The Highs of Lowlives

Shake me

“I don’t fuckin’ believe this!” Eva growled through gritted teeth.

“Dude, what’s up?” I was concerned; she was rarely pissed off to the extent of gritted teeth.

“Guess who I just got off the phone with?” Eva stared at the floor. I knew the question was rhetorical and soon she continued, “Envy, and you know what she told me?”

“Oh no, man, what’s up?” I panicked. She hadn’t been with us long and but we were getting studio time next month.

“Tommy started dating that fucking whore Alice from the Tropicana!” Eva was on her feet raging.

“Oh...shit man,” I paused. I was relieved but at the same time felt her pain. She was totally into Tommy; it was fucking obvious, yet he’d done this.

“How does Envy know? She could be wrong.”

“Fuck, man, she’s doin’ Vince ‘aint she. So she’s over there like whenever us guys aren’t rehearsing.” Eva’s face contorted before she burst into tears. I never saw that woman cry before, not even when she got her nose broken, I was convinced she was missing tear ducts.

“Shit, Eve’ don’t worry about it. We’ll get him back for this,” I pulled her into a hug and we collapsed onto the sofa together.

Nobody made Eva cry, nobody, I was more pissed now than when I heard about Sixx and Ford hooking up, and as everybody knew, I was real fucking pissed then.

At the time I figured it was pretty much procedure that when single, you can do whoever you want and be serious with one person if you want to and when the time comes, hook up for real, and when you’re dating, you date one person and if so inclined continue to fuck whoever you wanted depending on their morality. You cannot be on the road to a hook up then ditch them at the drop of a hat! That’s what I figured at the time; little did I know how much I still had to learn.
Eva was crazy about Tommy and everybody could see that. So obviously this meant war and the shit was on.

I paced the room with a cigarette and a neat whiskey, it was only 1pm but the situation called for it. I wanted a plan but instead found myself so mad that I drove over to the house and stormed the castle so to speak.

“Tommy Lee, you fuckin’ asshole where are you?” I yelled.

“Shit, who’s that?” I heard from one of the bedrooms.

Footsteps approached but it wasn’t anyone I expected whom burst into the room.

“You! Liv Levine! You’re the one fucking my boyfriend!” it was Lita.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.
My eyes darted around the room for a defensive weapon as I backed up and stuttered for a response.
“Dude, I haven’t fucked him,” surely I looked like a deer in headlights, “I don’t think,” I couldn’t think yet my mind was racing.

“Fuckin’ whore!” Lita jumped at me as I was backed up against a wall.
I took hold of her wrists and held her claws away from my face.

“Lita! Fuck!” Nikki shot into the room.

“What’s goin’ on?” Tommy arrived behind him.

“What are you doing here?” they asked in chorus.

“I came to kick your ass, T! Could someone gimmie a hand here,” I struggled as Lita yelled obscenities into my face.

Nikki pulled her away and she began hitting him instead, “You’re a fuckin’ dick, Nikki! Why do you have to fuck sluts behind my back? Am I not enough for you or something?” she yelled.

“Why do you wanna kick my ass?” Tommy interrupted.

“Cos you fuckin’ broke Eva’s heart you cunt!” I shouted at him.

“What are you talking about?” he seemed to honestly not understand.

“You ditched her for some whore stripper, no?”

“I…I…we were just fuckin’ around, I didn’t think Eva was being serious,” he stuttered.

“She was. Asshole. Do you guys not understand dating? What the fuck!”

“Do you not understand stay away from my boyfriend you slut?” Lita yelled at me from the confines of Nikki’s grip.

“I’m sorry, Lita! I’m sorry. I still don’t remember even fucking him but I’m still sorry.” I apologised, never saw myself back down from confrontation before. “I’m going. Tommy, speak to Eva. Ditch the stripper.”

And I was gone, jumped into my pick up truck – classy, and drove home, picking up a McDonalds on the way.


I’d taken the long route and an excessively long drive to think and calm myself from the previous events, and who would be outside Eva’s house and mine when I returned but Nikki. I groaned and just sat in the vehicle, cut off the engine and didn’t move. Something like five minutes later Nikki opened the passenger door and climbed in next to me.
I stared at him tiredly.

