The Highs of Lowlives

A slice of debauchery pie

I opened the front door to see Tommy on the step.

“Hey,” I greeted uneasily.

“Eva,” he stepped inside and placed his hands on my shoulders, “What’s going on?”

“I…I…” I was lost for words; it was so hard to do what Liv had advised.

“You’re pissed I hooked up with Alice? I thought we were done?” he queried.

I felt so sad and pathetic, “I…I didn’t think we were done. I thought we were doin’ just fine.” I told him.

“Fuck, I’d rather be with you over her any day,” he kissed me.

“Are you shitting me?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No. You’re awesome,” he smiled at me, his huge eyes melting my heart with ease.
I squealed a little and jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

“Let’s go get some food, I’m starving.” I suggested.

So I got ready and we went for dinner, had some drinks and stumbled on home about 1 AM.
Everything was deadly silent when we crashed through my front door; at least it appeared so at first. We soon realised the three separate noises that were muffled but growing louder. Two I knew to be Liv’s bed creaking like a motherfucker and another was her quiet moaning. The last noise, I knew from Tommy’s expression, was definitely going to be Nikki’s satisfaction climbing.


The next day Tommy took me out on a proper date. We went to the movies then a fancy Mediterranean restaurant and then met everyone else in the Rainbow to get wasted.
Envy and Liv were drinking sangria and saying random Spanish words to one another, usually just ‘Que?’ and driving Nikki and Vince crazy with it.

“Woman, I swear to god!” Vince sighed as Tommy and I joined their table.

“Do you think it’s time to ask them?” Tommy suggested immediately.

“I don’t think I want to bother now, I’d rather live in a hookers closet again,” Nikki randomly put his hand to the back of Liv’s head and ducked her face into his crotch.

“Hey asshole!” she protested, still giggling though.

“What are you talking about?” Envy enquired, sipping her awful beverage.

“We’re getting kicked out of the house by the end of the week and need places to go,” Vince began.

“Whattttt! Tommy why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” I furrowed my brows.

“We wanted to do it all together, I forget why.” He shook his head.

“So you want to come stay with me?” I hadn’t expected a move like this, especially this soon.

“Only temporarily, what do you say? I’ll make it worth your while.” How could I refuse, he was utterly adorable!

“Yeahhh, go on. Like I can say no to that face,” I smiled.

“Thank you!” he gasped and jumped on me.

“I suppose you two are asking the same?” Envy glanced between Nikki, Vince and then cast a separate sort of look to Liv.

“Yeah, come on just for a while?” Vince put his arm around Envy’s shoulder.

“I suppose so, what else would you do?” she chuckled.

“Do I even have a choice?” Liv said to Nikki.

“Well yeah but you don’t wanna see me with flat hair and drinking vodka, living out of my guitar case do ya?” he was cheeky.

“Ugh, fine,” she rolled her eyes.

In appreciation Nikki shoved his tongue down her throat and of course how could she do anything but climb onto his lap.

“Fucks sake you guys!” we all sighed and threw napkins and table debris at the insatiable couple.

“Does this mean our place is gonna be the new Motley house?” I smiled at the though of half of their band and half of our band living in the same space, sounded chaotic but kinda cool at the same time.

“Well it’ll be cleaner, not a shit hole and not with Vince, so it’ll be better,” Tommy squeezed my side.

“Fuck you, dude, you love living with me,” Vince declared.

“More drinks!” Envy called.

“Waitress? Lady? Darling?” Tommy was calling around the bar.

I spotted a waitress, “Oi bitch!” I yelled at her.
She turned and glared fiercely at me.
“Sorry, sorry. Couldn’t get attention any other way,” I laughed and apologised profusely, “Can we have a whole mess of margaritas and shots of whiskey please, twenty-four shots,” I nodded.
She acknowledged me and my order and went to gather it.

“Right guys, I’ve just named our band…Revolt,” Liv announced, surprisingly her lips had been able to leave Nikki’s body for an entire sentence.

“What?” I questioned. Not the name but why did she get to decide that?

