‹ Prequel: Cut Me Open
Status: Ignore that last Comment everyone ! Thats not what its gonna be about

Drenched in Blood

Whimsical Robbery

Bloody Jax drove towards Wayne Enterprises, her body still scorching from her previous conversation. Cat Woman sat silently next to her in the passenger seat, her eyes fixed on the road. The awkward tension in between them kept them from looking at each other. Jax barked orders at the goons in the back. The break-in was going to be simple and quick. Like the Joker had done in her accompany before, except last time, they were only there to get files on future business plans. That was how she had found out about the new bomb-making machine.

“Okay, get out there now, you have ten minutes to get the fork-lift ready,” Jax told them, pulling into an alley behind the building, the three goons jumped out of the back, leaving Mister Freeze and Bloody Jax with the three others.

Mister Freeze started barking orders at the three goons and jumped out of the van, “I’m going to stay in here tonight,” she told him.

Cat Woman looked at Bloody Jax, almost nervously, “Why are you passing this chance up?”

“We’re going to get Chaos,” she replied, clenching her fists.

“I’m not going with you,” Cat woman stated, bluntly, crossing her arms.

“Fine, Cat Bitch,” Bloody Jax opened up the van and hopped out, pulling out her knife.

“Where are you going?” she called after her.

“Does it fucking matter? Make them all wait here, when they get back, unless Batman shows then find a way back to the warehouse.”

Bloody Jax stomped down the sidewalk, biting her lip and clenching her fists around her knife over and over. A woman with a small dog walked past her, going the opposite way, Jax grabbed her by her sleeve and pushed her up against the wall of the nearest building. The woman screamed and let the dog’s leash go, “Please, please let me go, I’ll give you whatever you want.”

“Please, please,” Bloody Jax mocked, laughing hysterically, “Do you know who I am?”

“No, should I?” the woman asked, horrified.

Jax turned her head so the light from the street-lights would illuminate her face, “What about now?”

The girl arched her neck trying to get away from the blade of Jax’s knife, “Please, I’ll do anything the Joker wants.”

Bloody Jax felt outraged, “What? So, I can’t run my own business?” she sneered, raising her voice, “Do I always have to be associated with that fucking clown?”

“I’m sorry, please-”

“Oh, you’re sorry now?” she hissed, “I don’t give second chances.”

Then, she pressed the knife deep into the girls throat, so deep that the knife’s edge collided with the woman’s neck-bone. She slid it to the right, carving a deep gash. The woman’s blood spilled all over Jax’s body, staining her newest white out-fit and her blond hair. The woman’s body fell to the ground, completely void of life. Bloody Jax started to laugh maniacally and she picked up the woman and started making her dance. She did a sort of waltz with her spinning underneath the street-lights, humming a light happy tune. Then, she threw her back on the ground and fished in her pocket for one of her jacks. She dipped them in the woman’s blood. Then, she dipped her finger into the pool of blood and wrote I work alone. The Clown doesn’t own me, on to the sidewalk. Pleased with her work she began to run back to the van.

The goons had just arrived, “What the fuck is this?” she shouted, “Mister Freeze said 10 fucking minutes, it’s been 15.”

“Shut up, lady,” one of the goons grunted, “We work for Freeze.”

None of them had saw her bloody outfit yet, “What did you say?” she demanded, rushing at them.

The goons ignored her and finished loading the bomb-machine into the van, she got into the fork-lift after they were done and she started to back-up. When the goon who was speaking against her hopped out of the pack, she rammed him into in between the fork lift and the van. One of the fork-lift’s spokes went through his stomach, causing blood to leak out. He started to scream.

“You see this little pussy right here?” she shouted, getting out of the fork-lift’s driving seat, “This is only half the punishment you will receive if any of you ever disrespect me again.”

The goons stared at her terrified. Mister Freeze watched her with an amused expression as she ‘whipped’ them into shape with her show. Cat Woman sat in the passenger seat, she seemed to be the only one wondering where all the blood on her was from.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry no Joker in this chapter :/
So, are you guys liking it? My layout will be done Asap :)
I love yew guys