A Change in History

The Arrival of new begining's

As they got in the car, they began to drive back to Rosetta’s apartment. Once they arrived at their place they got the stuff down from the car and began up the stairs to the third floor. Rosetta opened the door for Jai to walk in and she did, picking out a small spot in the bathroom for the kitten’s things. Rosetta couldn’t stop smiling, she had realized that Jai felt at home already.

“Rose, can you come help me?”

“Sure hun, what do you need help with?”

“Can you put the kitty litter in the bin?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Rosetta opened the bag of kitty litter and poured it in. Jai had already filled the bowls with food and water. She quickly put the collar on the kitten.

“Jai, don’t you think we should give it a bath first?”

“Yeah, do you have a towel that you don’t use?”

“Yeah, look in that cupboard. Just use whichever one. Hey, when do you want to start unpacking?”

“ I was thinking how about we leave that for tomorrow. I mean, we do have your brother’s show to go to…”

She was now looking at Rosetta in such a manner that Rosetta felt guilty for not telling her.

“You heard me on the phone?”

“Yes, when were you going to tell me?”

“Actually I was going to bring it up right now but you beat me to it. So I guess it’s safe to say we are going?”

“Yes, you know I never turn down a show!”

“Okay then. After breakfast we can begin to get some clothes out for you to wear and I swear tomorrow we will unpack all of your stuff. Sound good?”

“That sounds great, my Rose.”

As they began to look for clothes to wear to the show and to get ready to embark on a night of drunkenness.

“What do you think I should wear? Should I wear my pleated skirt, or my black and blue mini?”

“Honestly, I think you can wear anything and still look hot in it. So in that case, I’m not much help, am I?”

“Not really, but I think I am going to wear my black corset with my black ruffled mini.”

“Whatever you choose to wear, you will look great so it’s up to you.”

As Rosetta dug deep in between the heaps of clothes in her closet, she could clearly see the black shade of cloth that was her mini.

“Come on, I got you...”

As she snatched it up, she realized it was snagged on something. She didn’t want to continue to pull; she feared it would rip. She finally was able to unsnag the piece of black cloth that was being held by the front part of one of her corsets.

“Ha, I got you now to see what I can wear with you.”

As she continued to look all over the pile of clothes, she found a black corset with a red ribbon on the back to lace it together.

“This is what I shall wear to the show.”

As she turned to look over at Jai she saw her choosing a shirt out of her own pile of clothes and decided that she would begin to get ready for the show. She decided that she would take a quick shower while Jai decided what to wear. As she removed her clothes in the shower, she began to see the scars. The scars that she had caused herself while she was in pain without any release and all she seemed to find comfort in was the gentle feel of the razor blade on her skin. She was ashamed, of course, but there was nothing she could do about it; these were scars that would forever remind her of the pain that had been caused by a close relative. She had never spoken about it to any one; she feared that they would blame her for it.

She shrugged off the feeling and jumped in the shower. Scrubbing her body and hair, she washed off all of the unnatural things that come from a days of strolling in Los Angeles.

Once she was done showering she got out and took a second to stare at herself in the mirror to see what every one else saw when they would say how pretty she was. All she saw was a lost girl staring back at her. She smiled and said, “Well, we have to move on somehow, right?”

She gave herself a faint smile and turned away to begin to get ready for the show. She put on the black mini and corset. Still attempting to keep her confidence up, she smiled and said, “We look good.”

With a grin on her face she walked out of the bathroom. All she could see was Jai standing outside of the bathroom door, staring at her in disbelief.

“Wow, Rose, you look great!” She was in shock.

Rose responded, “And I’m not even wearing makeup yet.”

Jai laughed and simply responded as she placed her hand on Rose’s face. “Honey, you don’t need any make up. You’re beautiful as you are.”

All Rose could seem to do was smile and blush.

“Thanks Jai, you’re sweet. Now get your ass in that shower so we can get going soon” .

With a smile on her face Jai walked into the rest room to take a shower.

As Rose stared at herself in the mirror, she began to put on her makeup. Before she realized it, it was time for the show and Jai was ready as well. As excited as Rose was, they followed each other down the hall to put the finishing touches on their out fits. Giving each other one last glance, they gave each other the look of approval. They walked out to the parking structure where Rose’s car was parked at and hopped in the car. After a few good songs from Jai’s mix cd, they arrived at the Crest. They were greeted by Rose’s brother, Kevin.

“Thank you so much for coming, sis. You look great, by the way.”

“Thank you so much for coming, sis. You look great, by the way.”

“You’re very welcome. This is Jai. Jai, this is my brother, Kevin.”

Jai shook his hand and replied, “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Knowing it was a lie, Rosetta simply smiled. As she began to look around, she began to see more members of Archaic Plague, her brother’s band. She began to introduce Jai to every one of them.

It wasn’t long before the band began to play and Jai and Rosetta began to drink the night away. Without a care in the world, they had fun head banging to the music of her brother’s band. It wasn’t long before they finished playing that Rosetta realized she had to get home. As she walked up to her brother and the rest of the band to say goodbye, her brother pulled her aside and said to her, “Please call me when you get home, sis.”

“Yes, yes, Kevin, I'll call you when we get home.”

After saying goodbye to everyone else, she got in the car with Jai and began her journey home.

Although Rosetta knew it wasn’t such a good idea to drive while she was under the influence of alcohol, she still drove home and managed to get home safe. She had forgotten to call her brother to let him know that she had gotten home safely because she was on the verge of falling asleep. It was all she wanted, to go to sleep and rest the alcohol off when her phone began to ring. Once again it read “private” on the caller ID. She answered in anger as she spat through the phone, “Who the hell is this?”

She heard Kevin on the other line say, “I told you to call me when you got home.”

To this she replied, “Well I seem to have forgotten like you forgot to unblock your call like I asked you to.”

“You know what, I’m not up for your bullshit games, Rosetta. You should have just called.”

As angry as she was, she didn’t think before speaking and said, “You know what? Fuck you. I don’t care. I’m home and that’s all there is to it. Seriously, sometimes I wish I could just wake up somewhere else with a different family. Goodbye.”

She hung up on her brother and fell asleep.
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I can see I had five reader's guy's please give me some feed back here ;)