“We’re revolting,” she added, sliding off Nikki’s lap finally, “So people should be warned. It’s good. It’s genius and it’s us. You know it,” she winked before checking her lipstick was still on in her compact mirror.

“Ok,” I shrugged, I wasn’t too conflicted.

“Sounds ok to me,” Envy added.

We got out cocktails and shots and who knows what else happened.


I woke up with everything hurting, just everything. I raised my hands to check the state of my hair and rub my face, and felt a huge weight. My eyes found a handcuff around my right wrist, which was attached to a steering wheel.

“What the fuck?” my voice came out in a squeak – that’s a new one- as I spoke out aloud to myself. Next I sat up, felt like my spine had been snapped, and concluded my location to be the front yard of my home.

“Oh my god, dude,” my voice had returned to normal.

I then picked myself up, fell to my knees and settled for a slow crawl to get myself into the building. My next sight was a little too surreal and decadent to take seriously. There was a motorcycle in the living room where the coffee table used to be and Envy was lay face down across it with her wrists handcuffed together just under the handle bars, when she woke up she was gonna be stuck, and probably pissed off that she was naked.
Vince was collapsed in the armchair by the rear wheel of the bike, wearing a cowboy hat, a strippers glittery thong wrapped around it, no shirt and his leather pants were unlaced. The sight did not impress me.
I continued my crawl to the kitchen where Tommy lay across the counter by the sink. I pulled myself up and opened the refrigerator for water, at that height I saw all the vomit in the sink.
What a night, or…no, the date on the newspaper atop the table indicated it’d been at least three days since we were in the Rainbow. What the hell did we do for three days?
I threw my heels off into the corner of the room and went to check Tommy. I pushed his hair aside and saw his sleeping smile. My fingers lightly stroked down his face before taking my bottle of water upstairs.
Outside Liv’s room her and Nikki were sat against the wall, passed out. Nikki was in his boots and underwear though I’d though he never owned any let alone wore any. His face was covered in blood and lay in Liv’s lap. She merely had on lace panties and her leather jacket, it was open but covering what it needed to. Her face was also covered in blood.
I crashed through my door and onto my bed, falling asleep immediately.

I felt a second had passed when the phone woke me up.

“What the fuck do you want?” I groaned into the receiver.

“Eva, baby, you sound like hell! Been partying like a rock star instead of actually being one again?” Kim suggested.

“Can you ever be nice, dude?” I complained.

“No, and neither is the business that you want in on so bad. I got you studio time tomorrow. Be on Olympic avenue at 11AM. I shall see you there.”

“Kim! Late notice much?”

“Are we complaining, princess?” he was never too amused with backchat.

“No. I’m thrilled,” I tried to sound so, “we’ll see you at eleven.”

“Good, and don’t bring your boyfriends until there’s paparazzi,” he hung up.
Fucking hell dude.

Next time I woke up Tommy was sat beside me with two cups of coffee and his heart warming smile.

“Hey Eve’, how you feelin’?” he asked, sweeping hair from my eyes.

“Like a corpse that got dug back up. You?” I sat up and thanked him for the coffee, taking it into my palms.

“Almost as bad. Who called before?” he replied.

“Why, you giving my number as yours already?” I smirked, “It was Kim Fowley, he’s got us studio time in the morning. Shit what time is it?” alarm bells rang.

“Chill, you got that call an hour ago. It’s still the same day, just 8PM,” he calmed me.

“Fuck. Today has just been horrendous, what happened to everything else? I need to tell them about tomorrow but I’m sick of seeing my girls naked.”

“Don’t worry they’re up,” Tommy burst into a fit of laughter at my expense, “You’re not used to it are you?”

“Dude! They’re like my sisters, if I wandered past naked girls I didn’t know I wouldn’t care,” I defended. I wasn’t naïve and I didn’t want him to get the impression I was.

“Babe, there’s nothing wrong with it,” he grinned and kissed me. “Why is that thing still attached?” he noticed my steering wheel companion and produced a key from thin air [obviously] and un-cuffed me.