The Highs of Lowlives

Don't say KISS

I was not in the best of spirits when I awoke the following day. Not only was I not at home with this sonic migraine, but also recollection quickly hit me on where I was wand why I was there. Only the explanation as to why was the most aggravating of all- intoxication. Why must I continue to punish my system with alcohol and narcotics? Because I’m an idiot that’s why.

“What goes on here stays here, got it?” Envy muttered methodically, repeating herself as she got up from the bed beside me and pulled on a silk nightdress.
As she continued muttering it got louder and louder as if it was a bomb alert or something. I picked up random clothes trying to find mine, also trying to remember what I had even been wearing the previous night.

Envy’s home was beautiful. She had rich parents who’d just up and bought it for her, lucky bitch. It was one of those modern spacious, light filled apartments, which only seemed to be owned by movie stars and beautiful people. Not likely to be invaded by the rock n roll scum that we were. We belonged in trashy old buildings. Though the Revolt house was made to look like a palace in comparison to the former Motley house, probably because we look a lot more pride in ours, but it was still a pile of shit compared to Envy’s.

“What goes on here stays here, got it?” Envy was still muttering and I think freaking out.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked, stepping into her kitchen with her.

“What goes-“

I cut her off, “Sweetie, forget about it. I don’t want a repeat either so I’m just gonna forget about it too,” I told her.

“Want some coffee?” Envy stared at me. I think her head had broken with the speed of her snapping out of the horrified trance.

Nevertheless we sat down with a coffee each and one by one everyone awoke [naturally or by force] and left to our respective homes. Envy’s reaction to what had happened had perplexed me somewhat. I figured she’d be cool with it and just not think about it again, that’s how I dealt with unwanted memories. If she couldn’t deal with that, how were things with Vince ever gonna work out?


“Levine?” I called as I strode through my front door.

“Montana?” she responded some moments later.

I just wanted to know she was alive if she was home. I reckon she’d had a lucky escape from the rest of our bands shenanigans.

The living room was a tip, that fucking motorcycle hadn’t moved yet and there were boxes, amplifiers, a sombrero and vinyl records scattered everywhere. There was hardly room to walk. Tommy and I shuffled through to the kitchen and ate before getting our asses into gear and sorting all of his stuff into my bedroom. It was a little less spacious but at least it was a load off my mind.
That night Nikki and Tommy went out for some meeting or other with the rest of their band and the management so I cooked up some risotto for Liv and I.

“Why was Envy trying to climb through the window last night?” Liv asked, selecting pieces of her meal carefully.

“I don’t know dude,” I couldn’t remember, “booze probably.”

“She’d had a lot or wanted more?” she sniggered.

“Both,” I was still tired and docile, not much good conversation.

“You guys get up to anything interesting?”

I heaved a tiresome sigh and made another quick decision, “Apparently what goes in at Envy’s stays at Envy’s but seeing as its not a massive deal like she thinks it is, and everyone else was involved you may as well know,” I took a sip of soda before continuing, “ we all had too much to drink and too much to snort and things got a bit weird,” I looked at Liv knowingly.

“Ugh, did you guys have a big fat grotesque orgy?” Liv pulled a face.

“You could call it that,” I tried to put nice images into my head.

“I’m so sorry dude. Rather you than me,” she smirked and patted my shoulder.
“Just don’t mention it. Envy was freaking out.”

“Your dirty laundry is safe with me, I aint washin’ it though. That’s your job,” she replied and finished her meal in silence.


I was rudely woken by Tommy bombarding into our bedroom with his drunken insanity. Luckily he was quite compliant when I threatened the couch on him if he didn’t stop making noise.
The phone woke me next, that fucking phone! But at least it was light by that time. I didn’t even answer it, it stopped ringing before I could find my way out of bed.

“Baby, move,” I tired to wake Tommy up.

“No,” he muttered between snores.
I pushed him off the bed and pulled on a silk robe before adventuring into the unknown.
The staircase creaked all the way down so there was no sneaking for me.

“Eva?” Liv called.

“You’re up?” I was a little shocked.

“Who else takes the important calls around here huh. I got a little news,” she laughed.
I rounded the corner and leaned against the wall waiting for this so-called news. She was on the high backed couch so I couldn’t actually see her, only a voice emitted, “We’ve got a couple local gigs coming up,” she announced like there was more to come.

“And?” I was impatient.

“And obviously it’s Halloween soon, dumb ass!”

“Halloween is not news.”

“Who are you kidding,” Nikki’s voice murmured from the same direction.


“Oh my god I know what we should dress up as for Halloween!” Envy was so excited.

“Don’t say KISS, don’t say KISS, don’t say KISS,” Liv murmured over and over.

“KISS! Can you imagine!” she was thrilled.

“No!” we all shouted at once, Nix, Liv and I.

“Why not?” Envy pouted.

“Cos that’s not cool!” I began.

“Cos it’s not creative!” Nix added.

“And we will be sexy, not…manly,” Liv punches her arm, “we should go burlesque on their asses,” she winked.

“Oh please!” Nix scoffed.
I never understood how she was a movie stars head but everything inside it was so…hardened. I’m sure she was a man trapped inside a beautiful woman’s body.

“That’s a good idea actually. Got admit it. Sex sells and we’re sexy mother fuckers,” I concluded after some thought, “We should plan it.”

“If you expect me to do some faggoty dance routine then forget it!” Nix stropped.

“Fine. We’ll do it!” Envy sided with us, “we’ll be like Charlie’s Angels and you can be Bosley,” she giggled.