I had a dream of you and me the perfect ecstasy

I know now that I'm forever dirt.

Monte's POV

“Well come over here and let me do so!” Monte insisted.

“You make me feel like such a pervert!” Max giggled.

Monte pulled Max in by his arms as Max pinned him down and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Max’s legs ended up on either side of Monte’s waist.

Monte smiled and kissed him on the lips. Max moaned on the inside of his mouth, but rather loudly, which made Monte stop and give him a look. “Did you just…”

“Yes, I moaned, big-fucking-deal.” Max rolled his eyes and went back to kissing Monte.
Monte, finally realizing what he was doing, tried to get up from being underneath Max, but because he was on top of him, it was rather impossible.

Breaking the kiss, Monte pleaded, “Let me up.”

Max did as he was told, but when the two were finally standing, they crashed into the wall, which made Max have an advantage in kissing Monte.

In the middle of their make out session, Max broke the long kiss and suggested, “Now why don’t we take this down stairs?”

“Let’s go.” Monte agreed, not feeling shameful anymore that he was kissing Max.

As the two were still standing up and making out, Max slammed Monte against the floor and smirked.

“Or we could just do it right here.”

Monte went for Max’s lips as he felt his cold lip ring brush onto his own bottom lip.

Max, knowing instinctively that he was asking for entrance, let him in. Monte’s tongue overlapped his own, making his mouth 2 times more wet than it already was.

Max started to uncontrollably moan, as Monte ran his hands down his sides.

The two got up again and this time, accidently knocked a lamp over. “Shit! We knocked over a lamp!”

“I think it’s broken.” Max stuck out his bottom.

“Well what are we going to do about it?” Max sighed.

“We could always pick it up!” Monte suggested.

“It’s broken. Besides, the glass could hurt you!” Max argued.

“Oh yeah…” Monte thought about it.

“We’ll figure something out.” Max smirked.

Max's POV

Max ran his pale fingers through his short black hair tiredly. “Damn, what time is it?” He loudly yawned and felt a bit of heavy weight on top of him.

He turned to see Monte comfortably sleeping next to him, part of his weight resting on Max’s side. “Fucking hangover.” Max groaned, gently getting up.

Max was careful not to wake Monte as he stepped around him and walked to the kitchen. He looked down at his pants and saw the wet stain on the left front pocket of his jeans. The Vodka bottle broke over night. His step dad was going to kill him.

…But not if Ronnie did first.

“Damnit.” Max mumbled, careful not to speak too loud.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. Oh shit, it was Ronnie. “Hey Max, can you come over?”

Max nervously glanced around the kitchen and sighed, “Can’t.”

“Why not?” Ronnie pouted.

“I have company.” Max bit the inside of his lip.

“But you told me that you’re parents wouldn’t be home until tomorrow!” Ronnie argued.

“I know what I said, but I just, can’t do it right now. I’m sorry, but I’ll make sure to come by your house around 1.”

Max could hear the shuffling of feet make their way towards the kitchen.

“Okay, bye! Love you!” Max said into the phone, trying to make it sound like no one else was there.

Ronnie didn’t respond, which made Max extremely disappointed.

Monte appeared in the kitchen a few moments later, which made Max’s mood a little brighter.

“Hello beautiful.” Monte smiled and kissed Max.

Max returned the kiss and deepened it.

Before he could get a good grip around Monte’s hair, Max suddenly remembered what Ronnie would think if he saw this. Well, God only knows what Ronnie’s reaction would be.
Max pulled away, but wished he hadn’t. Monte’s face looked saddened and it made Max feel bad.

“I think you’re mom will be worried about where you are, so I’ll take you home.” Max offered.
“Okay.” I could hear Monte’s voice whisper, barely audible.

Max drove him home and then went straight to Ronnie’s.

Dear God, he was going to kill him.

As Ronnie sort of hastily welcomed him in, Max couldn’t help but notice that his eyes looked like they were shooting daggers at him.

When the door slammed shut, Ronnie spoke, “What company did you have?”

Max really didn’t want to lie to Ronnie like this, but he had no choice. “No one.”

“It was obviously someone that you didn’t want me knowing who it was. So who was it?”

Max knew he would regret it but spoke. “B-Bryan.”

Max braced himself for what was to come, but nothing happened. That was, only for the moment anyway.

The next thing he knew, he made contact with the ground in front of him. Ronnie had kicked him in the back and knocked him down onto the ground.

As Max willed the courage to get up, he felt something running fast down his nose. Blood.

Ronnie waited until Max curled up, before he started to kick him in his side. Max tried to protest, but Ronnie had a good and powerful kick.

“R-Ronnie…” Max tried to plead, but to no avail, Ronnie kept on kicking him, causing more blood to come up from his mouth.

“P-Please…stop…” Max pleaded. Ronnie kept kicking him.

He suddenly stopped, but, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Max’s legs try to move. He kicked Max in the left ankle, which made him scream in agony while clutching it to his chest.

“How does it feel Max?” Ronnie asked, venom dripping off of his words.

Max tried to give him a confused look, but Ronnie just struck him down again.

“I told you to not break up with me!” Ronnie yelled in Max’s face.

He got down on his knees and started to punch Max in the face, earning him a busted lip, bloody nose and broken left ankle.

Just then, Ronnie picked up his vibrating phone. “Yeah dad? Yeah, Ok. No, I’m at home with Max, but he was just leaving. Bye.”

Ronnie loosely helped Max up and shoved him out the door.

“Goodbye Maxwell.” Ronnie spat as he slammed the door.

Max knew he couldn’t drive and he couldn’t call his parents. His boyfriend just beat him, so he was no help, but there was another person Max could rely on, Monte.

Max, as best he could, limped his way down the many streets to Monte’s house. It seemed like it took forever.

He felt like he was going to pass out when he finally reached the house.

He lifted his phone from his pocket. It was 6:15. It had taken him 5 hours to get from Ronnie’s to Bryan’s with a horrible limp in his ankle.

He gently knocked, but no one answered.

“Monte!” He coughed up more blood and curled up against the doorway. Someone from Monte’s house would have to open the door sooner or later. Someone would have to find him.

Monte's POV

Monte fixed his tie up in the bathroom. He still didn’t know why his family was dragging him to this dinner anyway. “I still don’t know why their even dragging me to this dinner anyway!” He complained to his sister Mary.

“That’s what you get for sneaking out with that Max kid! What does he even look like anyway?” She was touching up her makeup.

“I think I should text him just to make sure he’s alright.” Monte thought aloud.

“You got your phone taken away, remember?” Mary rolled her eyes.

“Mary, Monte! Get down here, we’re ready to go!” Their mother called.

“Come on Mary, let’s go.” Monte insisted as the two of them made their way down the stairs.

Monte could hear a faint knock on the door, but his mother did too. “I wonder who it is.” His mother wondered aloud.

Monte prayed that it wasn’t Max. His mother would kill him.

She screamed, which made him curious.

Once Monte actually saw what she was looking at, he gasped. “MAX!”

Max, bruised, bloody and beaten, was lying on his side, twitching uncontrollably.

“Move!” Monte demanded and rushed over to Max’s side.

“Who did this to you?” Monte asked in demand.

“R-Ron-Ronnie...” Max spoke, barely audible.

“Fuck the dinner, we need to get him to the hospital!” Monte cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, long chapter! Had to split it into Monte's POV first, then Max's then back to Monte's. :)