“What the fuck happened back there?” I asked finally.

“A friend of hers saw me and saw you the same night, just gave your name,” he answered slowly.

“So she didn’t see us, just you; renowned whore, and me; renowned slut, and expected something to be going down?”

“Yeah, creatures of habit,” he smirked at me.

“What did Lita do then?”

“She left me, obviously. I don’t blame her.”

There was another few minutes of silence.

“Did anyone tell you how pissed I was when you guys hooked up?” I probably shouldn’t have said that, but I felt so docile and relaxed about everything that it didn’t matter.

“You were?” his tone rose a little but couldn’t have been too surprised.

“Yeah,” I sighed, “I think its just a carnal pleasure thing, I’m very shallow,” I told him, still relaxed.

“That’s a shame,” Nikki ruffled his hair and changed the subject, “You got anything to drink?”

'Thats a shame,' what the fuck was that meant to mean?

“Uh, like soda or vodka?”

“Either,” he smirked into the centre mirror at me.

“Yeah…come in I guess,” I threw the car door open, locked it once he’d gotten out and lead us inside the house.

“Liv! What the hell did you do? Where have you been?” Eva sprang out of her room, “What’s he doing here?”

“I went out. To the Motley house. He’s here cos we’re hangin’ out. Any more questions?” I asked scouring the room for alcohol with my eyes.

“Tommy just called, said he needed to come over and talk. Asked if what you’d told him was true!” she didn’t seem too pleased.

“Woman, if you want something then stop worrying about what he thinks and just take it. Men need the truth screaming into their faces or they won’t get it. So tell T what you want from him,” I instructed.

“But…I’ll sound desperate!” she said uneasily, casting nervous glances at Nikki.

He was smirking so I elbowed him, “Stop it, go into my room, it’s the first door on the right.”
I turned my attention back to Eva and spoke, “If he thinks you’re desperate then fuck him off, at least you’ll know you tried. Then you’ll know whether you’re on or you gotta get over the retard,” I shrugged.

The doorbell rang and I took my leave.

I got to my room and shut the door behind me; Nikki was spread across my bed like some kind of…starfish.

“Make yourself comfortable wont’cha,” I smirked.

“That advice, would you say the same thing to everyone?” he asked.

I thought for a moment, “Yeah.”

“So that’s what you do, when you want something?” he stared at me.

“I…” I wasn’t sure. Life isn’t, wasn’t and never will be that simple. It’s about context. “I thought you wanted a drink.” Ignoring the question was simplest as I pulled out half a bottle of vodka and a full bottle of Jack.

“If you’re not gonna give me a straight answer then we may aswell get down to business,” Nikki scoffed at my avoidant behaviour.

I put on a Stooges record and got glasses for us to drink from.


A couple hours had passed, we were just talking about music and band etcetera, then the conversation raised my eyebrows.

“What about your band? You don’t talk about it,” Nikki asked, pouring more bourbon.

“Oh, us. We haven’t settled on a name yet but have some ideas. Got a ton of songs,” I grinned, quite drunk, “Got me and Evie singin’, Envy on drums of course, she’s good! Uh…Eva does all our guitar work until we find someone to take on rhythm, and yours truly on the four string,” I smile.

“You make a hot bass player,” Nikki told me.

“And you make an asshole bass player,” I laughed.

“Hey! I was try’na be nice, bitch,” he said, not toally offended.

“I’m never nice,” I picked up my guitar and played a few notes.

“I’ve seen you be nice,” he threw a pick at my head.

“Hey!” I put my guitar down and threw a cushion form my chair at his fat head.

“Bitch,” he deflected it and threw an empty soda can at me.

This called for a fight, and I loved fighting, play fighting I suppose. Yet somehow through the obscenities and laughter, it was no real shock that our contact would result in both of us getting over excited.

“Aah fuck, stop.” I muttered after briefly making out.

“What was that bullshit about taking what you want?” Nikki held onto me.

“Well what was your bullshit about it being a shame that I was being shallow?” I countered.

“You didn’t answer me first.”

“It’s about circumstances, Sixx,” but then I had a burst of impulse, “You’re right.”

I quickly decided to just enjoy what came as it came, revel in it while I could.
Easy is as easy does. We shook all night long.