Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 20

Since i was now going to be living in Baltimore i decided i needed to find a house. Ana would live with me like we did in New York. I missed her face although i would never tell her that!. I left the house hunting for my mum as she loved that sort of thing. Yes she is a tad weird, she even said she would decorate it for free, so i wasn't going to turn down her offer.

After about a month or so somehow my mum had a house all decorated and all my stuff moved in. How this woman did it i have no idea. My room was massive! With a big double bed and tons of closet space for my stuff. she had put up posters of all the bands she heard me talking about from tours and that i liked: We the Kings, Hey Monday, Forever the Sickest Kids, Boys like Girls, You Me at Six, The Maine and of course a few of All time low. It felt like home instantly.

"I like your bed! Its big" Alex smirked.

"Well Mr you wont be getting to try it out because you have a tour to do now don't you!"

"Yeah but i do have some time before i go" He winked.

"Nice try Lex, lets go downstairs before my bed gets messed up." I began to walk towards the door but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

"I'll miss you when we go, i wish you could come with us." He pouted and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"I'll miss you too Lexy" I kissed his cheek and moved to his neck but i stopped. " but i have to work. I do get to come see your hometown shows though!" He smiled slightly and sighed.

"Ok, but i promise to call and text whenever i can even if its like 4 am."

"Lex we both know i am not going to answer the phone at 4 am. At least make the times reasonable if your calling."

"Oh i would hate to wake you up from precious sleepy time."

"Just think i will see you in just under 4 months."

"4 months is ages without you though Lacey." he whined

"I know it is Alex but you will have so much fun and not enough time to miss me! before you know it i will be in your arms again. Just enjoy it, have fun. Not too much fun." I winked at him

He pulled me close and i savoured every second i had left with him, I just got him back and now he had to go on tour. Life sucks. I managed to hold back the tears as i didnt want him to know i was that upset. I hated life on tour but loved touring at the same time. I loved getting to hang around with friends, meet new people but the not washing for days i wasnt fond of. Alex placed his hand under my chin to lift my head so i was looking into his eyes.

"Promise you'll wait for me to get home and will still be mine when i get back?" He looked sad.

"No Alex i'm planning on running away with the gardener, have you seen his abs?"

"Can't you be serious for one moment Lacey Dawson?" His lips met with mine for what would be one of my last kiss for 4 months, god i would miss this.


We both sighed and i wrapped my arms around his neck one last time.



"I promise to wait for you, i wont run away with the gardener! You dont get rid of me that easily."

"Good i thought i would have had to get Zack to kick this gardener's ass, i mean if he had killer abs he would kill me!" He pretended to be afraid.

"I would much rather have my sknny rockstar over a man with killer abs anyday." I laced my fingers with his and kissed him again/


"God him and that schedule" We both laughed.

I hugged everyone and said the usual "Stay safe", "Don't do anything i wouldn't do", "Look after my man" but when it came to Alex i couldn't let him go.

"Lacey, you have to let me go otherwise Matt will beat your ass with the Schedule." He ran his fingers through my hair and held me tight.

"I dont wanna" I groaned shaking my head. He managed to move my hands from his waist and kissed my head before heading onto the bus.

I waved them off before going back into the hous. Ana wasn't arriving at the house until tomorrow so tonight would be filled with ice cream, alcohol and re-runs of Gossip- girl. What more could a girl ask for right? The house felt empty without the boys. Even though they didnt live here there was always one of them around eating my mum's food or something. My phone started to vibrate on the table. I saw the name that flashed and a smile appeared on my face.

"Miss me already?" I teased, even though i missed him.

"Yeah actually i do Loser! and i never got the chance to say i love you before i left."

"I miss you and love you too Lex"

I heard muffled shouting in the background and loud music, most likely a party happening. I hope he dont do anything stupid.

"Baby, i gotta go. I'll talk to you soon yeah?"

"Yeah bye Lex." I sighed. I just hope these next few months fly in.
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Ok so i havent updated in a while due to uni but i will try update a little more regularly. Keep reading.

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