I Won't Hurt You

You Don't Need Him

♫He takes longer then you to get ready.
He shaves his legs but swears he is not gay.♪
"Lovi, hurry up!" Katherine said into the closed bathroom door. "You've been in there for almost an hour."
"In a minute," Romano responded angrily, “Looking as good as I do takes time." Katherine sighed as she waited for her semi egotistical boyfriend to finish so they could go on their "special date". It was special because it was their six month anniversary dinner and Romano had promised her something special. "I'm ready," Lovino said making his grand entrance into the living room. When Katherine looked at him, she starred in awe.
"Lovi, you look so handsome."
"I know I do bella." As Katherine put her hand out to touch his hair, Lovino pulled back. "Hey, don't touch my hair. You'll ruin it." Katherine frowned at his reaction. He knew how much she loved to play with his hair, especially the one strand that always stook out.
"Fine," she said upset, "let's go."
♪He lotions up other girls at the beach.
Romantic night for him is chucke cheese.♫
"So where is it that you're taking me?" Katherine asked excitedly.
'You'll see," he answered leading her down the street. As the couple walked, a woman wearing a revealing dress walked passed them. Lovino turned his head to stare at the woman's rear. "Questo è un bel pezzo di culo che hai," he said in a deep voice. The woman gasped at his comment and winked at him before walking away.
"Lovi! You're on a date with me. How could you hit on another woman?"
"I'd never. I was just complimenting her."
"You said something about her butt."
"Come on, let's night fight. I had a surprise for you, remember?"
"Okay. So what is it?" Kat asked expecting something romantic and classy.
"Look," he said pointing to a table set up for two at a pizza shop they always go to. Kat frowned disappointed. Sure the place was fine for a slice in the middle of the day, but not for a six month anniversary dinner.
♪He let you down, let you down down.
Tell you to lose some pounds
Lose some pound-pounds♫
Kat’s date was not what she expected. Instead of a romantic meal, she split a pizza pie with Lovino. Instead of sweet music playing, she heard the sounds of a local band playing a gig. And instead of a stroll at the beach, she got a rushed walk back home because Lovino had work to do. But she didn’t mind so much, she loved being with the Italian for the most part.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Kat asked hopefully.
“Yeah sure,” Lovino said fumbling to open his door.
“Good night,” she said leaning into kiss him, but before she could, Lovino closed the door on her face. Kat sighed and walked to her brother Germany’s house alone. She went straight to the kitchen, grabbed a spoon and ice cream, made her way to the living room, turned on the T.V, and plopped herself on the couch.
“Hi Kat. Ve,” a voice said.
Kat jumped in the air and held her ice cream protectively until she saw the person behind the voice was the Northern Italian. “Feliciano?” she asked confused,”What are you doing here?”
“I was waiting for Germany and then I fell asleep and then you woke me up.”
“Oh,” Kat said in a sad voice.
“What’s the matter?
“Nothing,” she answered shoving a spoon ice cream in her mouth.
“It’s my brother isn’t it?”
“How did you-“
“Because you always eat a pint of ice cream when you’ve had a bad date with him.”
Kat looked down not wanting to say anything, but when she looked up and saw a reassuring smile on Feliciano’s face, she said, ”Just don’t tell him. He’s always saying that I’m going to get fat.”
“You got it,” he answered in his cheery voice. “And don’t worry about getting fat; you’re beautiful so that doesn’t matter.”
Kat smiled and hugged Feliciano, burying her face into his chest. “Thanks Feli,” she mumbled. The Italian’s heart began beating faster and a blush began to form on his face, but instead of taking her as he had wanted to for the past 3 years, he hugged her back. “You’re welcome,” he replied covering the pain he felt; the pain he got from seeing the one he loved with his brother of all people.
♪He always makes you
So girl don't be surprised
Cuz you're falling for a douche bag, baby♫
When Kat woke up, she found herself wrapped in someone’s arms. “Lovino?” she asked sheepishly. She turned to find her boyfriend’s brother’s sleeping face. She stared confused for a second until she remembered that she stood up all night watching movies together and crashed on the coach. She maneuvered herself out of the Italian’s arms and checked the time. 11:57. Kat’s eyes shot open as she thought, “How was I asleep for that long? I’m suppose to meet Lovi.” She quickly got dressed and left a note for Feliciano: Feli, Going to beat up your brother >:P and thanks for being there with me last night. You’re a great friend  ily. She scribbled down before heading to Lovino’s house.
“Lovi!” she called out before knocking 3 times. NO answer. She sighed and took the spare key from under the mat to open the door. “Lovi?” she repeated walking towards his room.
“Oh Lovino, you’re such a devil,” Kat heard a female voice from behind the door say. “What the hell?” she thought. She slowly turned the knob and pushed the door foreword only to be horrified to see what was behind it: Lovino. In bed. With another woman. Naked.
“Kat what are you doing here?” he asked covering himself up as if it were to undo everything Kat just saw.
“I told you I was going to see you,” she said answered, tears forming in her eyes,”What’s going on?”
“I can explain. You see-“
“I don’t want to hear it!” she exclaimed holding back her tears. “You flirt and hit on women all the time and I let it pass because I thought you loved me, but this is it. Good bye Romano. I don’t want see you again.” Kat ran out the door slammed it. She ran and ran until she got to Germany’s house. Feelings of hurt and betrayal overcame her and she collapsed on the front porch crying.
♫ You hope that he will change,
But he'll just stay the same
Cuz you're falling for a douche bag, baby♪
“Why Lovino?” she whispered. “Why did you have to cheat on me?” More tears formed in her eyes. “I thought you were done being a womanizer.” Feeling a surge of anger, Kat screamed, scaring the Italian in the living room of her brother’s house.
Confused, Feliciano went to see where the scream came from. It didn’t take long for him to find the source of the scream: Kat crying on the front porch. “Kat are you okay? What happened?” he asked concerned, touching her shoulder.
She didn’t respond to his touch, she just sat there saying “Romano” until Feliciano picked her up and took her inside. He sat her on the couch and warmed up some pasta he made yesterday for her.
“Here,” he said handing her the pasta, “now tell me what happened.” HE looked deeply into her eyes.
She tried to look away not wanting to cry again but she couldn’t help it; she busted into tears and hugged him. “Romano cheated on me,” she said barely above a whisper.
Feliciano’s face became serious and he pulled Kat away from him, getting a good grip of her. “Listen to me Kat. Don’t waste your tears on my brother, he’s not worth it. He is a messed up person that doesn’t deserve you.”
“Feli,” Kat asked as her tears ceased.
♪ I wanna love you
You know I would do anything for you
I wanna help you
But you just keep on letting him hurt you He'll hurt you. ♫
“I’ve seen how he treats you and it sickens me. You deserve to be with someone that actually cares about you…someone like…me.”
“I love you Kat and I read the note you left me and I know from it that you feel something for me, even if it’s not love,” he said caressing her cheek.
Kat loved into Feliciano’s eyes. They were so much like Lovino’s. ‘I do love you Feli, but I was scared to be. You and Romano look so much and I thought if he would hurt me, you would too.”
Feliciano wrapped his arms around Kat holing her tight and whispered into her ear,”I am not Romano and I will not hurt you.”
He lifted her chin up so she was looking at him and kissed her lips gently. Kat responded deepening the kiss and wrapping her around his neck. When the kiss ended, Kat looked up at Feliciano and smiled knowing she could trust him with her heart. He would never hurt her and he never did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspiration: DoucheBag- Shane Dawson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjEoIq44UCM)
I hope you enjoyed. I took forever trying to figure out the ending. Sorry if it wasn't the best. -Stace