I had a dream of you and me the perfect ecstasy

"I dare you to kiss me."

Once Max stepped in through the door, he put the supplies down on the table. Being alone was an advantage for him. He could throw parties with his, now, 2 best friends.

He put all of the soda in the fridge and looked through his step father’s tiny liquor cabinet. He scanned the liquors, until he found the one labeled, ‘Vodka’.

He smiled to himself and shoved the small vile of Vodka in his pocket.

He was about to crack open a can of Sprite, until he remembered that if he did that, he wouldn’t be able to drive to pick up Ronnie and Bryan.

“I’ll save that for later.” Max reminded himself.

He put a Marilyn Manson CD in his stereo and started singing along.

Soon enough, it was close to 6. Max let his CD player run through the song, as he raced to get his car keys. He rushed out of the house and drove quickly over to Ronnie’s.

He knocked on the door and Ronnie answered, Monte popping out from behind his right shoulder, greeting Max excitedly.

Max smiled at both of them and kissed Ronnie’s cheek.

“Okay, let the party start! C’mon boys!” Max cheered as the 3 of them piled into Max’s huge car.

When they pulled into Max’s driveway, they all walked inside to the Marilyn Manson songs blaring from up stairs.

“Welcome to the party, who wants soda?”

Ronnie and Monte raised their hands eagerly.

Max nodded and went to go to the fridge. “What do you guys want?”

“Coke!” Monte yelled from the living room.

“Sprite!” Ronnie hollered.

Max got 2 Sprites and 1 Coke out of the fridge. “Heads up!” Max hollered, tossing the two boys, who were sitting on the couch, their sodas.

As Max was still sidetracked in the kitchen, he took out his small vile of Vodka and poured a bit of it into his Sprite can. He licked his lips after he put the vile away, taking a huge gulp of the Vodka-mixed Sprite.

He smiled like he was drunk after he swallowed. He giggled to himself, feeling a little bit of the Vodka kick in as every second passed.

He stifled another laugh and went to go join Monte and Ronnie on the couch. As the three of them relaxed, Max lying on Ronnie’s chest, Ronnie’s phone buzzed in his pocket.

“Yes dad?” Ronnie asked lazily.

“Okay! Fine, I’ll be there! Jeez.” Ronnie hung up and looked apologetically at his boyfriend, Max.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked innocently.

“I got to go home, because dad wants me to look after Riley while he’s not there.” Ronnie explained nonchalantly.

Max’s face turned into a childish pout. “B-But I don’t want you to go!”

“I know me either.” Ronnie sighed.

Ronnie got up from the couch, Max following him sadly to his front door. “I’m going to miss you Ronnie!” Max cried, clinging onto Ronnie’s arm as Ronnie hugged him.

“But if I don’t get home, I’ll get my calling and texting privileges taken away and tomorrow I want to see you and be able to talk to you again, so I have to go.” Ronnie smiled at how much Max pouted over the fact that he had to leave the party.

“It’s still light outside, so can you drive me home?” Ronnie pleaded.

“Okay!” Max agreed as the two made their way to Max’s car.

Monte was just left awkwardly sitting on the couch. He kind of felt left out when the two had left without him.

Monte, being curious, walked into Max’s room. He observed the posters on Max’s tan colored walls. He also glanced at the burgundy, almost blood red colored curtains that hung in front of his windows, making it incredibly dark in the room, even if it only was 6:30 pm.

“Wow interesting room.” Monte commented.

“Thanks, I particularly like it myself.” A voice rang from the doorway of Max’s room.

Monte turned, not immediately feeling uncomfortable. “M-Max? When did you get here?”

“I own the place idiot.” He laughed.

“So what do you want to do?” Monte asked after a few seconds of silence.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Max grinned.

Monte shrugged it off and responded, “Okay, sure.”

After several rounds of sharing truths (some dares), a box of cheese pizza, 2 sodas each and the Sour Patch Watermelons, the two boys were officially on a sugar rush. Plus Max being on the Vodka wasn’t really calming the situation down.

“Okay, I’ll go then!” Max laughed.

“Okay Max, truth or dare?” Monte asked curiously, pitching in a smile at the end of his sentence.

“Truth.” Max straight on smiled.

“Do you like me?”

“Why don’t we find out with the next round?” Max smiled like a pervert.

Monte grinned and shrugged. “Okay!”

“Monte, truth or dare?”


“I dare you to kiss me.” Max smiled again, showing off his straight white teeth.