Status: im not going to be updating for a while because i want to change somethings in the chapters to come so hold on and be patient for a while. thanks!

Battle of the Bands


Well I guess this is quite a mess that we got caught in
It's best if we just confess that we have fallen
And love is problematique when you feel 
Like a fanatic of a person that you barely know

Ryan's POV

We arrived in Poway and were on the way to meet Zach, Cameron, Michael, and Nathan. We all met at the hotel. Zach, Cameron, and Michael are 21 and Nathan is turning 20. I on the other hand am 24. Jamie is 19. Ian is 23, Nash is 26, Sarah is 21. Once we got there we headed for San Francisco, California. Allstar Weekend was going to be our opening act. We then headed to our hotels dropped our stuff off and headed right to the venue. When we got there Allstar Weekend set the stage, then it was our turn.

Sarah's POV

Right when Allstar Weekend came back from the stage Ryan, Jamie, Nash, and Ian went to go play. Zach, Cameron, Nathan, and Michael went to go change then came back out in less than 3 minutes. Zach came over and sat by me. His electric blue eyes made me get butterflies in my stomach, which only happens when I fall in love with someone. How could I be in love with Zach though I just met him and besides he probably doesn’t feel the same way that I do. Then again maybe if I try to get a feel of how he reacts to me will give me a better feel of how he does in fact think of me.

I then started asking about everything about him.

"So then I guess that means that I'm only 1 month younger than you? Right?" he though about it.

"Yeah I guess it does." he then smiled. His smile is so gorgeous.

"Wanna see our dressing rooms?"

"sure why not?" Zach took my hand and led me over to the room down the hall.

"Well here it is!" He then led me over to the couch again and we rejoined the rest of the guys.

"So now its my turn to ask questions." His smile was killing me right now.

"Why did Ryan and them bring you with are you like his umm..girlfriend?"

I looked at him. "Haha no umm. Actually im not I just came with them because I'm there best friends from ever since we were little we did everything together. So that’s why im here and besides Allstar Weekend is my other number 1 band of course tied with them…"

"So then who is your favorite out of our band?"

" favorite is.."

'Hey guys you ready to hit the next venue on this tour?" Ryan came back into the room. We all then got up and headed to the tour bus. Yes we were all sharing a tour bus. Double Decker tour bus pretty awesome. Allstar Weekend was on the top and Hot Chelle Rae was on the bottom.
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Hey-o wats cooking anyway im probably going to be stpending all my time on this story now since no one was commenting on my other ones.......

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