A Change in History

Being Me

It was an ordinary day in the life of Rosetta, hhe awoke to the great news that her friend Jai would be coming to live with her. Excited about the news, she jumped out of bed and began to look for clothes to wear. As she dug through the piles of clothes she had lying all over the floor she found her black mini and her black corset. She put her clothes and her army boots on. As her phone began to ring, she started to search for it underneath the piles of clothes. Finally she found it. As she looked at the caller ID, she plopped down on her bed which was hardly visible at all.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

“Hey, guess what?’


“I’m here! Do you want me to meet you at our place?”

Rosetta had a two bedroom apartment located in downtown LA, not at the heart of LA but on the outskirts of it. Jai would be moving in with her.

“Yeah, you have the directions right?”

“Yes I do.”

“Okay then I’ll be waiting for you. Call me when you’re here!”

“Okay will do!!”

Just then she realized how hungry she was, she began to wonder if she should make her self some thing or just go out and get some thing to eat.

As she walked over to her refrigerator, she opened it and looked inside. To her dismay, she didn’t have anything to eat. She bit down on her lip and thought to herself “What can I eat?”

She quickly got her purse and her keys and walked out of the apartment. Locking the door behind her, she practically ran down the stairs to the busy streets of LA. She began to walk down the street and found a McDonald's. She made a not so pleased face but still opened the door to walk in.As soon as she got in her phone began to ring again, Jai was calling her, so she began to dig for her phone in her purse.


“Okay I’m here in front of your building.”

“Okay, wait there, I'll be there in two seconds.”

“Where did you go?”

“Well I was going to get some breakfast at Mickey D’s but you’re here so I'll wait.”

“Eww no, don’t eat that crap. We can go to Ihop or something.”

“Okay then. I'll be there in a second.”

She ran out of the McDonald's and began to walk back towards her building.

She found that Jai was literally outside of her building. The biggest smile crept up on her face as she saw Jai standing there in amazement.

Jai was tall about 5’3 with blue eyes and black hair. Not your average type of girl, she wore a black top that had the Mummy on the front, army pants, and her army boots. Her hair was styled in a mohawk. Very odd to see a girl with hair like that especially in LA. She ran towards her and gave her the biggest hug.

“Oh I missed you so much, my Rose!” That was her nick name for Rosetta.

“I missed you too, Jai!”

“Alright, enough with the queerness. I’m starving; let’s go to IHOP!”


Same Jai she’s always known. Rosetta mentioned that it would be best if they took her car since Jai’s car was filled with all of her belongings. They began to walk towards the parking structure and got in her car. They began to drive in search of IHOP.

“So are you excited to be here finally? I mean, it did take you forever!”

“Of course I am, I’m just very tired and hungry.”

“Don’t worry, once we eat, I promise we will get you settled in. Then you can take as long of a nap as you wish.”

“Why thank you, that sounds very promising, doll.”

They began to approach an IHOP, but as Rosetta began to pull into the parking lot, Jai screamed, “Watch out!”

Rosetta’s eyes grew in shock as she saw there was a small black kitten. The poor kitten was in fear, shaking on the ground. Jai got out of the car and walked over to the poor ball of fur lying on the ground. The poor kitten was shaking so badly that Jai took the kitten into her arms and walked back towards the car. She climbed back in the passenger seat and began to search the kitten for a collar.

“He doesn’t seem to have a collar.”

“You know what, maybe we should keep it and make it our own...”

Rosetta’s words began to trail of as she realized she still hadn’t parked. She began to drive off and found a parking spot and pulled in.

“Maybe we should. The poor thing, he’s still shaking.”

“You know what? I agree and we should name him some thing like “Cadaverous” or “Regiments”. Something like that.”

“Rosetta, come on, it has to be a good name. What about Binx?”

“That sounds like a good name. Binx it is.”

“Do you still want to get breakfast?”

“Honestly no, let’s just get this little guy home.”

As Rosetta and Jai headed back to her place, Rosetta’s phone began to ring once again. Fumbling through her purse, she began to feel the smooth edges of it slipping through her fingers. The last thing she was able to hold on to was the antenna on her cell.

“I got you, don’t hang up, don’t hang up…”

As she looked at her cell to see who was calling, she could read it said “private” on the caller ID.


All she could hear on the other end was silence and loud music playing. "Hello, Rosetta.”

She knew it was her brother Kevin on the other end.

“Kevin, I’ve told you thousands of times, don’t block your call. One of these days I’m not going to answer!”

“I know, I’m sorry, I meant to unblock it. Anyways, I was wondering what you were doing tonight.”

Kevin was in a band; a really good one at that. It was very well known in the LA area.

“Well, Jai is finally here and I was going to help her get settled in. Why?”

“Well, there is this show we are going to be playing at the Crest. I was kind of wondering if you could come. I can get you and your friend in for free.”

His voice began to trail off. His voice sounding more desperate than ever; she knew her brother wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. “Hmm Kev…”

“Please sis, I’ll love you forever.”

“Kevin, you’re supposed to love me regardless; I’m your sister.”


“Okay fine, I'll be there. What time?”

“At 8:00pm.”

“Okay, I'll see you there.”

Finding that she now had to help Jai unpack as quickly as possible, get ready to go to the Crest, as well as break in the new kitten, she began to feel overwhelmed. She began to speak to Jai who had now fallen asleep. She smiled and then nudged her and as she said., “Hey, don’t you think we should go buy the kitten some new stuff?”

“Yeah, it would be a great idea.”

As Rosetta began to continue driving to find a pet store, she figured she would casually bring up the whole show thing to Jai. Seeing as how Jai had fallen asleep during the whole drive home, she figured she heard nothing of it. When they reached the pet shop, Rosetta began to pull in to the parking lot and looked for a parking spot. After she found one, they got out and began walking towards the entrance of the pet store, Jai holding the little kitten in her hands and petting it.

Rossetta stopped and began to think to her self how adorable Jai looked holding that kitten in her hands. Holding it as if it had been the only piece of warmth in her life. The only thing Rossetta could think to herself was how much she wished that she could make her happy.
She began to walk over to Jai speaking as she walked she said, “We should get all his things in black and red.”

As she held a black bowl in Jai’s direction, she simply looked at Rossetta and smiled.

Rossetta couldn’t help but think to her self, “I knew that was the right bowl for Binx. Although it may seem silly, that kitten seemed like the completion to what I had been searching for. Now I know that I myself am still confused, I know Jai is bi and to be quite honest, I’m not sure if it is simply because I am lonely, but I’m beginning to find that this feeling is much more comforting that loneliness.”

As they walked down the isle to pay for the things they had picked out for the kitten, Rossetta couldn’t help but smile. Now lingering in her head this thought of confusion on weather she was just really lonely or if she genuinely liked Jai in such a manner. Looking towards Jai, she smiled and said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m still hungry.”

“No, I am too. What do you want to get to eat after we drop off the kitten?”

“Well, I was already planning on getting some McDonald's but I don’t know if you are up for it.”

Jai stopped and answered with hesitation, “No, yeah, of course I’m okay with eating there.”

Once they got to the register, they paid for the kitten’s things and began to walk out the door.
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So I personally think this chapter suck's a bit. Please tell me what you think and I will be adding more depending on how well this story is liked.