Oh, he's not home. I just wanted to talk to you," he slurred almost sleepily. I wandered the house while he followed. I came across a small bedroom. 

"This your room?" I inquired and he nodded. He sat down on the bed, and I was unsure what to do, so I perched criss cross applesauce on the wooden thing at the foot of his bed, almost defying gravity. After gym I had changed into a pair of yoga pants rather than my tutu. 

"What are you doing here? What do you want from us? You're not even supposed to be here. Cullens can't cross the border." I didn't like being talked to this way, so I crept in a little closer onto his bed. 

"I'm not a Cullen, I'm a Volturi." I said cutely while tracing my name onto his arm in cursive. He pulled away a little, but not enough to keep me from doing it again. I now sat at his side while he laid down. He eyed me suspiciously, so I laid down next to him and brought my tracing up his arm to his neck and down his chest. 

"Why would I ever want to cause any trouble?" I added on, "Here." my tracing reached his abs and he tried to refrain from laughing, but as I grinned smugly at him, he burst out laughing hysterically. I brought my hand back to myself. 

"What's so funny?" I purred and tried to look genuinely confused. 

"Nothing," he scowled and moved away a little more. I knew what to do. I pulled away hastily. 

"I'm sorry. I never should've touched you. I shouldn't even be here. I'll go." I got up and he pulled me lightly back. 

"No, Jacob. I should just go," I insisted and sat up. But he wouldn't have this, of course, and wouldn't let me. 

"But come on, you know the real reason we're alone," he said and I shook my head.   

"I just got the impression you liked me, and I liked you back. So..." he trailed off and was deeply in thought about something. 

"Well yeah, I-" I was cut off by a kiss. Mission accomplished. I kissed back and held onto him. And we kissed and kissed. There was a point where he pushed me under him and flipped over so he was on top of me. He just seemed so angry, all of the kissing and roughness. He started rubbing my back and shoulders, which I really liked because no one had done that to me in years. His favorite was the small of my back, and his hands had inhabited themselves there for most of the time. It was funny because I was so much smaller than him, more narrow and less muscular. All of my features looked fragile next to his, and I looked so skinny and short and just all over tiny. This didn't seem to bother him. 

"Jake, stop trying to..." I trailed off and tightened the strings on his shorts and pulled his hands away from them. 

"But you're not wearing a shirt," he argued and I looked at him a little crazy. 

"Neither are you. And I'm not going to take away your innocence," I mumbled and snuggled up to him. 

"Me? Innocent? You're crazy," he sneered. 

"Jake, how many innocent people have you killed? How many people have you abducted just for your own needs? And most of all, how many times have you done this?" I retorted back and he nervously snickered. 

"How many have you?"

"More than a hundred, more than fifty, and very many times. In that order," I replied. 

"You're not a bad girl, Sissy," he said and looked down at my bare stomach and legs and added, "well, wrong choice of words for right now, but your motives aren't bad. For example, why are you doing this?"

"Because I really wanted to, and you just seemed so broken, and so am I. Most of all because I think I love you, and I know I love the whole pack, even Paul and Seth."

"See. You're good. Oh my gosh, Seth! I completely forgot!" he leaped up and I put my sweater and yoga pants back on frantically. I looked around. No Seth. 

"What are you talking about, Jacob?" I asked and ran to his side. 

"Seth. He... He imprinted on you and I almost just 'stole' you." he rambled. 

"Explain please." I was confused with all the imprinting lingo. I knew what imprinting was, though. Edward told me. 

"Well, he imprinted on you. And that whole make out thing almost made me sure I've imprinted on you, too. If I were to imprint on you, that's considered that I 'stole' you. Like how Emily 'stole' Sam from Leah. It wasn't her fault, but it's almost preventable. I can't imprint on you. Seth would be crushed in half. But I want you. After Bella broke me, I was sure you could fix me. That's why he phased earlier. To tell us." He sat on his bed again and put his hand to his face. I sat on his lap.
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thanks to @lil_crazy for Cali. Sorry it's been so long. I was really hesitant about what to write