Status: Active (:

Crashing Into Nothing.

I've lost focus now

"I'm so hungover." Ansley said as she walked into the kitchen to find Caydence making breakfast.
"I bet you are."
"I don't even remember much past my third drink. What happened last night?" She said reaching into the fridge to grab some orange juice.
"All I know is you had sex with Kennedy."
Ansley about choked on her orange juice when Caydence told her this.
"Did you just say I had sex with Kennedy?"
"Yeah." Caydence said as she kept cooking breakfast.
“I cheated on Max.” Ansley said covering her face with her hands.
“Yeah you did.”
“I can’t tell him.” Ansley said.
“That’s your decision not mine.” Caydence said she dished breakfast.
"So did you have fun last night?" Ansley asked changing the subject.
"Yeah. I was pretty bored though."
"I'm sorry." Ansley said as Caydence dished them breakfast.
"Cay did you see Garrett last night?"
"Yeah for about ten minutes."
"Oh how did that go?"
"Good we might have talked even longer if Lizzy didn't pull him away."
"Wait why did Lizzy pull him away?" Ansley asked.
"Did Lizzy ever give a name for the guy she is quote unquote talking to?"
"No she didn't." Ansley said trying to think with a pounding headache.
"Well I think she likes Garrett."
"She might." Ansley said drinking her orange juice.
"So what's your plans for today?" Caydence asked Ansley.
"I'm chilling at home might watch a movie."
"Do you want to have a movie day?" Caydence asked.
"Yeah sounds perfect to me. Let's watch Tangled." Ansley said smiling.
After breakfast Ansley and Caydence moved into the living room to watch Tangle. Caydence sat on the couch crossing her legs as Ansley put the DVD in.
They were about an hour into the movie when Ansley phone vibrated.
"Who is it?" Caydence asked her.
"I don't know the number." Ansley said pressing talk.
"Hello?" Ansley said not sure of who was going to be on the phone.
"Hey this is Ansley right?" A guy asked.
"Yeah who is this?"
"Oh hey Kennedy."
"I was wondering if we could meet and Starbuck and get something to drink and have some coffee soon." Kennedy said nervously.
"Yeah how about tomorrow at eleven?"
"Sound perfect." Kennedy said.
"I'll talk to you later." Ansley said.
"Ok bye."
The two hung up and Ansley laid her phone down.
"So are you going to tell Kennedy you have a boyfriend?" Caydence asked giving Ansley a weird look.
"Yeah." Ansley said un pausing the movie.

It was Sunday morning and Ansley was getting ready to go get coffee with Kennedy.
When she got out of her car she saw Kennedy sitting at a table outside.
"Hi." Ansley said waving.
"Hey Ansley." Kennedy said standing up.
"What do you want to drink?" Kennedy asked her.
"Chai tea frappuccino please." She said smiling.
Kennedy went inside and order both of them something to drink.
He walked outside and hand her drink, and sat down.
"Ansley I need to ask you a question."
"Yeah anything."
"I remember nothing from Friday night pass making us are third drinks, and some how I ended up with your number on my arm."
"Yeah neither do I."
"Do you have any clue what we did?" He asked concerned.
"Um yeah we had sex." She said looking down at the table.
"What? How do you know that?" Kennedy asked shocked.
"Because I told Caydence that night."
"Fuck this isn't good." Kennedy said shocked.
“Yeah I know I cheated on my boyfriend.”
“Did you just say you have a boyfriend?” He asked confused.
“Yeah.” She said taking a drink of her drink.
“So that can’t happen again?”
“No it can’t.” Ansley said.
“Are we still able to hang out and be friends?” Kennedy asked.
“Yeah I would like that.” Ansley said smiling.
“So this might be awkward, but how long have you been with your boyfriend?”
“For nine months now.”
“Wow that’s a long time. If you been with him for so long why did you hook up with me?” Kennedy asked really wanting to know.
“Because to be honest with you I like you more then I should.”
“Ansley how old are you?” Kennedy asked.
“I’m nineteen.”
“Ok I feel old now. I’m twenty-two almost twenty-three.”
“That what three and a half years older then me that not a big deal.”
“Kennedy I’m sorry but I need to get going. I have family stuff to deal with today.”
Ansley and Kennedy stood up. Ansley went to walk away when Kennedy pulled her into a hug.
“Bye Ansley.” He whispered into her ear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title's from Hey Monday's Run Don't Walk.
So this is kinda a filler. Let me know what you think is going to happen with both Caydence, and Ansley.
please comment and subscribe. I would love some feedback
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