Every Angle

Every Angle- Chapter 7 "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah."

"Good evening," I said in my best impression of Count Dracula. Edward was not impressed.

"Hello, delinquent. What is that abomination you're wearing?" he asked and I looked down. It was a tight, short, black dress with a fur vest as soft as chinchilla.

"The dress? I'd thought you would like it," I teased and winked playfully. It was not considered at all in his mind. After all, I could hear his thoughts right back.

"No, the fur thing. That is atrocious."

"It's called fashion. P.S. It's fake fur, idiot. So whatcha doing?" I grabbed some scissors and snipped the air furiously. He looked at me as though I were mentally challenged.

"I am just finishing up my CD for Bella of the piano. I took the other when I left her." His voice turned snippy and dismissive, remembering the darker times.

"A CD? That's a fantastic idea. I will make one of myself singing and you can give it to her also. Hey, we should have some tracks of you playing piano and me singing!" I jumped up on the couch and blabbered about further plans. He smiled to himself and chuckled.

"Sometimes you seem to me as wise as an owl. But now and then you haven't aged from thirteen at all to me." I grinned and wrinkled my nose shortly.

"I'm unpredictable like that."


"Edward- I'm meeting the La Pushies today!"

"No you're not." He scowled at me.

"Well I am now. You take me. Please," I nagged and he physically had no choice but to say okay.

"Fine. Darn you and your Bewitching." I winked as I went and changed into a white V neck tee, grey skinny jeans, and my robin's egg blue Converse sneakers. I put my hair up in a messy bun and secured its white blondness with black bendy clips and Hottopic bows. I did my makeup with the corners of my eyeliner pointing up, mascara covering my almost eyebrow length lashes, and dark purple eyeshadow complimenting my huge, deep purple eyes. I sang "Whatcha Say" at the top of my lungs all the way down the stairs and tapped away on my iPhone with my black painted fingernails. I swiped on some sparkly light pink lip gloss from Bobbi Brown and headed to Edward's car.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" I whined as we were only going 80.

"Yes, but I'm in no hurry to get over there."

Once we arrived to the very cute La Push area, I bounded out of the car and looked around. It was very cloudy, and I knocked on the door of the Black residence.

An old man in a wheelchair opened the door. He had longer black hair. His smile faded as he saw me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He thrashed his hand down on the wheelchair with extreme force.

"Gen Cullen. I mean no harm sir. I just always wanted to meet wolves. Please, may we talk for a while?" I asked and looked into his warm eyes and did this thing with my purple ones that made them look super cute.

"I suppose that would be acceptable. No funny stuff, though."


By the end of our conversation he was smacking his knee laughing, he had made a pot of coffee, and his cheeks were red and rosy from happiness. I have this effect on people.

"Miss Gen, you certainly have different views on things than that of the average Joe."

"Certainly. When may I meet the boys?" I pleaded and smelled the coffee. It smelled of home. I used to love coffee. It smelt like home to me.

"Anytime you want. For all I care, you can sleep over here!" He answered and allowed me to wander out of the house to find them. When I found them, two of the idiots were about to fight. As soon as they phased, I ran in the middle of them and pushed them apart. One's jaw snapped down on my arm. It hurt like heck. I sat on the ground and rubbed it, sulking.

"Who the hell are you?" a voice asked and at this point I was not very in the mood to be talked to like this.

"Genevieve Cullen. That's Mistress Dracula, to you." They all laughed and his beautiful brown eyes softened.

"A bloodsucker with a sense of humor. That's unheard of," he replied sarcastically. I glared.

"The term blood sucker is offensive. It doesn't sound dangerous enough." I winked. He whipped off his shirt to help with my weirdly injured arm that was healing quickly. I began singing "Sexy And I Know It" absentmindedly.

"A little obvious there?"

"I'm not gonna hide it. You got nice abs, kid," I remarked while looking him over. He had cropped short black hair, gorgeous eyes, a nice face structure, and boy was he tall! The kid must have been 6'7". He chuckled and his little gang "oohed".

"You mad, bro?" I turned to one and said. He winked. I reciprocated.

"Aren't you charming. I'm Jake, by the way." Ab kid said and I stared back into his eyes.

"Lord have mercy. I wonder what your father bribed God with to make you so gorgeous. I think I love you." I bluntly responded. He and his pack looked bewildered.

"You're a leech. Why don't you act like one?" He retorted.

"Leech. That's more like it. Anyway, why? I know Ed hates ya cause you're gonna steal that Bella chick from him, but what about like, Alice? She's sweet." The looks I got showed me they didn't agree.

"We don't get along, let's say. Quil Ateara, by the way," Some kid smiled at me. He was also a very handsome boy, but my eyes returned to Jake.

"Is Billy Black your father?" I asked and tried not to suffocate just looking at him.

"Yeah. My name is Jacob Black, really. Some people say Jake, though.

"I see him in you."


Time passed and I met Quil, Embry, Paul, Jared, and Sam. And also Seth. Ooh, that kid. He is beautiful. I was torn between him and Jacob. But it didn't matter. I was a vampire, they were wolves. It wasn't possible for any of that. But Jacob was really testing my self control. Before I left, I dived in for a kiss on his cheek. He was very surprised.

"You're really testin it, Black. Bye Clearwater, Q-Tip, all a y'all." I waited outside and sat in solemn silence, thinking about how freaking awesome it would be to be a vampire werewolf. I played Nyan Cat until Edward pulled up and laughed at his expression as I thought about Jake with no shirt and about kissing him. Well, kissing him to say the least. But hey, that's just me.


At home in my room, I picked up the sharpie and wrote "Today I met the sexiest boy alive. He is named Jacob Black," and smiled to myself. Time to get cracking on that CD for Bella Nutella or whatever the heck her last name was.
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Oh my lord!! I have not even posted in forever. Don't hate me or unsubscribe, I am gonna start back up real soon. I was just waiting for it to catch on. ;)