The Highs of Lowlives

Get sleazy

Back in the club that night, turned out it was Tommy who’d ran off with me. we’d been hanging out and talking a bunch in the previous week and he was a blast. Anyway he put me down on a table with a sofa curved around it. Nikki was there and left almost immediately after I began glaring at him, and Vince started making out with some chick. Tommy took my attention back and was really coming onto me, so of course within about ten minutes we were getting it on. An hour or something later, a bouncer came over and kicked us out. He let me scour the club for Liv first but since I couldn’t find her, Tommy and I slowly made our way back to my place.

“Isn’t that Liv?” Tommy asked, pointing to what I thought at first was a panther on the sidewalk. Why a panther would be roaming the Strip did not occur to my drunken mind.

“Liv? Liv you crazy bitch!” I stumbled over quickly.

“We need to get her home. Fuck what a mess,” Tommy smirked lightly.

“Can’t leave her for five minutes,” I laughed, “If she’s not humping Sixx, she’s over doing it on the whiskey.”

“That guy can’t keep his dick to himself,” he grabbed hold of Liv’s arms and tugged her up but she slumped so bad we figured she’d passed out.

So we dragged the dead hooker on home, put her on the sofa and went to my room to continue where we left off in the club.


Liv was alive the next day and after brief conversation I returned to my room where I left my new toy. He didn’t even leave ‘til two days later.



“W-“ I croaked, “What do you want?” I mumbled into the receiver.

“Good fucking day, Eva, or is it Liv? Fuck it, anyway. Have you done any work like you seemed so hell bent on doing?”

“Kim?” Who else would it be?

“Don’t waste my time woman. Have you done it or not?”

Remember I said I’d spoken to Kim Fowley a while back? Well I’d been working my ass off - in case I forgot to mention - waiting for that cunt to call me.

“Yes! Fuck! What took so long?” I yelled almost.

“I’ve been busy, you whore. Found a drummer you might be interested in. I gave her your address so she’ll be over to see you today,” he told me.

“Fuckin’ genius! In case I forgot to tell you, we don’t have a fuckin’ drum kit here!” I said sarcastically. I had fucking told him.

“Well lucky for you she has one, she has a car and just needs a space to set it up. So yes I am a fuckin’ genius.”

I felt a little dumb. “Good. Thanks.” I muttered.

“I’ll be over too and see how it works out,” he hung up.

“Fuckin’ asshole,” I said in a southern accent and slammed the phone down.


“To the band!” Liv cried, raising her shot glass of sickening tequila.

“To my ass!” I grinned.

“To tequila!” Envy, our drummer as of the past half hour declared.

“To fuckin’ whores, man,” Kim said from the armchair. He had no shot but seemed just as excited.

All we needed was another guitarist and we’d be ready to take on the world.

“Let’s take this party to the Whiskey,” I proclaimed.

So us girls quickly did our makeup, back combed our do’s and Kim dropped us off outside the Whiskey A Go-Go.
We raped the bar, got good and drunk, shouted at the band on stage that they weren’t as good as us and gave some groupies abuse. We looked horrendous. Rocking the fuck out of the club in our ripped jeans, scruffy shirts and twisted pouts.

“Man this is a good fuckin’ day, Eva!” Liv threw her arm around my shoulder and jumped at my side as I stood at the bar.

“This is just the beginning, bitch!” I told her.
We downed some more shots before simultaneously looking at one another then looking for Envy from our spot at the bar.

“Where is that slut?” I questioned, peering into the darkness.

“I dunno…man I hope she works out,” Liv shrugged, still looking with me.

“Dude,” I elbowed her after catching sight of Envy across the room, “she’s definitely gonna work out.” I pointed to where she was.

Envy had one arm around a girl’s neck; her being stuck in a headlock, and her other arm was around the neck of some dude she was making out with.

“Ha! I love her already!” we took our last shots and wandered over.

“How’s it goin’?” words taken right out of my mouth, except it was Tommy who said it to me rather than we interrupting our new girl.

“Tommy!” I shrieked, throwing my arms around him, “Its goin’ fuckin amazing! How are you?”

“It’s good, it’s good. What’s gotten you so happy?” he replied.

“See her, she’s Envy Delain if you didn’t know, she’s our new fuckin’ drummer. How cool is she!”

She is your new drummer? Dude she’s fuckin’ crazy!” Tommy said, his face a contortion of excitement and fright.

“I know right!”

“What are you up to here anyway?”

“Not a lot,” I winked at him, “What about you?”

“Not too much either, if you’re not busy, we could go back to my place,” he pulled me close.

“That’s not half a bad idea, sir,” I finished the drink I was holding and shouted over the music, “Eva! Envy! I’m off! Catch you later!”

“Dirty bitch,” Liv hollered.

“Comin’ from you!” I pointed to her hands cause I could see plainly that she had a hold of Nikki’s belt buckle and was in the process of unfastening it.
If there was any blood in her body, she might have turned pink in the face, but the only blood she needed was gonna be in Nikki for obvious reasons.
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;) I'm almost losing sight of what this is meant to be about to be's about fucking rock stars right? Thats ok then. Finally got around to watching The Runaways. Fuckin sick movie<3