Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 6 "I think we can be sisters." Part One

All of the Cullens came up to my room to talk to me one by one. As it they planned it. I talked to each one of them, and laughed or cried or argued.

"Hello, Sissy," Rosalie choked out bitterly.

"Good afternoon, Rosalie. How are you? And I'm sorry if I offended you earlier. I didn't mean to. I only want to be your friend. I mean, you're so pretty and intimidating," I knew what her type liked to hear. And if I was going to live here, I was going to be friends with Rosalie. Rule number one of long term arrangements: NEVER get on the PMS-ish female's bad side. (Hence Jane). She was taken aback by my apology as I had planned, and looked at me with softer eyes.

"It's okay, Sissy. I was jealous of you. Edward said all of the males in this house were automatically attracted to you the moment they saw you, but they couldn't help it," She admitted. I was now shocked.

"YOU jealous of ME? Rosalie, you have the body of a twenty year old and I have the body of a thirteen year old. You have womanly features, and I still have childish ones. How can you be jealous?" I was genuinely astounded.

"You are anything but childish, Sissy. Anything but. You come across as a short seventeen year old at least."

"Anyway, what is Edward's problem with me? I didn't think I was rude to him or anything. He needs to chill out."

"You get on his nerves because you're better than him. Nobody's supposed to be better than Edward. None smarter, faster, or more skilled. And you are. It tears him up," she said with a smirk. I smirked back.

"Heck yeah!"

"So Sissy, you think we can be friends?" she asked with a humble smile. It looked odd on her.

"No," I replied.

"Oh. How come?" her voice had an annoyed edge.

"I think we can be sisters."


"Sissy? May I come in?" Jasper's delicate but clear voice followed his knock at the door.

"Yes. You don't have to knock. I'm a vampire. I don't really need privacy."

"Oh, okay," he said and came in, shutting the door behind him.

"But that doesn't apply to Edward. He has to knock." I retorted and Jasper chuckled.

"Sissy, I want to know your story. Tell me it, please. I won't tell a soul if you don't want me to," he requested, and those words set me on my way.

"I was born in August to a mother who smoked while I was an infant. I grew up with asthma, chronic bronchitis, and ADHD. I was a problem. Something to get rid of. But my mother never did. She quit smoking for me, and got me a tutor. She gave me everything we could afford, which wasn't much. But I loved her. I don't know who my father was, only that he never loved either of us. When I was in eighth grade, I came home after school one day, so proud to show my mom a 100 I got on an Algebra test that I practically skipped home. When I opened the door, police were stuffed in our apartment. One told me my mother was killed. In a drive by shooting by someone she never met." I began to cry.

"That's horrible."

"You don't know where she was when she got shot. She was on her way back from a job interview for a relatively high paying job she qualified for. She got the job, and it was supposed to be a surprise for me. A better life. One we never had."

"That's beyond words," He suffered just listening.

"So I became a pessimist and lived in orphanage after orphanage. Eventually I was kidnapped by vampires, and you know how that story goes." He looked me in the eyes, concentrating on my mood. I frowned.

"Thank you, Sissy," he simply said, smiled at me, and left.


"Sissy, dear, may I enter?" Esme's pretty voice called. I answered and she came in.

"Hello, Esme."

"Hello. You seem to have found comfort," she remarked, as I was using a huge white fluffy blanket over me. I grinned.

"What's this made of? It's extremely soft," I remarked.

"I'm not exactly sure..." she trailed off. We ended up having a pretty good conversation.


"Hello, Sissy," Carlisle entered.

"Hello Carlisle."

"What is your status bloodwise?" He inquired, never breaking eye contact. I ran to get my Popsicles and showed him.

"What is that?" He tried to hide his disgust, unlike Edward did.

"A blood Popsicle."

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Sorry this ones kinda short too... I have school now and homework and dance and all that funk.
Feedback = more

Much needed thanks to lil_crazy. Her character Cali will appear in future chapters.