Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 24

I could hear a faint beeping noise and muffled voices. I wanted desperatley to open my eyes but somehow my body wouldn't listen to me. As the beeping continued it became irritating, It felt like i was trapped in a dark room with no light. Where was i? What happened to me? Why couldn't i open my eyes?

"Oh god Lacey, wake up." Was that Alex? It sounded like him, but their was pain in his voice. I missed his eyes, his smile everything about him.

"You know how much everyone needs you, please just open your eyes. I miss being able to see them." I still couldnt respond.

"Ok if you can hear me, which the doctor said you might be able to, squeeze my hand." Im my head my hand moved but when i heard Alex sigh i knew i hadn't actually moved. I wanted to scream. I was trapped inside my own body with no idea how to get out. I needed to wake up. For my sake, my families and Alex's.

"Hey man, how is she?" Rian was here now. It is strange how I can recognise their voices.

"The same!" Alex sighed again."Why won't she wake up Rian?"

"I don't know man, she will soon. My sister is a fighter. She'll be back being a pain in the ass in no time." I could picture him smirking at the comment being all proud of himself that he made a smart-assed remark.

"She better wake up. I need her," His voice wavered at the end. I could feel his soft hands in mine and small droplets of water hit my hand. I hadn't seen Alex cry in years and i wasn't able to console him.

"I know, we both do." I felt Rian take my other hand and kiss it softly. "Lex why don't you go home, you look like shit! and smell like you aint washed in a week."

"Thanks man and thats probs because i havent washed in a week." He replied sarcastically.

"Then go home, wash, eat, sleep and then come back. When she wakes up she will want to see nice Alex not the one that's here now. Plus i'm here."

"Ok, thanks dude. You'll call as soon as something happens right?" There was silence. "Promise Rian?" Again silence im presuming he nodded.

I felt my left hand go cold and the door open and close again, leaving me and Rian. He told me stories about when we were young. This one time we went to a cabin during summer and he was on the tree swing. I wanted a shot so i pushed him off, into a massive muddy puddle and he may or may not have cried a little and ran to our mum. It depends on who you ask the answer to the last part. All through his stories i kept trying to move with little luck.

"Lacey? can you do that again?" He sounded shocked and happy. Maybe i could move. Does that mean i could now wake up? "DOC! SHE MOVED HER HAND"Rian yelled from beside me.
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Sorry its short but its just a wee filler.
Thanks for reading guys, keep letting me know what you think xx