The Highs of Lowlives

Rock n roll machines

I was woken by an odd feeling on my chest, which I heaved my heavy hand over to brush away the irritation. There was a grunt in response to this. My head raced with images of what must have been the journey to this situation, location, whatever was going on.

We stole a motorcycle from some crazy biker? I was hanging onto Envy for dear life as everyone screamed behind us on the sidewalk while we sped down the Strip unsteadily.

A snap shot of Eva stood by a car with one foot on the doorframe, trying to tug her hand free of the steering wheel she’d been cuffed to and screaming.

Next- all of us stood outside the Tropicana and Vince running out with an angry Italian shouting at him, Vince had his hands full of underwear.

Only one more thing I could recall among the snippets of us drinking gallons of tequila, whiskey, vodka, gin, bourbon, everything and popping pills, ‘ludes, doing lines, smoking joints and probably mixing it all together into a jug of death. I had a dodgy slideshow in my mind of Nikki and I rolling around the sidewalk cause I wanted to fight. It was daylight maybe and I’d punched him too hard, by accident? My nose was also gushing blood and I don’t know what we wanted to do more fight or fuck. Whoa.

Back to reality and I decided to open my eyes. Looking down I found Nikki’s eyes on my exposed chest, I think he’d been licking me, and still had blood down his face.

“What…fuck?” I couldn’t even manage a sentence.

“Good morning,” he growled almost.

“I don’t think it’s morning, darlin’” I blinked slowly, “I do think I died though.”

“Can we eat?” he asked.

“If you get your ass up.”
So he got up and we wandered downstairs. I got the phone and ordered six pizzas while filling water into two glasses.
We meandered into the living room after wiping the blood of each other’s faces, to find Vince smoking a cigarette and poor Envy was still lay butt-naked unconscious on a motorcycle, which must have been the one we stole.

“Damn,” Nikki laughed.

“Damn right, man,” Vince smirked and then took a look at me in my underwear and jacket, which I’d lazily, zipped up, “Damn,” he said at me.

Noticing Envy’s handcuffs, I fumbled in my pockets and found a key, I also saw a bikini bra on Vince’s seat so disappeared for a quick problem fix. I put on the bra and returned to place the jacket over Envy’s ass and then unlock her handcuffs.
The woman still didn’t wake up.
“I think…I’ll go get dressed. Pizza’s on the way,” I told Vince as Nikki sat comatose on the couch.
I lazily pulled on a pair of my loosest ripped jeans [which weren’t that loose] and a T-Rex shirt. I grabbed another pair of jeans and a Runaways shirt to take down for Envy.
When I returned Eva and Tommy had joined us.

“Honey, time to wake up,” I was feeling delicate and knew everyone else must have been to some degree also. Envy was becoming a little sister to me so I wanted to be extra careful with her.

“Hmm?” she slowly roused.

“Don’t jump. You’re naked. Here’s some clothes.” I told her.

“Mother fucker. Help me please?” she spoke quietly but was surprisingly coherent. I passed the shirt, which she put on while I held her by the waist so she didn’t topple from the bike. I didn’t want her having to spread her legs to balance. Then she hung on as I slipped the jeans over her feet and up until they were high enough for her to spin and sit up.

“That’s…gonna need cleaning,” I looked to the back end of the bike and saw all the white-ish clear residue.

Vince and Envy both giggled like morons.
Eva announced our date at the studio tomorrow morning so after the pizza arrived, we ate quietly and afterwards Envy and Vince left, shortly followed by Tommy and Nikki as they hadn’t actually moved in with us and I knew I definitely needed a peaceful night alone in my bed, maybe just one though.


9AM I called up Kim and find out what we needed to bring, save taking the drum kit apart for no reason. Eva and I took our guitars and Envy picked us up. We got to the studio in plenty of time and were all fired up.
The hours flew by and before we knew it we had two songs done and the day was up. The three of us decided to have a girl’s night together and went to a diner to eat.

“So I think we’re all secretly dying to update each other on certain things,” Eva grinned widely.
Good god had I entered a fraternity the other night and forgotten?

“You mean my sex life? Of which there is a lot!” Envy was more then happy to share gory details it seemed.

“Yes, do tell,” Eva pursued.

