‹ Prequel: Cut Me Open
Status: Ignore that last Comment everyone ! Thats not what its gonna be about

Drenched in Blood

Fast Forward

In the morning, the Joker was gone. French sat up surprised that for once, he didn't wake her up with his fast movements and loud footsteps. She looked at the clock it was 12:00 pm. She rolled over and groaned, even more surprised that he hadn't shook her awake yet. She got out of the bed and looked around the room, none of his clothes were sprung on the floor like usual. This is weird, she opened the closet only her clothes were inside.

"No," she stomped her foot, angrily.

After checking the bathroom and his office, she sat down in his chair, defeated. He was nowhere to be seen. Where the fuck did he go now. French couldn't put her finger on why she was so torn up about his leaving but she knew it was wrong for her to be so sad. She pressed her hands into her face and closed her eyes, well, at least I got some good rest. She started to laugh, angrily, thinking of the way Chaos would be torn-apart from his departure, how could he do this to the only person he loves? A child! She shook her head and laid her head on the desk, angry tears welled up in her eyes.

Instead of getting Chaos, she went downstairs and started to make breakfast. It took her an hour, when she was done, she was shocked that Chaos hadn't came downstairs yet. Then, fear went through her, he wouldn't. She ran up the stairs, her heart beating angrily and annoyed, she opened the door. Chaos wasn't in the bed. French turned around and angrily threw her fist through the wall. Making a few of her knuckles crack. She stomped to the closet and opened it up, half of Chaos's clothes was there, so she knew that the Joker planned on taking her back. She sighed in relief.

That evening, Chaos came bouncing into the kitchen, Little J followed behind her. French hugged them both, breathing in their smell, "I have been missing you guys, so much," she shuttered.

"We missed you too, Mommy," Little J replied. Chagrin washed through French when she realized she hadn't even checked Little J's room.

She tried to hide the guilt when she looked at him, "Where did he take you?"

"He found a better place for us to train," he smiled, excitedly, "It's really cool."

French nodded, "You two want some dinner?"

They both did, so she started making dinner. It was funny because she rarely ever cooked and when she did it was when the Joker had done something extremely irritating. Chaos poked her in the side, "Mommy."

"Yeah, Chaos?" she answered, mixing together the ingredients for mashed potatoes.

"Daddy told me to give you this."

French wiped her hands on a towel and took the folded peice of paper from Chaos, Biscuit, As I told you before, many times, I am not a settling down type of man. I like my freedom. You are a very good sex partner but I am not looking for anything more. I am afraid that you are starting to think of me as something more, so I've devised a plan for a way to deal with this. You get French and Little J in the evenings and I get them for all the rest of the day. If you want times, forget it, I don't plan that much. That's why they call me "The Man Without a Plan." By the way, sorry I didn't stay and snuggle with you. -J

French rolled her eyes, the sarcasm from the last sentence rolled right off the paper and into her brain, "Prick."

French didn't see the Joker for seven years after that. Instead, she found other things like three grey hairs. She watched Little J grow into a young man who liked to dress and act like the Joker and Chaos grow into a beautiful pre-teen, who liked wearing black wigs and painting her face like the Joker. French loved them both equally, it was her mission to love Little J like he was her own son and he never seemed to notice that he wasn't, despite the differences. He had black hair, the Joker and French had blonde hair. He had tan-skin, the Joker had pale skin and so did French. You wouldn't have known Chaos and Little J were siblings if they didn't tell you.

Sometimes, Two-face would try to get French to let him take her away or at least stay with her, but she never allowed it. Whether French realized it or not, she was in a depression. She only left the house in the morning, when Little J and Chaos were gone, and that was to either steal food or kill somebody. If it wasn't for the news, she wouldn't have even known that the Joker was still alive. She missed him, even though she would never admit it. Everytime he came on the TV, her heart would speed and her palms would sweat. The media still didn't know that Chaos and Little J were still with the Joker and French, the Joker didn't let them do jobs with him yet, only trained them.

Unknown to her, the Joker knew that Two-face was always trying to get her, so he would threaten him. He never killed him, mainly because he was his creation, but he wanted to. At nights, French would curl up into a ball and try to smell the Joker's scent but it was long gone, so she would pad up to his office, tears streaming down her eyes and she would set in his chair, where the smell was only slightly there. Then, defeated she would go to Little J or Chaos's room and snuggle up to them, breathing in the smell of the Joker, like it was a drug.
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I wasn't too sure about this chapter and I wasn't going to use this part but I thought it was best to put it in..Thoughts?