Sequel: For Emma

Skinny Love

Pour a little salt, we were never here.

I met him on a Saturday night. He was walking past me, and when he noticed my sad face, he put his thumbs up. He flashed me one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen. I only knew his name. That was it. But I fell for him. Right that one second, those sparkling eyes that looked into mine. It was enough to make my heart skip a beat. It was enough for me to be glued to the floor. Enough to make my palms sweat, my fingers tremble and my jaw to drop.

I saw him a few more times that night. Every action he did - unaware of me staring - put a smile upon my face. I never believed in love at first sight. Hell, I didn’t even believe in love itself. But it all changed from the moment I saw him. I couldn’t even talk to him. I couldn’t even speak when he was near. My heart just stopped.

I never saw a perfect human being like him. Perfection was something you could not reach. That was what I always told myself. I always wanted to be beautiful, to be skinny, to be perfect. But I couldn’t, because perfection could not be reached.
But I was wrong. I knew he was perfection. He was far beyond perfection. There wasn’t a single word that was good enough to describe him.

When I got home, I went on my laptop. I looked him up on the internet. It didn’t take me long to find his blog. It turned out he was a photographer and a writer. Something I both enjoyed thoroughly. After a few days, I got the courage to talk to him. I was nothing but a simple sixteen year old. I still am.
He replied in the most delicate way with the most beautiful words a human could ever put down. I asked him if he would be able to give me some advice. My life was a mess. He seemed so intelligent. He was like a gift from above. He let me put my story down, I even shed a tear or two while doing so. I wasn’t scared for his reaction, because I didn't have a thing to lose, did I?

But when I received his reply to my life story, I fell for him. One of the things he told me, was this:
‘Nothing is impossible, so long as you’ve the will within yourself to allow it life.’

And that’s when I realized. You shouldn’t wait for amazing moments to come along. You should create them yourself. Until this day, I still email him every few days. He has become a huge part of my life. The way I look at everything has changed, just because of him.
He has made me a better human, and I couldn’t be him more thankful.
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This chapter is actually a true story, the next one will consist out of my pure imagination.