Every Angle

Every Angle- "Edward... Can I ask you a favor?" Chapter 2

"Edward... Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it, Abella?" He was sounding impatient.

"Well... It's two actually."

"Just tell me."

"Promise me..." I began, "that you will get me out of here."

"Why would you possibly want that? You have everything you could ever want right here." I shuffled my feet and sat down in front of him.

"You just don't understand. I'm not happy here. I'm not allowed to go outside without either Marcus, Felix, or Caius," I sighed.

"Why not?"

"I am a weapon, an object. They use me and store me here for safe keeping. At the beginning, they brought me human blood. I wasn't allowed to use energy. They wanted me to save my power up until they needed me. It wasn't fair; I was only thirteen when I was changed." 'Tears' welled up in my eyes. I actually began to cry.

"Why and how are you crying? How old are you now?"

"These aren't real tears. I mean, yes, I actually cry them, but they're poisonous. Aro bottles them for emergencies. I am currently 90 years old. But I hate thinking about that. I'm thirteen, okay?"

"That's incredible."

"I came here after this other guy left, Carlisle, was it?" Edward's eyes widened.

"Carlisle is my adoptive father!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah. I think I might've known that... No, doesn't sound familiar. I never met him, though."

"Well how do I get you out of here?"

"I just say that I'm leaving. Then, you take me."

"Won't they be furious?"

"Oh yes. They will probably try to kill you. But I can just snap my fingers and the closest one to me will die. Then they'll leave me alone. But eventually they will come back and fight for me. All I am to them is a weapon." I continued to cry.

"I don't know if I can do that. I don't think I'll be going back."

"It's okay. I will find a way." My tears stopped.

"You're a brave little soldier, Abella."

"I know it. But you're certainly not." I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I had a few daydreams. And then it was te next day.

"I'm going today." I knew what Edward was talking about.

"I hate you so much," I mumbled. It was eleven o'clock, and he was planning to at noon when the most people were out. The minutes ticked by.

I sighed and begged Edward with my thoughts not to do it. He didn't listen.

Tears ran down my eyes. Edward had a pained look on his face. Aro asked me why I was crying.

"No reason. Don't worry about it." Of course, he didn't.

At almost twelve, Edward got up. I ran to him and tackled him with a bear hug. He managed to stay balanced as I pretty much attacked him. I squeezed until he was almost strangled.

"I. Hate. You. So. Much." I growled and glared at him as he walked away, seconds away from his death. I ran up to my room and slammed the heavy door.

And I thought he was dead. And I cried alone. No one would check on me. As long as I was still theirs, it didn't matter.
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