‹ Prequel: Cut Me Open
Status: Ignore that last Comment everyone ! Thats not what its gonna be about

Drenched in Blood

Jealous Laughs

French moped around the house for a couple weeks, the Joker sent her on various drug-store robberies, but he never let her see Chaos. She wondered if he would ever let her see Chaos again. On the rare nights he came in and flopped on the bed, passing out from exhaustion, she would whine to him first thing in the morning. He usually just snapped a quick response and left the room.

One night, the Joker came in, kind of giddy, “Oh, Biscuit, even you can not spoil my mood, right now,” he purred.

She ignored him, still angry, he wouldn’t let her see Chaos, “Oh,” she was looking in the mirror, examining her Joker scars.

She watched him come up behind her in the mirror, “I’ve done it,” he giggled, she didn’t reply, just started brushing her hair, “I made the poison permanent.”


Instead of grabbing her by the hair and jerking her down to the ground, he grabbed her by the shoulders, roughly, digging his fingers into her collar bone, he bent down and nibbled on her neck, right behind her ear, sinking his teeth in, roughly, “You will not ruin my, ah, good mood.”

French turned around, glaring at him, despite the feeling of dizziness his rough touch gave her, “Oh yeah? Where the fuck is Chaos, Joker, tell me and maybe, I will try to be happy for you,” she spat.

Hatred filled his veins and he shoved her to the floor, he sat on top of her and placed his knife against her throat, even though this routine felt so mundane, French still felt her heart pound a bit faster, “See, this is what I don’t like about you, you women,” he licked his lips, “Always trying to get something but when us, men try to give it to them, they don’t let us.”

French glared at him, one hand was tangled in her hair, the other was pressing the knife against her throat, “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” he giggled, squeaking, “Oh, I don’t know. You, throwing yourself at me every other day, then begging to see Chaos.”

French felt herself blush, despite herself, “I can’t get sexual right now, anyway.”

“What do you mean?” he looked incredulous.

“You know, ‘Dot has come to visit.’”

The Joker looked at her kind of grossed-out and he sat up, “Oh,” he coughed, kind of awkwardly, “Ah, Chaos is downstairs in the secret room,” he got up and flopped on the bed, flipping on the TV.

French smiled, excitedly and ran out the door, “Chaos!” she called.

Chaos came out of the little room when French got down stairs, “Mommy,” she smiled, excitedly and hugged her, “Daddy said that I’m not supposed to talk to you, but I can’t take it anymore.”

“We’re allowed to talk now, Kay, don’t worry.”

Chaos smiled then darted her eyes away, “Mommy, how come I don’t have what you and Daddy have?”

“What do you mean?”

Chaos pointed at her cheeks, “Those.”

French bit her lip and stared at Chaos curiously, “You don’t want these, Kay, they hurt incredibly bad and we didn’t get them by choice. I used to be pretty like you, but now I’m scarred up and ugly.”

“Daddy thinks you’re beautiful.”

French laughed, “Sure,” she smiled at her little girl, “I think you are the most beautiful and amazing creature on this earth,”

Chaos gave her a dimpled-smile then catching a glimpse of French’s scars, she looked away sadly, “I want to be as beautiful as you, Mommy, I want those scars.”

French looked at her, kind of worried, “No, baby, No you don’t. Trust me.”

Chaos bit her lip and played with her hands, “Okay Mommy.”

Two-face came in then, “French, can we talk?”

French was too busily chatting with Chaos to look at him, “Not now, later.”

“French, this is really important.”

French looked up at him, curiously, “You can say it in front of-”

“No, you wouldn’t want me to.”

French nodded, “Kay, I’ll be right back, I promise.”

“Okay, Mommy,” she looked back at her drawing.

“French, I don’t know how to say this, but I want you to leave, come with me,” Two-face told her, “Take Chaos, the Joker just doesn’t treat you right.”


“No, don’t answer yet, think about it. You and French would finally get proper love.”

French tried not to laugh in his face, he thought the Joker loved her, “I guess.”

Two-face nodded then he left, just like that, one second professing his ‘love’ then one second out the door. She shook her head and whispered to herself, “So Two-face ‘loves’ me then, huh?” she laughed hysterically then went to join Chaos.

Upstairs the Joker stood by the vent, laughing, so Two-face wants to take my Biscuit away from me then, hmm?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh No! What will Joker do to poor little Two-face?