Status: Complete

A Daydream Away

Chapter 25

"Lacey. its Doctor Campbell here can you squeeze my hand for me?" He had such a calming tone. I managed to move my middle finger a little. "She appears to be wakening up, have you called her family."

"Yeah my mum and dad are trying to get flights and her boyfriend is on his way here."

"Good, now you just have to keep talking to her getting her to move. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah sure Doc, no problem." Rian squeezed my hand."Come on Lacey move again for me" I did, i managed it again the first couple of times weren't a fluke. I heard the door open and close and the chair scrape along the floor beside me and a hand grab mine.

"So she actually moved?" Alex asked. His voice shakey, he sounded a tad breathless.

"Yup man, the doctor checked her over and everything."

"Lacey, baby, move for me?" I did it again and he kissed my forehead. I could feel his warm breath on my skin making me tingle.

The room was brighter than i expected it to be when my eyes flickered open at first. The sun was almost blinding. Alex had his head on top of my hands and Rian was pacing around probably waiting for me to do something wonderful. So i decided i would.

"You know if you keep doing that you'll get dizzy Dawson." My voice was croaky and quiet. It hurt to speak but got the reaction i wanted. Rian stopped pacing and turned to me with his mouth open but his eyes were happy. Alex's head instantly looked up and he smiled one of his huge smiles that reached his eyes. Even though he looked exhausted he was still gorgeous.

"Lacey, thanks god you're awake." He kissed my head, both my cheeks and then my lips.

"It's nice to see your face Lex, but can you get off of me it's sorta hard to breathe with you there." I smiled at him but i was tired. How could i be tired after being asleep for who knows how long?

"Shit sorry Lace, I'm so glad you're ok, really i am. I don't know what i would do without you."

"Do you have any water?" My voice still croaky.

"Yeah here babe" He held a small cup with water in it to my face and grabbed a straw for me to have some.


"Yeah Lace?"

"You did go crying to mum after i pushed you in the puddle that year at the cabin." He laughed quietly to himself.

"You heard that?" I nodded. "Whatever you say Lace. I'm just glad you're ok."

"Where's Ana? Is she ok? What happened to her?" I became panicked, I was fine but what about her. Please let her be ok.

"Calm Lacey, yeah she's ok." I breathed a sigh of relief as Rian spoke."She has a few broken bones and scratches but you took the brunt of the accident."

"You sure she's ok?" The both nodded.

"she's getting out today. She feels so guilty about everything. Can she come see you?" I nodded. "I'll tell her to stop by tonight once you've had some rest." He walked out of the door i think to find Ana.


"Yeah, you ok? you need anything? I can go get the doctor if you want?" He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and stroked my hand with the other. He was cute when he was nervous.

"No Lex i'm fine but where's my ring?" He smiled and reached into his pocket and pulled out the thing i looked at last.

"Here." He gently placed the rind back on my finger and gave me a hug and leaned his forehead on mine. "I love you soo much Lacey Dawson. Promise to never, ever leave me?" I nodded. "Good because i would be nothing without you. I haven't been this worried about someone in years. The thought i could have lost you crushed me."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere Lexy, You're stuck with me for a long time yet." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Man, how i had missed those lips, that smell everything about the man i would spend the rest of my life with. He climbed onto the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist as i lay my head on his chest where i belonged. The steady beating of his heart and his soft breathing was enough to put me back to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i decided to be nice again tonight and update again. So Lacey is ok! You didn't think i would let her die did you?
Enjoy. xx