Sequel: I Lost It
Status: Moving on to the Sequel...

Remind Me

Cause that was pretty nice...

I sat in the car for about 10 minutes, but I really had to use the bathroom.

I texted Jeff-

-Yo… I have to pee and you are taking years to get out. I am running back in to go. I’ll be back out in 3 minutes, tops. I left my car open so you can go in there if you want.

I got out of my car and started walking up to the building.

Jeff had texted me-

-Sorry… I had to take all my stuff off. You’re just mad you weren’t there to see it. I’m done now, so I’ll go out to your car.

I smiled. And texted him back-


I went to the bathroom and started walking out. I went around the corner and next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall being passionately kissed. Jeff had come up behind me.

He pulled away and grabbed my hand. I started running out, pulling him behind me.

We ran down to the car and he pulled away me over to the passenger side and opened the door. “My lady.” He smiled and said, as he gestured for me to get in. I sat down and he leaned in to kiss me once more before closing the door.

I watched as he walked around the front of the car and got into the driver’s seat.

I handed over the keys and he started the car and drove out of the driveway.

“So…” He said when we got to the traffic light and he looked at me smiling.

“What?” I snapped back.

“What’d ya think?”

“About what!?” I laughed.

“…my family.” He suggested.

“Oh! I thought you mean what did I think about you stretching right in front of me. Cause that was pretty nice…” I joked and grabbed his hand. “But they seem nice too! I think I caught them off guard. They seemed kinda scared when I walked in with your sister.”

“You are too much.” He squeezed my hand.

“That’s funny, cause that’s what I heard about you.” I joked at him.

“Woah woah woah! What do you mean?”

“Your sister and I were just talking.” I said, smirking.

“You two are really ganging up on me already? You have known each other for 2 hours!”
We laughed.

“This is the place!” He said as we pulled into a beautiful gated apartment complex.

“This is gorgeous!” I said under my breath.

“So are you.” Jeff said back a few seconds later and I looked over at him smiling at me.

“So you have all of these stores right around where you live? I would be in my glory if I lived here!” I looked all around. “I may be over your place more than you want me here… Not to see you though, don’t worry. I just like to shop.”

“Wow, that really makes me feel good. Thanks!” He laughed and we got out of the car.

We walked into the elevator and went into his apartment. He threw his keys and phone on the counter and walked down the hall back to, I’m guessing, his room.

“Wanna do me a favor?” He yelled from down the hall.

“That depends…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I seriously apologize for the crappy chapters lately. They have been really short and not good. I have an idea now, for real. Not sure how it's gonna play out, but I will try to type it all up tonight.
Comments are VERY welcomed! (: Criticism included!
Thanks for sticking to it through this writers block, y'all! I really appreciate it!