‹ Prequel: Cut Me Open
Status: Ignore that last Comment everyone ! Thats not what its gonna be about

Drenched in Blood

Funny Robbery

The Joker slammed open his door and stomped down the stairs, anger and some other emotion he couldn't put his finger on filled him. He stormed past French glaring straight ahead. French was too busy playing with Chaos still, to even notice. Then, he left, angrily. In the distance, he could see Two-face walking still. The Joker ran after him, trying to catch up. Of course, Two-face didn't know that the Joker was after him, so he just kept walking, slowly. The Joker caught up to him in no time, with little effort.

"Two-face," he growled.

Surprised, Two-face pivoted to face him, "Joker, what-?"

The Joker punched him in the stomach, giggling madly, "Oh, Two-face, I thought you, ah, knew better, hmm?"

"Knew better than what?" he grunted, covering his stomach and bending at the knees, a shocked expression still plastered on his face.

The Joker licked his lips and forced Two-face to stand up straight, the Joker held him by the collar, glaring straight into his eyes, "Knew better than trying to take my property."

"Your property, I promise you, I haven't stolen anything of yours."

The Joker laughed at Two-face's misunderstanding, "What is this I heard about showing my Bloody Jax, true love?"

Realization sunk in and he stood straighter, trying to stay calm, "I just thought I could keep them at my place and you know, Chaos could come see you as much as she wanted..." he let his words trail off as he saw the anger growing on the Joker's face.

"She is mine, Bloody Jax is mine, nothing of mine is yours, so I do not understand how...Chaos could come see me as much as she wanted. If they're mine, why would I let you borrow them?" he licked his lips, "You see, I'm not a sharing type of man, once I own something it is mine, ah, indefinitely."

"They're not things," Two-face insisted.

The Joker rolled his eyes, "I just do not understand that," he shook his head, "That tree, it's a thing, hmm? That dog, it's a thing, hmm?" he nodded, "Humans always think they are so, ah, incredible because they can move their thumbs and ah, talk, but if you think about it, we are really the same as all these...things, hmm?"

"No, Joker, no we're not."

The Joker laughed, "I knew you were weak, why did I even bother, hmm?" he punched Two-face again, sending him to the ground, he licked his lips, "I want you to, ah, go...now."
Two-face stood up, dusting off his pants, "Fine, but I'm not helping you with the-"

"That's what you were doing?" the Joker asked, condescendingly, "I just thought you were standing there watching me, as I did all the work, hmm? Then, trying to steal," Two-face started to walk away before the Joker could hit him again, "And stay away from my, ah, play-thing, I killed the last one and I'll kill you too."

Two-face didn't reply just ran away. The Joker giggled, excitedly, hopping from one foot to the other and headed back towards the mansion, he slammed open the door, Chaos and French were still setting on the floor, now, drawing. French's head snapped up, she could detect his wild-eyes from across the room and could tell that he had been doing something crazy, "What?" she questioned.

"We have to do something, ah, tonight," the Joker replied, "Don't question me, Biscuit."

French rolled her eyes, "What about Chaos?"

The Joker licked his lips, suddenly annoyed again, "We have female goons, have you suddenly forgotten the usual, ah, set-up?"

French stood up, pulling Chaos up with her, "Whatever, dick," she picked Chaos up, letting her wrap her legs around her like a Koala, "Let's go find you a baby-sitter.

As they passed the Joker, he pulled her hair, yanking her head back a bit, he laughed hysterically and ran away, like a little boy. She rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs, still carrying Chaos. She found a younger girl who seemed to be about seventeen, "Hey, you," French called out, "You are watching my daughter tonight, if you fuck this up, you are dead, no questions asked. She goes to bed at eight," then with that French kissed Chaos on top of the head and ran down the stairs, excitedly to meet up with the Joker. It had been a while since she had done anything that was significant.

The Joker waited in the van, impatiently, then she appeared and jumped in, she had obviously changed from her pajamas to a white, revealing mini-skirt and a white tank-top that had lace on it's chest area, the Joker licked his lips, "Took you long enough."

She rolled her eyes, "You take longer, mister clown make-up."

The Joker slammed on the brakes, her head pounded into the glove-department, painfully, "What did you say, Biscuit?" he sneered, "I thought I heard you, ah, back-talking me."

French rolled her eyes, "I do it all the time, what's new?"

The Joker put it in park and got out of his seat to shove her against the van's passenger door, "I'm not going to, ah, put up with it anymore, that's what's new."

Then in one swift motion, he got back in his own seat and drove off. French crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "I'm not even supposed to be here, you promised you would let me go."

The Joker mumbled to his self, angrily, "I said you would never be able to come back. I didn't say I wouldn't take you."

French bristled, "I hate you more and more every day."

"The feeling is mutual, Sugar."

