Picking up My Broken Heart

You and I.

Even though I am sitting in this desk, I would much rather be next to you holding your hand. I’m scared to face the world with all the rumors that go through everyone ears, and when I watch everyone walk away I know that I am alone. These halls that I walk through seems to grow colder, as everyone watches I feel uncomfortable or more like a caged animal. There is a feeling that runs through my body, and this feeling makes me want to run from the world. All that I want to do is put my head on your shoulder, and watch the world pass us by. I know I should tell him to face to face, but the thought of me saying those words makes me run from him. I could stand there for hours not saying a word, these words race through my mind like it is life or death. No matter how hard I try the words fail to leave my mouth, I will sit there not saying a words just to see if you will understand. Everyday and every hour I find myself always thinking about him, and these thoughts always makes me smile with out knowing. When I sit with him at lunch all I can think about is kissing his perfect soft lips, no other thought enters my mind. I want to feel his arm around me, I want to feel the warmth of his body touch my skin, I want him to brush my hair back with his soft gentle hands, and I wish he would say he loves me face to face. I will wish for this my whole life, but there is a feeling inside me that says this will never happen.
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