I Don't Wanna Dance Alone

And I Don't Want Anyone Else


I sigh as warm wind whips against my face. Where is my life going? Why are we here? Those are just a couple of questions that walked through my head. Was I really who I am supposed to be? I was seventeen and stupid. My attention was pulled away by a girl with long blonde hair wearing a short sun dress who crashes into me. She was pink and perfect. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I smile at her, "It's fine, I was kind of lost in my thoughts too." She smiles back at me. We were almost make-belief, innocent and nervous.

"I'm Genveieve." Her voice was soft and almost silent, it had a ghost of roughness as well but that just made it that much more beautiful. "Pretty, I'm Ben." Genevieve smiles at me as her face becomes red. And you became a drug. "Thanks" She puts a piece of hair behind her ear as she bites her plup pink lip. "You're Welcome." "Oh, uh I've got to go but in this town we're bound to see each other again." I nod, and she was gone. The one thought that was going through my mind is that I needed to see her again. And I can't get enough.

I continue walking down the street to Alex's house. I let myself in, no even bothering to knock. "Hey! Ben, It's 'bout time you get here man." I nod at him and Jon going over to his fridge and pulling out a soda "You guys want one?" I heard two sures. I pull put two more and toss them in the direction of the couch. "Nice throw." I laugh as soda splashes all over Jon's shirt, he groans. "Now I have to change for the party." My head snaps towards him. "What party?" He snorts. "The one at Mason's tonight! Dude hello, I texted you that this morning."

My mind wonders back towards the beautiful girl. "Sorry man, I just... uh got distracted." "Some distraction." I smile, "Yeah, She was." Shit. That wasn't suppose to slip out. Alex takes this chance to tease me. "Who was? Does little Benjamin have a girlfriend?" I shake my head. "Just this girl I met, you don't know her. Shes new 'round here." "Is she hot?" I roll my eyes. "She's beautiful." He holds his hands up in defense. "Whoa, you can't like call her beautiful. I mean you didn't even have a real conversation with her right?" "No, but I can just tell shes beautiful inside out." He looks at me skepically. "Right." I just brush him off.

After a couple of hours of jokes, video games, unheatlhy foods and Jon changing his shirt we decided it was time to go to the party. Mason's house wasn't that far so we deided to walk. "Do you think we'll be able to get back in the dark? I mean, I'm gonna get wasted." Jon wonders out loud. "I don't know man. But what I do know is that I won't be going back alone. " I roll my eyes at Alex's whorishness. In no time I see a shaking house with people passed out on the lawn. I grin, tonight was going to be a good night. We walk up into the house.

"Yo! Ben. Glad you could make it." I smile at Mason as he comes walking over slugging an arm around my shoulders. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it. You always throw best parties, though I can barely remember any of them." He laughs "That means their tens times better than you think they are, now go grab a beer or find a chick to dance with. Go wild, get drunk! Or both I don't fucking care. Just no sex in my room." I shake my head at him. "Will do Mace. See you later... or tomorrow." He laughs before disappearing into the crowd of bodies. I move into the kitchen before taking a beer out of the fridge.

A flash of red fills my vision before a see a hot blonde haired girl in a short fire red dress. Shock fills body as I realize the girl was Genveieve. She looked so different... In a good way. I swallow put down my drink and make my way over to her. "Hey there." She jumps a bit before turning around and looking at me, a dazzling smile slowly makes its way across her face. "Heya stranger, told ya we'd meet up later." I grin. "That ya did darlin'" her face turns red, I grin even wider. "So hey, do you uh... want to dance?"

She smiles. "I'd love to." I grabed her hand and lead her to the middle of the floor and we started to move to the music. I stared into her icy blues eyes and everything just seemed not to matter. Into your arms, when time was still and nothing mattered. My hands melted perfectly into her hips, at this very moment i would give her anything she wanted. You can take my heart and break it and shake it. She just seemed to know how to move to make me want her even more. Leave me, forsake it, and I just want it badder.

I started to notice everything about her, the soft curve of her heat shaped face, the way her lips parted slightly as she started to got more into the beat and how her blood filled cheeks and disheveled hair made her look like an other worldly goddess. And you became love. I pull her closer. Moving my hands down her body, my hand rubbing against her thigh slightly. And I can't get enough. Her red dress and the way we were moving made her body look like a raging fire. You are the sound of fire burnin' up the night. She moved back twisting and turning her body in a way that should have been illegal, I was having trouble keeping up. And I can't hold a beat to save my life.

Her eyes beconed me forward, as if I didn't go to her, I would lose my mind. You are the sound of fire keepin' me alive. Part of me breaks I know I want her forever, And I need you to need me to survive. I wrap my arms aroud her waist and crash my lips into hers. When we pulled apart I knew I needed her to be mine and no one elses And I don't want anybody else. She leaned forward and whispered seductively in my ear, "How 'bout we go upstairs?" I smirk at her as she sways her hips walking up the stairs urging me to follow. If I could have you to myself, all to myself.

Just as I'm about to follow her a hand pulls me back. "Dude! What the hell are you doing!?" I look at him incrediously. "I'm about to score with a beautiful chick!" He looks a bit confused and taken back. "Ben! That's not a chick, that's Garrett! He made this big annoucment at school that he was going to dress in drag and change his name or some shit. Sure man he looks hot, but he still has a dick." I stand there in shock before looking toward the stairs where she... he went up. I let out breath then smile before jogging up the stairs toward him. Girl or not, he was still beautiful as hell.

I don't wanna dance alone.
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Done! :D I like this so I hope you guys do too!

1,295 Words :D