I had a dream of you and me the perfect ecstasy

"We should do this again sometime."

Monte tapped his fingers to the beat of the Iron Maiden song that was Max’s ringtone. It was 6:30 in the morning and he still hasn’t picked up.

To Max:
Max, are you awake?!

20 minutes later, his phone beeped in response.

From Max:
Holy fuck bro! Calm down, I was sleeping!

To Max
…With Ronnie?

From Max:
Fuck you bro, but I’ll call you right now to explain.

Monte picked up the phone, “So you explain Max.”

“Okay, so yes, I did sleep over at Ronnie’s, but he has to be home with his brother for the first part of the day, so he’ll be available around 6, so I want you to come over to his house so I can pick you both up. This makes me not have to make two car trips, but you will be helping me pick out things for the party! So I’ll be there at your house in 10!”

“Hold on, I’m kind of grounded, but no one’s home, so I can just walk out the front door and pretty much join you.” Monte suggested.

“It’s done then! Okay, first, I need to make a list though!”

“We can make one when we get there!” Monte laughed.

“You got a point!” Max smiled.

“Okay, so in 10 minutes, I’ll be there!”


They both hung up.

Monte smiled and ran to the kitchen to grab a piece of paper and a pen.

He was going to explain to his mother that he’d be out, buying stuff for a party, which was true. He just didn’t mention who it was with.

Went out with a friend from school to get some stuff for his party.
I’ll be fine and it’s not Max that I’m going with!

Monte stuck the note on the fridge and went to the mirror in the bathroom.

His hair looked suitable, so he shrugged and waited for Max to show up at his front door.

Once he saw Max’s car, he walked out to meet him, by getting in the passenger seat. “Hey, how’s it going?” Monte asked, as Max turned up a random Marilyn Manson song that was apparently on a CD he had.

“It’s going good man.” Max replied, driving down the street and in the direction of the local shops.

“Okay, so what should we get?”

“Probably tons of soda, if we want it to be a party that continues up late at night. Candy, we must get tons of candy!” Monte declared.

“Sour patch watermelons!” Max screamed happily, grasping Monte’s hand as they skipped through the store to find the candy and soda isle.

“Okay, what soda do you want?” Max asked, scanning the different types.

“Hmm, probably Coke. I love that stuff!” Monte grinned.

“And let’s get Sprite too!” Max added.

They nodded in agreement and took one pack each. “Okay, next stop, CANDY!” Max yelled, running over to the next isle.

Monte laughingly followed him as they picked out various candies.

“To the mother fucking cash register!” Max declared and the two of them ran half way across the whole store to the cashier as Max paid for their supplies.

When they exited the store, laughing, they both found their way into Max’s car as Max drove him home. “This was a fun car ride. We should do it again some time.” He smiled.

Monte smiled in return, “Yeah, we should! Next time, we should invite Ronnie or something!”

“Fuck yeah bro! Okay, I’ll see you at Ronnie’s around 6, okay?”

“Yeah! You can count on it!” Monte smiled.

With one last smile and nod from Max, he drove away in his car, going to get ready to prepare for the party.