Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 3 "Hate that I love you."

"Abella!" Aro called my name. I rushed down quickly so my tearstains would fly off my face.

"Yes, Aro?" I replied boredly.

"You have a visitor. Alice, come in." A petite girl danced into the room. She had a black pixie cut and looked like a fairy. I already liked her. She came up and hugged me. I was a little surprised, people didn't normally come in physical contact with me.

"Hello, Abella!" She cheered.

"Greetings, Alice. I have heard a lot about you from Aro. Why are you here?" My tone didn't have much warmth to it. It usually didn't. I wasn't usually spoken to directly.

"I have heard many... Things about you also. And I am here just to visit you. May we go up to your room, perhaps."

"Okay. Cool. See ya Aro," I threw over my shoulder and Alice followed me. I stopped to open the heavy, stone door. Alec and Jane were lounging silently in my room.

"Alice. What an... erm... Pleasant surprise!" Jane rang sarcastically.

"Leave. Get out of my room, Jane!" I demanded. I kissed Alec on the cheek on his way out.

"Hate that I love you." I mumbled so that he could not understand me. They left.

"I hear that you're not happy." Alice pouted.

"I'm never happy, nor will I ever be. I am relatively happy right now. I like visitors."

"Good. How would you like a change of plans?" She caught my attention.

"I'm getting out?" I whispered excitedly.

"If you want to. I can help you. You can come to live with my coven."

"I knew it. I told Edward I wanted to get out of here. He told me I'd find a way. He was right! Too bad about how he's sort of dead now," I saddened. Alice grinned, although I didn't think it was an appropriate time for that.

"Abella, Edward is-" She started but I cut her off.

"I don't want to talk about Edward, Alice."

"Please," I added awkwardly. I would have yelled at her to shut up about Edward, but I didn't want to push Alice away.

"Okay. Let's go."

"Now?" I was bewildered.

"If I don't take you now, there will be major problems. Do you need anything?" She was like an army sergeant, except less shouty.

"Actually, yes. I'll get it." I managed to stuff all of my favorite clothes into two suitcases and the only things I left were the hideous gothic robes I was forced to wear for ceremonies. The ones with hoods. I also collected a few precious souvenirs I had from when I left the castle: a charm bracelet, a music box, and a small glass bottle of the best smelling perfume in the world.

We loaded my stuff into Alice's car silently. It was a nice car, Italian and yellow. Alice started the engine. I dashed into the palace.

"Abella, where are you going?" Aro had a worried crease between his eyebrows.

"To live with Alice's coven."

"You can't do that!" Alec complained. Jane nodded.

"They're nothing but trouble. Stay here. You are royal blood," she commanded.

"I'm going." I insisted. I felt Caius's hands wrap around my neck. Things were getting ugly.

"Caius, get off me, you son of a-" his chokehold got stronger. I decided that badmouthing him was a bad idea.

"Who's on top now, princess?" he spat out. I squinted at him and raised my hand, about to snap.

"NO!" they all shouted together. I grinned.

"I will send you tears, and I will help you in battles occasionally. Keep in touch with me. I'm going. Please don't fight it. It's safer if I am with Alice. No one will steal me." They were obliged to follow my word. I walked out the door. That was the end of me living with the Volturi.


"Alice, everything's fine. Drive, please." She did as I said.

"We're in America, my coven. I can't wait for them to meet you."

"America. Hmm... Tell me about them."

"I can't. They have to meet you on their own."

"I hate that I love you so," I sang. It was a line from a song I'd plucked off the radio a few years back.

"You will be so happy when you see-" a bird flew right in front of the car and Alice slammed the breaks. I never did know what she was going to say...
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Still need characters!! SEND ME SOME!! Cause like, you can be in my story!! Also, comment and message please. I love writing and I want feedback.