I wasn’t so interested in sharing my…situation, as I didn’t know what it was.

“I don’t even know how long it’s been since I fucked anyone else you know! He can be so sweet some times,” Envy spoke of Vince in a light that I simply couldn’t fathom. To me, Vince was about three things; fucking, orgies, and getting laid. Not that I blame him, it’s just I could never imagine a ‘sweet’ or sensitive or even considerate side to him, all of which were things I deemed to be involved in the term ‘relationship’ which, call me a dumb ass, but it sounded like Envy was either under the impression they were in one or about to be in one.

“So, you gonna date him? You are gonna be living with him after all” Eva nibbled fried as she spoke.

“He already moved in actually. I guess this means we’re dating,” she smiled, “What about you and Tommy, huh? You seem so into each other already!”

“I know right! He’s the cutest guy in the world,” Eva was beside herself.

We’d all seem Tommy’s doe eyes so that was an acceptable concept.

“Liv?” they both turned to me, looking like witches around a cauldron, scheming.

“What?” I peered at them from the corner of my eye, not wanting to face them, as if that could assist my escape from their conversation.

“What’s going on with you and Sixx?” Eva forward as ever.

“Uh, I dunno. Nothing I guess,” I stared at my chocolate milkshake.

“You’re just fucking him?”

“And gonna live with him now?”

“After making such a fuss about him and Lita?”

“I guess,” avoidance was my favourite.

“You really like him,” Eva muttered, sniggering at my denial.

“I really like your mom,” I muttered back.

“We spilled on our lives, why do you have to bottle everything up?” Envy sat back with her knees against the table.

“Cos if I spill then it means I feel something for him and I don’t feel anything. I’m not letting another guy have my adoration and…ugh…love. Savvy?” that was all I was prepared to spill, but what else could I possibly. That’s all there was to it. “I gotta take a piss anyway,” I rose from the table and left to go to the bathroom.

I was a little pissed but not enough to let it ruin my evening. I splashed cold water on my face and took some breaths while putting a song into my head to put me in a normal mood. Once the Stones’ Country Honk took place in my mind, I left to take my place at the table and finish that non-alcoholic beverage of mine.

On my way back I noticed a woman sat in a booth alone, a Marilyn Monroe haircut and a guitar case on the seat across from her.

“Hey, what you got in there?” I asked, leaning on the table.

She looked at me suspiciously.
“Why?” she asked slowly.

“I’m interested,” I shrugged casually.

“Fender,” she told me,

“Can I see?” I glanced from the case back to this girl.

“Knock yourself out,”

I smirked to myself, “You in a band?”

“Not right now,” she sighed, probably irritated.

“Do you wanna be?” I sat on the seat next to the guitar case.

This blonde seemed very edgy, not in an I’m-on-crack way, just not sure about me.

“We got a spot open for a guitarist, we started recording a demo today, come over if you’re interested.” I was kinda cocky. I got to my feet and strode back over to the table where Envy and Eva were totally oblivious, still talking about cocks.
I finished my drink and went over to the jukebox, searching through all the trash that was on it.
I spun and tapped my boots, “It’s alright,” I pointed to Envy, “It’s alright,” then to Eva. They grinned and joined in, Envy banging cutlery on the tabletop along to the song. Eva stepped stood up on the seat before jumping off, air-guitaring. We both sang and pretended we had our guitars and danced to the song, Rock n Roll by The Runaways. By the end of our ‘performance’ we were being chased out of the diner by an angry old waitress.

“Guys wait up!” I turned to see Monroe coming after us, “still looking for that guitarist?”

We took her back to the Revolt house [as we’d now named our mausoleum of a home] and she impressed us, we played a few Kiss songs, some Stooges and Ramones too before giving her one of ours to chew on. But like I said, she impressed us.
Her name was Veronicka, so we called her Nix. Some people later thought it was funny to call her Stevie and insinuate that she wanted to be in Fleetwood Mac, those people received broken faces.


It was our second day of recordings and by mid afternoon Envy and I had recorded all of our parts and it was just left to Nix and Eva whom were still plugged in. The two of us sat bored trying to think of something to amuse ourselves with while our two guitarists faffed about with their instruments trying to get it right.

