Status: im not going to be updating for a while because i want to change somethings in the chapters to come so hold on and be patient for a while. thanks!

Battle of the Bands

Come Down With Love

You got me trippin' on my feet
My mind starts racing
And my heart forgets to beat
When you start to walk my way
I forget where I am
Can't find a word to say
My friends just laugh at me
There's no cure for this disease

Zach's POV

Before we went out onto the stage to perform Ryan, Jamie, Ian, and Nash wished us luck. Once we came back we quickly changed and I went over to sit by Sarah. I don’t know what it is about her but she makes my mind start to race, and I swear my heart forgets to beat. Once I did sat by her on the ride here and I couldn’t figure out what to say. Cameron, Nathan and Michael could totally tell that I had come down with love, so they just quietly laughed at me.

Sarah started asking about everything about me. She was more interested in finding out when my birthday was. "December 10th, 1989."

"So I guess that makes me a month younger than you? Right?" oh my gosh she is a month younger than me perfect.

"Yeah, I guess it does. Wanna see our dressing room?"

Wanna see our dressing room what am I stupid? Of course she doesn't want to see she probably thinks im perverted now.

"Sure why not?!" ok that was the total opposite of what I thought. Whatever. I led her over to the dressing room.

"Well, here it is!" She looked around then I led her back over to the couch again and rejoined the rest of the guys.

I smiled, "Now its my turn to ask questions."

"Why did Ryan and them bring you with? Are you like his um…girlfriend?" Oh my gosh please say that your not…please please please..

She looked at me, "Haha no um. Actually im not I just came with them because I'm there best friend from ever since we were little we did everything together. So that's why im here and besides Allstar Weekend is my other number 1 band of course tied with them.."

"So then who is your favorite out of our band?" I just gazed into her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes.

" favorite is.." Just as she was about to tell us Ryan came back into the room. "Hey guys you ready to hit the next venue on this tour?" We all got up and headed to the tour bus. Double Decker tour bus pretty dope. We were on the top part which could be accessed by the stairs in the back of the bus and front, and HCR was on the main floor of the bus.
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sorry took so long guys school so much frikkin homework my mom insisting i still go to work omg GOLF TEAM I MIGHT HAVE A HOMECOMING DATE FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!1