‹ Prequel: Cut Me Open
Status: Ignore that last Comment everyone ! Thats not what its gonna be about

Drenched in Blood

Delicious Punishment

The Joker dragged Jax to one of the empty rooms he was going to keep her in. He tied her hands together and her feet together, making sure she couldn’t get out of them. He straddled her waist, putting all his weight on his knees, then he started slapping her face, “Biscuit,” he purred, “Open your eyes, Sugar.”

Her eyes started to flutter open, “What?” she demanded, angrily, then as if she remembered everything, rage filled her body, “Let me go, Goddammit.”

“Ah, ah, ah, little Jaxy,” he wagged his finger at her, “Be good, the pain may only last a couple of minutes but the scars will last a life-time, so you can always, ah, cherish them,” he used his thumb and index fingers to grab her by the bottom of her face, squeezing it hard, making her jaws feel sore, “We are going to have some fun, hmm? I’ve been missing our little moments of, ah, passion.”

“Fuck you, Clown,” she sneered the word clown. He hated being called a clown or some other type of synonym for Joker.

“Such language,” he pretended to gasp, “proper women don’t speak like that,” he pulled out his knife and pressed it to the bottom of her neck, “Did you miss me, hmm?”

“Oh you’re fucking right,” she laughed, angrily, “I missed you and your bucket of sunshine.”

He smiled, kind of annoyed that she was laughing at him, “Good,” he purred, sliding the knife up and down her neck, “Now I’m going to leave you in here for a while, don’t go anywhere,” he giggled, hopping off the ground away from her and left the room.

He slammed the door behind him and went down the stairs. Bloody Jax started to roll herself around, trying to get up, so she could at least feel a little dignified. Who does he think he is? Leaving me the fuck here, taking me from my daughter. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms. She tried not to think about Chaos long, it made her feel like her heart was being ripped out.

The door opened again, the Joker smirked at her, his knife was still in his hand, he twirled it, deliciously in between his fingers, “Hey Biscuit,” he purred, coming towards her, “Now, it’s punishment time,” he grabbed her and yanked her up on to her feet, then he cut the rope off her ankles, “I want you to move around,” he cut off her shirt, exposing her top-half, “There’s my scars did you like the new one?”

“Fucking loved it,” she sneered.

The Joker slid his leathered-hands down to her waist and shoved her against the wall, “I’m losing my patience with you,” he told her, licking his lips in irritation, then he back-handed her, making her fall to the ground, he threw his head back in insane laughter, “Oh, Sugar, it makes me feel so bad for you when I see you laying on the ground there.”

He lifted her up off the ground and threw her on the queen-sized bed, he startled her again, pressing the knife against her neck, “What are you gonna do, Joker, give me another scar?”

“Oh you know me to well, Biscuit,” he rolled her over and pressed the blade into her flesh, he carved the word, traitor, relishing the blood that came out, “Your blood has always been your only redeeming quality,” he licked his lips and flipped her back over to face him, “I brought something.”

“Exciting,” she purred.

He smirked, picking her up, roughly and forced her to set up, he pulled a taser out of his pocket, “I’ve never liked these things but I thought since we are having our little reunion, it’d be good.”

He pushed the end of the taser against the bottom of her neck and he pressed the button, he laughed heinously as he watched her thrash around, “Fuck,” she gasped, after she finally stopped thrashing around.

“Ooh,” he hopped from one foot to the other excitedly, “Want to do it again.”

“No!” French gasped.

He smiled, he had found another weakness.
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I love my new layout! aah! It was done by Fashion of his love ; Shes one of my friends so if u ever want a good layout go to my profile and click on her name :)
She also did Cut Me Open's layout.