"Then why do you-"

The Joker slammed on his brakes again, "We are here. Come on, we have to make as much noise as possible, we have to have Batty and Bird-boy."

French nodded and jumped out of the van, packing her little hand-gun, she followed him into the bank. It had been a while since they had robbed anything other than drug-stores and grocery-stores, so the banks were slowing on security again. There was only one security-guard and he was in the corner, reading a magazine, he didn't even see them come in. Then the Joker shot him, announcing their arrival to the rest of the people in the bank, who in turn, started to scream and dunk for cover. The Joker fired another couple of shots into the crowd, hitting people in the back of the head, for good measure.

"Well, hello, citizens," French purred, going into Bloody Jax mode, "We just want the money, we don't want to kill anyone," she pointed her gun at a man twice her size and she pulled the trigger, "Wait, I lied," she laughed, as the back of his head flew open and he fell forwards.

"But, Biscuit, like I'm always telling you, Money is not the answer to our problems," he slit the nearest woman's throat, "It's all about the homicide."

French giggled, excitedly, "Good because I love homicide," she pulled out her own knife and pressed to a man who was sobbing's throat, "Don't you?" then she ripped his throat open, giggling as his warm blood covered her.

The Joker killed three more people, "Now, I want you," he pointed at a woman behind the counter, "I want you to call for Batman and his little Robin."

"Already?" French Fake whined, "I was just getting started.

"Go ahead, Biscuit, kill as many people as you want," he went to stand in front of the door, "They're waiting, hmm?"

French laughed excitedly, running around the room, killing every person insight. When there was nothing but dead-bodies, the Joker and the woman behind the counter left, she sat down next to one of the slayed women, like the woman was still alive and wrapped her arm around her shoulder, "It's okay," she half-whispered, "Your money will all go to the right people."

The Joker tried not to laugh at her talking to the dead-body, only my jokes are funny. The woman was frantically talking to someone on the phone, "No this is not a prank," she cried into it.

The Joker licked his lips, tearing his eyes away from French in her bloody white outfit, he reached out for the phone, the woman sat the phone in his hand fearfully, "I want, ah, Batman and Robin, now, make it snappy or this poor young lady won't, ah, have a head anymore," then he hung up.

French got up from the bloody woman and walked towards the Joker, blood still dripping down her arms and the rest of her body, she was suddenly very aware of the Joker, "Joker, I'm a mess," she purred, sensually.

He looked at her, strangely, "Ah, Jaxy what are you doing, hmm?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, innocently, taking his tie into her hands.

He rolled his eyes, in the middle of a bank?, "Stop, Biscuit, there is company, we can't, ah, right now, hmm? Maybe when we have the little Birdie all tied up in his room."

French pressed herself against him, knowing that he couldn't help but to stare at the blood, trickling down her, staining her white clothes, "I don't know what you are talking about," she bit through his clothes where his collar bone was, lightly, "I just wanted some congratulations."

The Joker became irritated, "We are in the middle of a bank, where we just killed a whole bunch of people and you are trying to sed-" the window crashed open and Batman came flying through.

French giggled excitedly as the Joker pushed her away, roughly. Robin hopped in after Batman, "Joker," Batman growled, in his fake low-voice, "why?"

"Why do you always ask why, hmm? Does there have to be a reason for every little single thing that happens, hmm?"

Robin came towards French, fists blazing, "Oh, little Robbie wants to play," French giggled, darting out of the way.

The Joker lunged towards Batman. They fought and wrestled on the ground as French and Robin started fighting. Soon, French had Robin down on the ground and she started to tie him up in a rope, instead of putting up with him yelling she hit him in the face, knocking him out. The Joker noticed through his punches that Robin was being tied up and he reached in his pocket for the smoker. When he found it he threw it on the ground, sending smoke all throughout the bank, smoke that made it incredibly hard to see. The Joker ran towards French and Robin. Together, French and the Joker dragged Robin towards the door, running. Batman couldn't find them anywhere.

They made it to the car and drove back towards the mansion, laughing crazily the whole way home. The Joker drug Robin up the stairs. French stayed downstairs, getting something to drink. In her room, Chaos sat alone on her bed. Tears stung at the back of her eyes, she wanted to cry, for the loneliness that was beginning to press down on her. French and the Joker was always gone, maybe I should have stayed with Dr. Hectic, she thought, at least she tried to give me attention. She looked in the mirror at herself, it's because I don't have the smiles Mommy and Daddy have. She picked up her rubber knife and pressed it to her face. Longingly, she went back to her bed and stuck her face in to her pillow, crying.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, French came in and sat on the edge of the bed, she placed her hand on Chaos's back and kissed Chaos's forehead, "I love you," she whispered, then she left the room and headed to bed.

Upstairs, the Joker was injecting the new poison that worked, into Robin's veins.
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