Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 14

I felt like i couldn't breathe and like i needed to be sick. How could Alex, My Alex cheat on me? My head was telling me to slap him and tell him leave me alone but my heart wanted to forget everything and go back to the way we were an hour ago.Right now i had to be alone to think. I picked up my hoodie and went into the living room and went to put shoes on.

"Lacey please wait!" Alex pleaded to me.

I wiped the tears from my face before i turned around. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ALEX!"



"WHAT'S ALL THE YELLING ABOUT?" Rian asked coming out of Ana's room. Him, Jack and Zack were sleeping on her floor to give me and Alex privicy.

"Nothing Ri, just go back to bed. Sorry for waking you up." I said softly.

He looked at me with questioning eyes and i just shook my head as if to say later. "You sure Lace? where you going?"

"Yeah Ri i'm sure. I'm just going for a walk, be back soon." I turned and walked out of the door hearing talking that soon turned into yelling from inside but chose to ignore it. As soon as the cold morning air hit me the tears started to fall again and this time showed no sign in stopping.

I didn't knnow where i was headed but i needed to get away from everything. After walking for around an hour i began to get tired. Was this really happening? Was that why he gave me the ring because he felt guilty? did the others know? There was only one way to find out, that was to ask the man himself. I slowly made my way back to the apartment and the sun was slowly starting to rise and i could see little bits of light coming through buildings. When i got to my door i took a deep breath and slowly turned the door handle to reveal a very worried looking Rian on the couch staring at his phone. The door made a bang when it closed, Rian immediately pulled me into a hug making everything seem a little better.

"Where have you been Lace?i've been worried sick. you didn't pick up your phone or anything. I'm glad your ok sis." He said softly slowly rubbing my back.

"Sorry Ri, i just needed some time.To clear my head."

"I know, I know Lace. He hasn't spoke a word since you left are you going to go talk to him?" He half smiled.

"Did you know Ri?" I pulled myself out of his arms

"Know what? what's happened Lacey? what did he do to you? " The more he spoke the more he became angry

"Nothing Rian it's fine. Calm down. I'm going to go talk to him, if you hear any bags or crashes come rescue me or him." I half laughed trying to lighten the mood as it would calm him down.

I slowly made my way to my bedroom door and quietly opened it and there he was, sitting on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. He looked up and me and his eyes were red from crying. His eyes met with mine and all i wanted to do was hug him but i knew i had to stay strong.

"Lacey thanks god you're ok ive been worried sick." He got up from the bed and made his way over to me with his arms open.

"Cut the crap Gaskarth, you still haven't answered my question from earlier. How the hell is charlotte?" I pushed him away as if he got too close i might cave.

"She's an ex. Things between us were good for a while but after about 6 months we didn't get along anymore so i broke things off. She moved out of town but everytime she comes back to Maryland she calls asking if we can..... you know......erm... hook-up"

"So you slept with her? I was now a mixture of angry and upset. If it wasn't bad nough i had to fight off fans i now had a consistant ex to deal with. Just great!

"I'm not finished! you want to hear everything right?" I nodded." Well usually i did i mean i was single and well we did hook-up but last week when she called i told her no becuase i had this amazing girl who i was in love with. she wouldn't take no for an answer and kept coming onto me so i threw her out and well she sort of smashed up my car." I rolled my eyes." I know you think i'm lying Lacey but it's the truth go ask Rian."

"Then the ring wasn't just a guilty present you bought because you screwed her? Just tell me if it was i'm a big girl i can handle the truth."

"I swear to you i'm not lying. I know how bad it looks i just never wanted you to worry or think i cheated but I love you more than anything else in the world Lacey. I know i do stupid things but I would never do anything as stupid as fucking everything we have up. Besides if i did Rian would kick my scrawny ass." I giggled lightly.

"Promise me if i go out there and ask my brother he will back up your story and when i call back Charlotte she will tell me the same thing?" He nodded."Right i'll be right back."

I walked into the living room to see Rian watching Spongebob he looked like such a kid. "Rian" He looked up and me and patted the seat next to him and i sat down." Did Alex get his car smashed up by some hoe he wouldnt sleep with?" He laughed at my choice of words.

"Yeah! Is that what you two were arguing about? that bitch charlotte?" I nooded "Lacey i wouldn't worry your ass about her. She has always wanted him back since they broke up like 2 years ago. None of us liked her, she was bitchy and didn't fit in with us and only really wanted alex for the sex." I smiled at how honest he was being and the fact this Charlotte wasn't like by the guys.

"So i shouldn't feel threatened by her then?"

He laughed" Go no Lace, i can see how much he loves you and he talks about you non stop. I mean i never thought i would be bored hearing about you," I hit his chest lightly."I wouldn't let her ruin what you two have because of Charlotte. Nice ring by the way"

"Thanks Rian" I hugged him and went back to Alex. "I'm sorry i thought you cheated on me."

"It's fine babe i would have felt the same if i were in your shoes." He got up and walked over to me and pulled me into his arms.

I was unsure whether to believe it or not but what other choice did i have right now. I mean the excuse of having his car smashed up was such a stupid excuse i don't think he could of came up with it. But would Rian really lie to my face about everything? i don't think so I guess i would have to call this Charlotte and pray she had the same story as the boys. I feel like an investigator working for the police.
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Thank you for reading xx