“Smoke this through your nose,” I passed Envy the joint I’d sparked.

“Dude, that’s gonna sting like a mother licker,” she laughed, taking it and did as I suggested anyway.
She coughed and her eyes watered, it was funny enough for me.
“Now you do it,” she spluttered with a smile.

“Haha not until you’ve wiped the end of it,”

She wiped the roach down and I stuck it in my mouth, as if I were dumb enough to toke through my fucking nostrils!
The door creaked open behind us and before I could decide if it were important to check who it was or not, my chair was tipped back and my head landed on the floor between someone’s boots. Fortunately I hadn’t dropped the spliff and just stared up, disgruntled, at Nikki.

“Asshole, what was that for?” I asked.

“Cos I could,” he smirked.

“Oh…good to know,” I left the spliff in my mouth and stabbed him in the back of his knees with my thumbs, he fell almost instantly, it probably wasn’t a very a good move on my part.
“I think I just got tea bagged,” I laughed from beneath his crotch.
Everyone else in the room laughed except Nikki who was just in a lil bit of pain. The rest of his band had showed up, even Mick. I managed to gain some momentum and do a backwards roll, leaving Nikki beneath me. I got to my feet, grinned and pulled him up, “Dude, don’t fuck with me,” I smirked.

“But I like fucking with you,” he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off my feet.

“Fuck!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and just for the hell of it, my legs around his waist, “Fine, fuck with me all you like.”

“I don’t need telling twice,” he looked around the room and then ran out with me, he found the bathroom and ran through that door.

“What the fuck are you doing? I’m not gonna hold your hand while you piss!” I exclaimed.
Nikki said nothing, just gave me one of his sexy smiles and took us into a stall. He wordlessly went straight for my throat, kissing and sucking forcefully while I finished the joint. It was probably a bad thing to enjoy it so much, but how could I not? How could anyone not? We slammed my back onto the opposite side and I wedged myself in place with my boots on the other side. This must have been some kind of cue for him to wrestle my belt open and put his hand down my leather pants. I drew blood biting his neck.


“You might think you had more fun than us, but you’re wrong, cos we just drank all your booze!” Envy stated matter of factly as we re-entered the room a good hour later.

I laughed at her, “You couldn’t drink enough booze to give you two orgasms so fuck you!” I was quite pleased with myself of course.

“Shit dude, its Friday! We’re getting kicked out today!” Tommy announced randomly.

“Oh typical of you to let something like that slip your minds,” Envy rolled her eyes.

“Hadn’t we better go sort it out?” I asked.
Everyone looked at me dumbfounded.
“I guess I have to drive seeing as you’re all too wasted now!”

“Eva! We gotta go! See you in the Whiskey!” Tommy shouted into the mic on the mixing board, despite the fact they were mid-lick or something.

“Pile into the car mother fuckers!” I led everyone outside; it wasn’t so hard to fit everyone into a pick up truck.

“You really should get a new car,” Nikki observed.

“Well you should get a car, how bout that,” I quipped, “I’ll get a new one when I have the money.”

Somehow, through group effort we got all the stuff in the back of my truck. For once it wasn’t Nikki that was the problem, it was Tommy with all his drunken stumbling and Vince was making matters worse by going through every item of Tommy’s clothing and dressing himself in it. Then they just had to completely trash the house as if it wasn’t bad enough already. By this point they’d given Nikki half a bottle of Jack and that wasn’t helping me in the least. Mick and Vince walked to the Whiskey from there and Tommy and Nikki came with me to help.
We got everything back and I gave up asking for assistance so they goofed around while I moved everything into the living room and left it there. I got ready for the night and grabbed a bottle of Kahlua then sat on the front step sipping it until someone realised we were ready to go. The Terror Twins decided to carry my between them to the bar between themselves which was not the most comfortable thing in the world.
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Despite what it may look like I tried really fuckin' hard on this chapter. Not because it's been longer than the provious ones but because I wrote a lot, cut it out, re-wrote it, cut it again. The relationships were getting lost and I'm trying to regain them as obviously they are the main focus of this. Watching The Runaways just got me all caught up in the side story, apologies for that.
Comments are always appreciated motherfuckers...