I had a dream of you and me the perfect ecstasy

"So this means we can finally get some alone time together?"

Max drove around the curb, and arrived at Ronnie’s house once again. He paraded through the front door happily and was greeted by Ronnie in the kitchen, scraping the remains of his plate into his mouth. He stopped and put the plate down when he noticed Max, laughing at him from the doorway to the kitchen. “Were you seriously that hungry?”

Ronnie nodded briskly and smiled. Max stared at his cute smile.

“Max, aren’t you going to scold me for my bad appetite and table manners?” Ronnie asked, raising a worried eyebrow at his boyfriend.

Max just continued to stare at him, like Ronnie’s talking didn’t faze him at all. “Hmm?” he asked dreamily snapping out of his trance.

Ronnie smirked and got up from the small round table and walked in the direction of Max. “I love you.” Ronnie whispered.

Max chuckled at him being adorable. The gap closed between them as Ronnie wrapped his hands around Max’s waist as Max, being a little bit shorter than Ronnie, wrapped his arms around his neck. They shared a small kiss, before Max parted with Ronnie’s lips.

Ronnie raised an eyebrow at him worriedly. “You ok?”

Max nodded, biting the inside of his bottom lip in thought. Ronnie glanced down at him worriedly again. “You sure you’re okay?”

After a few seconds, Max nodded, forcing a smile. “Y-Yeah, I was just thinking about my plans for tomorrow night. I’m throwing a small party and wondered if you’d like to go? My parents will be out anyway.”

Ronnie smirked. “Who’s all going to be there?”

“Just me,” Max paused and thought over what he was going to say.

“So this means we can finally get some time alone together?” Ronnie asked, kissing Max softly again.

“And, well,”

Before Max could speak, a voice rang out in the room.

“Seriously Ronnie? Must you be in the kitchen making out with your boyfriend? Riley, Ronnie's little brother asked.

“Riley, get your little ass out of here! Can’t you see that we’re trying to get quality time together?” Ronnie narrowed his eyes at him.

Riley, putting his hands up in defense, said, “Okay, Okay, fine, I’ll go.”

“Okay, so what were you saying?” Ronnie sweetly asked.

“I’m also seeing if the new kid will go too.” Max half smiled.

Ronnie looked in a different direction than Max’s eyes this time. He looked partly concerned.

“So this means it won’t be just the two of us?”

“Dude, it’s not like I’m getting a crush on him or anything! I have you!” Max defended.

This time, Ronnie forced a smile. “Alright, but if I end up going home before he does, I don’t want you breaking up with me the next day.” He warned.

Max’s hands broke away from Ronnie’s neck, “Okay, I promise you lovely boyfriend of mine, nothing will happen between Bryan and I.”