Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 23

Everything about last night felt like a dream. Only when i woke up to find me in Alex's arms and a very sparkly ring on my finger i knew it was real. People would think we were mad for getting married so quickly but when you know, you know right. He is "The One". So why wait?

He stirred a little and opened his eyes slightly, smiling when he saw me.

"Good Morning Fiancée" He kissed my forehead.

"Good Morning to you too Fiancée."

"you scared me last night missy!'


"When you didn't answer me i thought you were going to say no!" He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Of couse i would say yes to you silly, i was just in shock."

We had stayed in mine and Ana's hotel room last night as she offered to sleep on the boy's bus to give us some alone time. We looked at the time and it was already 11 am. Alex would have to go back to the bus soon, but for now he was with me. Before things got a tad heated there was a knock at the door, causing both of us to sigh.

"I'll get it you stay there mr."

"Yes ma'am" He saluted.

I wrapped a robe around me and opened it to see a sad looking Ana. "Hey you ok?" she shook her head. "come in." I spoke this louder so Alex would get dressed.

"Hey Ana, babe i'll go get us some coffee and give you girls time to talk. Love You!" He kissed me before heading out.

"Love you too Lex." I turned to Ana again. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"My mum's really sick . I can't find any flights back home but i dont want you to have to leave Alex early. I mean you just got engaged!" A small tear fell from her eye.

"We will leave as soon as i'm packed and said good by ok?"


"No but's Ana. your family needs you and i will see the boys in a week. They will understand. Family comes first. ok?" she nodded.

We both packed up our stuff and headed to the venue to say our goodbyes which wouldn't be sad ones as we would see each other very soon, it wouldn't stop me missing them though. Alex was back at the bus already, i'm guessing the boys had told him because he gave Ana a sympathetic smile and a hug before coming to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"When do you have to leave?"

"Erm once we say goodbye, the sooner she can be home for her mum the better." He nodded but still looked sad. "I'll be right back." I gave him a peck on the lips and said goodbye to the others. When i got to Alex, he pouted. "Don't give me that look mr, it's only for a week and then you can see my sexy ass again."

"I know, i'll see you in a week. I..."

"I love you too, see."I held up my hand and my ring sparkled in the sunlight,making him smile and he kissed me.

"ALRIGHT YOU TWO BREAK IT UP!." Rian yelled from the bus, i pulled away from Alex and got in the car. Ana had insisted in driving first since it was "her fault we were leaving early. We waved like mad leaving and Jack attempted to run after the car but tripped over his own feet and fell flat on his face.

"I'm sorry Lace."

"Ana if you say sorry again i will make you walk home!" She giggled.

"Your boy did good it is one beautiful ring."

"I know right, i love it almost as much as i love him!" She awwww'd while i just stared at it. How did i become so lucky?

We drove for around an hour, i tried to nap but it didn't work. Just then i looked up to see a car heading straight towards us and Ana not moving out of the way, almost as if she couldn't see it.

"ANA LOOK OUT!" I yelled and grabbed the stearing wheel to try move us out of the way but both of us were moving to fast. I heard a loud screeching noise and slowly the world around me turned black.
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So i couldn't sleep so decided to update again. xx