Sequel: I Lost It
Status: Moving on to the Sequel...

Remind Me

Dinner On A Boat?

“How are you?” I asked him politely.

“Good… now.” He smiled.

“If I didn’t know better, I would say that I am being hit on by Jeff Skinner.” I winked. “And now you got a wink too, so no need to be jealous.”

“I think I am gonna go. I have to go, uhh, go get a, umm, get a haircut.” Brandon made up an excuse to leave us alone.

“Bye Katie. It was very nice to have lunch with you.” He said with a smile. “Jeff… you owe me.”

Brandon picked up his garbage and threw it away on the way out to his car.

“So, you wanna get out of here too?” Jeff asked. “We could go do whatever you want.”

“Actually, I have to go. My dog hasn’t been out since 6:00 when I left for my shift at the Hospital and my roommate went back to Rhode Island for a few days cause her sister was getting married. He is probably not going to make it much longer without going outside.”

“Well, I could follow you there. You could let the dog out, drop off your car, get changed, and we could go out to the shore and have dinner on a boat.”

“As wonderful as that sounds— no thanks.” I declined politely.

“Well could I at least have your number? Not trying to sound desperate, but you are really pretty and—.”

“Can I have yours?”

“Sure…” He looked at me puzzled. “I’ll put it in.”

“Alright, I have to go now. Nice to meet you.” I started to walk away from him and the table.


I turned around to see Jeff running behind me.

“You never gave me your number.”

“But Mr. Skinner. I have yours.” I smiled and turned around continuing to walk to my car.

“I’ll hear from you soon, then?” He yelled to me, hopefully.

I got in my car, pretending I didn’t hear him. As I was turning it on, I watched as he sulked and got in to his Tahoe.

I could not believe I had just started to play hard to get with Jeff Skinner. I love the Hurricanes and now Jeff Skinner likes me— I think, and I am playing hard to get? Please, let there be a good reason for me doing this…

Jeff’s POV

As I got in my car, I could not believe that I had just been turned down like that. I mean, not because I am in the NHL… that has nothing to do with it. It’s just that I really thought we hit it off. Well, I guess we didn’t really talk about too much and nothing else really happened, so I don’t know why I am so worked up about this girl. Was I really that into her? I couldn’t be… right? I just met her.

Just as I was finally ready to leave I got a text from Brandon.


-What? Dude, it was nothing.

-Nothing? You lit up when you saw her! And that ‘fake’ jealousy act? C’mon man! Can’t fool me.

-Whatever you say, bro. Talk to you later.

I could not get her out of my head as I was driving back to my apartment. Katie Caan. I needed to find her. I was just not sure enough that she was gonna call me. She seemed like she didn’t want to have anything to do with me.

I’ll give her a week. After that, I’m in the driver’s seat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I could not help myself, so I decided that since these two were short I would add another one hoping that it would make it a little better.
I am really not sure about this story, at all, but I am just in love with Mr. Skinner, so I needed to write one.
Any comments would be great and I will add more as soon as you guys want them, if you want them.
I promise the story gets better. I think? (:
And I added Jeff's Point Of View. I just typed it, so it is really short and pretty much sucks, but I feel like it adds more to the story if there is more than one point of view.