Sequel: I Lost It
Status: Moving on to the Sequel...

Remind Me

Let’s just worry about now.

I parked in the driveway and walked over to the door.

I knocked on it gently and someone came to the door.

“Hey! I’m Sam!”

“Jeff.” I answered back. “Thanks for inviting me over.”

“You’re welcome! I’m sure she would be happier to see you when she woke up than me.”

I laughed and saw Puck running. I got down on my knees to pet him. “Hey, buddy!”

“…And apparently the dog is more excited to see you than me too.”

I looked up at her and smiled. “Sorry.”

“No really—that’s cool. I mean, I would be happier to see you than myself too.”


“Yes princess.” She yelled back.

“I got it.” I told her. “Where is the Advil, though?”

“You get the water—I’ll get the drugs.”

“Perfect.” I laughed.

She handed me the bottle of Advil and I grabbed the water bottle and started walking up the stairs.

I went into Katie’s room and she was lying completely under the covers.

I sat down next to her and slowly pulled back the blankets, exposing her face. She smiled at me and I leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "So you'll be my best friend forever?"

She smiled “Of course. What are you doing here?” She quietly asked.

“I came to see your beautiful face.”

“That’s a lie. If I look the way I feel, I look like I am dying.”

I handed her the water and took out two pills. “you look amazing, like usual. Here you go. Try this.”

She took the Advil and put the water on her nightstand.

“Thank you...” She said and she pulled me down to her. "For the meds and for lying to me."

I got up so that she wouldn’t have to move and I walked around the bed. I went on the other side and layed down behind her. I pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and wrapped my arms around her, pulling myself very close to her. She put her hand in mine and I held it.

“You are really warm.” I told her. “Do you want me to cancel tonight?”

“No, you should still go.”

“They wanted to meet you, officially. I’m not gonna go without you.”

“I will be sitting home. You have to go. Go for me.”

“We will see how you are feeling in a little while. I made the reservations for 7:00, so we still have some time.”

“Alright, but if I can’t go… you still have to.” She told me.

“Just rest, you need to get better in a few hours.”

“Jeff, I’m serious. You need to go. You don’t see your family that much. I will be here when you get back.”

“Let’s not worry about later. Let’s just worry about now. This is the only thing I want to be doing. Trying to make you feel better.”

“Well, it’s working.” She pulled herself away from me so that she could roll over to face me. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked, placing my hands in hers.

I saw her look down and smile a little. I knew she was thinking just what I was… our fingers fit perfectly together.

“Just for everything. You have been here for me every day—completely there for me. There isn’t anyone else I can say that about.”

“I love you.” I told her and I kissed her cheek.

“I love you too… now I really know that I love you and I am not embarrassed or scared to say it.”

I smiled at her and she kissed me.

“I love you, Jeff Skinner—with all my heart.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Day off from school, so between my homework, I am writing a little.