Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 21

So the first two weeks of the boys being on tour went so slowly, I thought it was bad when i was in New York but now it was even worse. I didn't have college work to keep my mind off of them. Alex did call a lot like he promised and if he didn't call he text. Matt also kept me up to date with everything. How he manages to get those boys in the same place for the specific time i have no idea. He's like some kind of miracle worker.

I didn't start my work at the local newspaper until monday and it was only Tuesday now. I decided to surprise the boys and drive up to see them in Sacramento. Ana would come with me and it would be like mini roadtrip before we both started work. I thought it would be a good idea to tell Matt about my plan so i knew where they were when i arrived.

We packed our overnight bags and loaded the car with everything we thought we would need: blankets, pillows, food, sodas etc. I was excited about this as me and Ana hadn't spent alot of time together although we live together. She has a new boyfriend so spends A LOT of time with him. I can't complain i'm the same when Alex is home!

After driving for around 1day and several hours we decided to have a wee pit stop at a hotel and freshen up before going to see the boys. We both showered and got changed and before we knew it, it was time to head to the venue.

"HEY MATTY" I yelled down the phone at him.

"Hey Lacey" He chuckled. "Someone's excited!"


"Well can you please stop yelling down the phone?"

"SORRY.......sorry Matt."

"IT's fine Lace. How was the jouney here?"

"Yeah alright i just want to see you guys now. By the way we are here, but in the hiding place hurry up and come get us!" I could hear muffled voices in the background before he got the chance to answer and i could make out Alex's and Rian's voices. I could see them from where me and Ana were standing. I must say i felt like a creep standing hiding and watching them. Alex grabbed the phone from Matt.

"Baby, i miss you!" He whined

"I know i miss you too love but can i say something?"

"Yeah sure."

"You look very sexy in that shirt babe!" I saw his mouth drop open and him begin to look around frantically look around to try and see me. Both me and Ana started to giggle.

"Wait! where are you Lacey?"

"Look straight ahead of you Loser." I stood out of our hiding place and waved to him. His face lit up as did mine. He always had an infectious smile. He threw the phone back to Matt and ran towards me and picked me up as i wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed me.

"When did you get here? How did you know we would be here? How long are you here for?" All of his questions were said fast, almost like they were the one question.

"I got here today, Matt told me and i'm here for 2 days." I jumped down from him and laced my fingers with his.

"Well i guess the surprise i had planned for the home show will have to be moved forward to tonight then." He smirked.

"Oh yeah and what did you have planned?"

"Its a surprise so i can't tell you silly." He turned to Ana."Hey Ana banana!" He gave her a one armed hug.

"Hey Lex."

I tugged on his shirt to get his attention back. "Will i like this surprise Lexy?"

"I hope so otherwise i will make a fool of myself love." He kissed the top of my head and led Ana and me towards the backdoor.

What the hell did this boy have planned?
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So this chapter is just a wee filler because i'm trying to figure out what will happen next! xx