Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 4 "Wait a second. It can't be-"

"Abella, I'll get your bags and bring them in, hon." Alice called while opening the trunk of her car. I nodded and stepped onto the front porch of her beautiful glass house. I rang the doorbell and a strong smell filled my nose.

Abercrombie cologne, vanilla, sugar, and leather jackets. I liked it, and it seemed oddly familiar. My head was so filled with new ideas and thoughts that I rejected remembering that smell and welcomed a new pondering.

"Hello. Are you, are you not- Abella Volturi?" A very young blonde man was trying not to look troubled. I nodded.

"That's me."

"What do you want? I can assure you Bella's time will come soon enough. We'd rather not bring your group into it." He was pushing me away with his words. He seemed... He seemed scared.

"What are you talking about? Alice has brought me here and I'd like to come in," I stated. He opened the door wider and motioned inside.

"As you wish." He was treating me like I could have killed him right there. Oh, wait... I could've. A band of his lookalikes stood by. My eyes scanned them. A stunning blonde girl glaring at me, a very big guy also glaring, a guy with blonde curly hair who was deep in thought, and a sharp- featured woman with a motherly glow to her. I matched the blonde's glare and she looked livid. Whatever.

Then I heard a voice from upstairs. "Wait a second, it can't be-"

"EDWARD?" I hollered. He roamed downstairs. My jaw dropped and I froze up.

"Abella Volturi?" he sounded surprised, but not nearly as much as I was. I tackled him in a hug, and he hugged back.

"Where HAVE you been, kid?" I yelled. The other vampires' eyes widened when they figured out how loud I was.

"Here. There." He smiled a microscopic smile at me.

"What is it?" I asked and patted him on the arm. He seemed disturbed and extremely uncomfortable.

"Abella, what are you doing here?" he ignored my question. Alice came through the door.

"This is Abella. She's our long term houseguest." She said, knowing they were mad.

"Alice, you, Esme and I need to speak for a while." The motherly one, the man who opened the door, and Alice went out of earshot. Alice threw me an apologetic look. I matched it with my best "What the hell?!" look.

"I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. I'm Abella Volturi. I am thirteen years old, I like to shop, scrapbook, and drink blood." The huge guy laughed, but the blonde whacked his arm. Hard. Even I winced.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was that, like, offensive?" I was genuinely lost. She stormed out, but no one followed her.

"That's Rosalie. Don't mind her. She's just... In a bad mood?" The big guy explained. I laughed.

"I can tell. Who are you guys?" I looked into their golden eyes.

"I'm Emmett. This is Jasper... And I assume you already know Edward. The guy in charge was Carlisle, with him was his wife Esme. We're all their adopted children." Big guy said. I nodded, taking it all in.

"Why are you the only one who likes me? Am I ugly or mean or do I smell bad or something?" Emmett laughed and Edward shook his head.

"They think you're dangerous. They think you're a threat. Sent here by Aro, of course. Alice is explaining herself. I know you're genuine, though."

"Thanks... Edward. You know, you're really good at making things awkward." I smiled, letting him know I was joking and punched him in the arm. I once again used too much force and he was slightly pushed to the side. Everyone tensed except Emmett. Jasper squinted at me inquisitively.

"Can I help you?" I asked thickly with sarcasm. He looked shocked.

"Oh, I just-"

"Sorry," I glared at the floor, "I'm working on that." He chuckled.

"It's okay, sis. That was unexpected." He said with almost a secret smile on his face. I loved this about Jasper. He always had an I'm- laughing- at- something- you- are- completely- oblivious- to look when he smiled. It was reassuring.

"What can I say? I'm the princess."

"Abella, there's something strange about you. You're happy and you feel safe, yet you're edgy and fidgety. You've also got something you're mad about. Real mad. You're nervous and distressed, too. You're complex." I laughed highly.

"Get used to it. That's the only thing I know to say. It's the only way."

"You are a hoot," Emmett said and lightly punched me in the arm. I shrugged and thought to myself, "What am I doing? These people are not royal blood! They are filthy and troublemakers." I frowned. So did Edward.

"Improve your attitude if you want to stay here," he hissed.

"You better come here and make me, Edward." I said his name as if it was a cuss word. Jasper was going to die of confusion. His gift dealt with emotions, I could sense it. Anyway, I squinted at Edward who was ticking me off. I took a step toward him and got on my tippy toes so my eyes were at his chin. The way I did my black eyeliner made my eyes look even more piercing. He knew it too, and was slightly intimidated.

"I am a weapon. That's the only reason you want me here. The only reason Alice came to get me. You guys just want to use me. I see how it is."

"No, Abella. It's not like that."

"Really? Cause that's how I'm taking it."

"Abella, we have decided. You will live here from now on," Esme announced and gave me a hug. It reminded me of what I never had. What I had so desperately longed for.

One word.

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Comments are welcome (: