A Change in History

Rude Awakening

As the morning approached, all she was dreaming about were the screaming fans of My Chemical Romance. She was dreaming that she was at one of their shows and Gerard had picked her out of the crowd to sing to her. She woke up extremely fast from her fantasy in hopes that it wasn’t a dream. As she began to open her eyes, all she could see was sunlight hitting her closed eyelids. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She looked around and all she saw was the inside of her Ford Probe.

“What the hell? Didn’t I make it home last night?”

She began to look around as she thought to her self, “Damn Kevin, I swear he’s always trying to pull some sort of trick on me. Where did he decide to park my car this time.”

Kevin had done this to her once before. He was attempting to teach Rossetta a lesson and decided to drive her to some random park and park her car there with her inside overnight. For Rossetta, it wasn’t anything new; she knew her brother. As she got out of her car to explore and see where he had decided to leave her stranded, she began to realize that these streets didn’t look at all familiar to her. She walked up to the corner of where she was parked and read the sign on the street. It read “Salter PL”. She thought to herself, “The only other place I’ve seen Salter PL was in a picture of Gerard Way’s driver’s license. No, Rossetta, get a grip of yourself; you can’t possibly be in New Jersey. That’s insanity.”

She continued to walk up the street, trying to convince herself that there must be some logical explanation for this.

As she walked down the street, she approached a house where out from the front door came storming out a skinny boy with glasses, and behind him another boy, a bit older than him and all Rossetta could hear as she approached them was, “Mikey, you know she didn’t mean to say that to you!”

She stared in amazement as she began to recognize the two boys as Gerard Way and his brother Mikey Way. As she realized this, she was in total shock and felt herself gasping for air, for these weren’t the Gerard and Mikey Way that she had been dreaming about. They looked much younger. As everything turned to black, she felt herself collapse onto the pavement.

As she began to wake up, she could only see the blurry silhouette of two men. When she was able to see clearly, she realized that she was staring straight into the eyes of Gerard Way as he began to say, “Are you okay?”

All Rossetta could think to ask was, “How did I get here? Where am I?”

Gerard simply stared at her and said, “You are in my house and you got here by me carrying you in here. You passed out on the front yard. I’m Gerard and this is my brother Mikey.”

All Rossetta could do was stare in amazement. She thought to herself, “No, this can’t be, I must still be dreaming.”

As Gerard asked her, “What’s your name?”, she clearly responded, “Rossetta”

She sat up on the couch and was in complete disbelief. She couldn’t believe what was happening; she was in the Way’s house and they seemed to act as if they were just normal people. She turned to look around the house as she saw a figure approaching them. It was an old woman. She stared at Rossetta, then turned to look at both Gerard and his brother. She began to open her mouth to speak.

“Who is this?”

Gerard calmly replied, “Grandma, this is Rossetta. She passed out in front of the house and we brought her in.”

He turned and looked at Rossetta and said, “Rossetta, this is our grandmother, Elena”

Rossetta was in even more shock to hear that their grandmother was still alive and standing in front of her, extending her hand out to her to greet her.

Although she couldn’t understand what was happening, she decided that she would just go with it. She figured what’s the worst that can happen, right? As Gerard began to speak to Rossetta once more, he said to her, “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

All Rossetta could think of saying was, “Yes, you’re the famous Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance” but she just couldn’t seem to bring herself to say it. She simply smiled and said, “I don’t know but you do look familiar to me, as well.”

He paused as he thought to himself and then began to speak once more.

“Ah yes, you live in the same apartment building that I do and I do believe that you work with me, as well. Am I right?”

Rossetta stared at him and thought to herself to just agree, there is a reason for everything. She smiled and said, “Is that where I know you from?”

As Gerard replied, “Yes it is. What are you doing in Jersey?”

At that moment Rossetta realized that this was no longer a dream and she really was in Jersey, clearly before My Chemical Romance became a band. She then answered, “To be honest, I got kind of lost. Do you think you can direct me in the way of my apartment?”

“Of course. I was actually just leaving when we bumped in to you. If you’d like, you can follow me.”

“Yes, that’s fine. I'll follow you.”

Still confused by the events that were taking place, she followed Gerard to his car as he turned to her and said, “Where are you parked?”

“I’m actually right around the corner here.”

“Well, I'll wait for you.”

Rossetta began to walk to her car and thought to herself, “Kevin I’m going to kill you when I get back to California." She then thought to herself, “Hey, why don’t I call him?”

She pulled her cell out of her pocket and began looking down the list of numbers she had saved on there. Reaching Kevin’s number, she pressed “talk” on her phone to her surprise it rang once and an operator ‘s message came on saying, “I’m sorry, you have dialed an incorrect number. Please hang up and try again”

As she reached her car, she hung up the phone in disbelief. How could this be that her brother’s number was incorrect? She got back in her car and turned it on as she saw Gerard’s car pull up beside her's. He waved, letting her know to follow him.

All through the ride home, she kept thinking, “How can this be? There must be a logical explanation for this.”

As they approached an apartment complex, Gerard pulled up beside her and said, “Home sweet home. That’s your parking spot.”

As he signaled her towards an empty parking spot, she began to drive towards it and parked in it.
Still she thought she was going crazy as she sat in her car for a few seconds until she heard a tapping on her window. She turned to see that familiar face once more. She rolled her window down and Gerard said, “Are you going to get out?”

Rossetta simply looked at him and said, “Yes, I was just waiting for you.”

He smiled, a wonderful soft and warm smile that melted Rossetta’s heart. She began to get out of the car and followed him towards the apartments.

“So, what apartment do you live in?”

“Actually I’m right next to you. You’re my neighbor and well, to be honest, this is the first time I’ve actually gotten to talk to you.”

“Really? Wow. You would think that as neighbors we would talk more.”

He simply looked at her and blushed. They reached what seemed to be Gerard’s apartment and he said, “Well, this is me. It was nice talking to you, Rossetta. Maybe next time we talk it will be in different circumstances.”

Rossetta just smiled and said, “Yes, it was very nice talking to you to. I’ll see you around and definitely under different circumstances.”

They waved and Rossetta walked to the door next to Gerard’s. She watched him as he went in and began to look in her key chain for a key that would open the door she was standing in front of. She finally pushed in a key that didn’t look at all familiar to her, and the door opened. To her surprise, she walked in and saw pictures of her on the shelves. As she walked closer to the shelves as she closed the door behind her, she saw pictures of her family: pictures that she had seen before in her mother’s old box of pictures. She was completely confused as she looked at a picture of her and her brother; her brother was not older than her but younger. At this point she knew she had to get a hold of him and find out what was going on and what could have made him so upset for him to go this far to teach her a lesson. She picked up her cell phone and dialed her mom’s house. The voice on the other line answered, “Hello?”

“Mom? It’s Rossetta.”

“Hey honey, how are you?”

“I’m okay, um, I was just wondering if I could talk to Kevin for a bit.”

“Why of course you can, hold on.”

All she could hear was her mother’s voice calling for Kevin. As she waited, she heard the familiar voice of her brother on the other line.

“Hey sis, how are you?”

“I’m okay, but I’m wondering what I did for you to send me all the way to New Jersey?”

He paused and then said, “Um, are you okay, sis? Don’t you remember you left because you went to college and you decided you liked New York and got a place there and started to work out there?”

Rossetta couldn’t believe what she was hearing. So she continued.

“What? I was just with you last night watching your band perform at The Crest.”

“What band? I don’t have a band.”

“What are you talking about? Archaic Plague. That’s the name of your band with Josh and Erick and Sal and James.”

“I’m sorry, sis, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a band; I’m just learning how to play the guitar.”

She then realized that he was telling the truth and said, “I’m sorry about that bro, I have to get going so I'll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay sis. Take care. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”
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Please guy's let me know you if you like it or not. i need to know if it sucks and I should just kill it now or if it's good and I should continue it.