Sequel: I Lost It
Status: Moving on to the Sequel...

Remind Me

Good to know!

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, as I finished checking my last patent of the day.

I walked out of the room and placed the chart on the desk. As I was on my way back to the Staff Lounge I pulled my phone out.

It was from Jeff-

-Sounds great. I miss you already. I can’t wait to see you… beautiful(;

I couldn’t help but smile— he was so sweet, but I also couldn’t help but think that this was his time with his family. I didn’t want to take that away from him.

I got changed out of my scrubs and texted him back.

-I am leaving now. I will text you when I get there. See you soon BEAUTIFUL!
I said goodbye to everyone and walked out the doors. I got into my car and put my phone on silent, so I wouldn’t be tempted to use it.

I turned on the car and drove over to the RecZone.

I pulled out my phone and I had a voicemail and a text.

The text was from a number that I didn’t know-

Hey little lady! It’s Cody Ward. I am saving you a seat tonight, so you better be there! Text me later and I will let you know where to go. I can meet you somewhere if you want, or you can come by my house and drive with me. Oh, or you might be driving in with Jeff. Well whatever you want to do, just let me know. See you in a little while!

Before I listened to it, I texted Jeff-

-Hey(: I am here, but I really don’t want to take this time from you and your family. I will come in and watch for a little while, cause I want to see you and I told you that I would come, but I am not gonna introduce myself to anyone. Just spend time with them and I will see you tonight at the game. Cody texted me earlier and said that she had a seat for me, so I will go help her out with the kids. Good luck tonight, if I don’t talk to you, but please don’t be mad. Call me before the game.

After I sent Jeff the text I went to the voicemail. It was from him.

“Hey beautiful, it’s me. “ I heard and I laughed. “I just wanted to tell you that we are going out on the ice in like 2 minutes, and I haven’t heard from you, so I am going to give my sister, Jill, my phone. You can text her when you are here and she will come out or meet you inside. She will do anything. She is just really excited to meet you. So, anyway, I will see you in a little while. Bye, beautiful.” I smiled.

Oh crap! I just texted that to his sister!? Now what am I going to do?

I thought for a few minutes and I decided it was only right to call Jeff’s phone. I still hadn’t gotten a text back, so I was afraid I had hurt her feelings.

I picked up my iPhone from the console of my jeep and tapped the screen to call Jeff’s phone.


A quiet voice answered

~Hi! Is this Jillian?

~Yes. Katie, right?

~Yeah. Listen, I am so sorry about that text I just sent. I don’t want you to feel like I am mad that he is spending time with you.

~No! I understand.

She said politely.

She seems so nice!

~I just wanted to make sure that you knew what I meant by that. I know you guys must not get to see each other a lot, so I want your brother to be all yours when you do get the chance to be together.

~That is so nice of you! Hey, would you mind if we could talk— like in person?

~Not at all. I would love to meet you! Are they all practicing already?

~Actually they are just stretching, now.

~Okay, I am not going to come in though. Would you come outside for a minute or two?

~That’s fine! Can I come to your car?

~Sure! It’s the Black Grand Cherokee. I am parked right next to your brother.

~Oh! I can see it. I will be down in a minute! Bye!

~Bye bye.
I almost could not believe it. She was so nice!

I put my phone back down and took a deep breath. I was more nervous to meet her than I was to meet Jeff.

I could see her coming down the stairs and across the street. I hadn’t seen any pictures, but I could tell it was her. She looked just like Jeff.

I decided to get out of my car and walk toward her. She came over and gave me a hug.

I already knew we could be good friends.

“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you! She said with a huge smile on her face.

“You too!!” I told her back. “Do you want to come in the car?” I asked her.

“Actually I would like you to come inside!”

“I really don’t want to ruin your family’s time together!”

“Trust me you won’t. I know my family, especially my brother, and he will be much happier if you spend the time with us too. I promise!” She said, grabbing my hand. “So, I think you should lock your car and come in with me, so we can watch our boy.”

I started laughing. “Okay, let me grab my phone out of the car and I will come with you.”

She smiled. “Thank you! You don’t even know how much better you just made our trip down here!”

“Wait, so are you telling me that I have a crab on my hands?”

“Well……” She smiled. “I’m just saying, if he plans on spending time with you, don’t change the plans. Let’s just say he get’s attached easily.”

“Good to know!” I laughed. “Alright, let’s go!”

I pressed the button on my keys, locking my car.

We walked up to the RecZone and walked in. The looks I got when I walked in with Jill were priceless. All smiles. Did these people know who I was?
♠ ♠ ♠
Another not-so-good chapter. I have a plan, but getting to it is my issue. From other author's perspectives, is it better for me to stop writing right now, since I guess you can say I have writer's block, or should I just keep making chapters like these and hope something comes? Please please please let me know what you guys think!
Thanks! (: