I had a dream of you and me the perfect ecstasy

Finding the missing link

Monte stared at the boy by the name of Max as he strut out of the classroom, not seeming to care that he just got called to the office.

“Bryan, you can go pick a seat now.” The teacher smiled at him, despite her attitude towards Max.

He half smiled and sat down right where the ‘Max’ boy had been seated before. “Okay class, sorry for that small interruption. Now we’ll begin.” The teacher announced, making everyone quite down.

Monte could hear a few people in the back of the class, trying to hold back loud laughs.

After finally scraping the sticky peppermint gum out of his hair, Monte was able to be relaxed and listen to the teacher’s lesson.

While the lesson went on, Monte thought in his head over and over again, the same exact thing. Why does this guy look so familiar?

During the middle of the lesson, the teacher abruptly stopped and looked around the room. “Has anyone seen Maxwell Scott Green since he left to the principal’s office?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“Well will one of you go check and see if he’s even still in the building?” she snapped.

Everyone shrank into their desks, leaving Monte the only one who was sitting up right.

“Bryan,” the teacher smiled.

He glanced up, on the inside, cringing at the name of Bryan.

“Will you go and see if Max is still in the building for me, or if he’s in the principal’s office still? Just make sure to bring him back here when you find him!”

Monte nodded, casually as possible, trying to walk out of the classroom.

Wandering around Mojave was quite a challenge. Monte got lost and almost wandered into a classroom while class was going on.

Within minutes, he strangely ended up in the senior hall.

Monte sighed, walking past class after class, in hopes to somehow find the office.
♠ ♠ ♠
will update more later! D: